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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
holyghost Hi, I started on a D&D : Eye of the beholder game written in Raku, I just uploaded the first version (0.1.1), see for EyeofTheBeholder in zef 18:52
It's just a start for now
It's abandonware from 1991 except for the GBA version 18:57
Most likely I am just going to program the system, not the graphics fully
But there's room for that in other programs
librasteve holyghost: ++ 19:00
lizmat I'm afraid this is again vaporware 19:11
:-( 19:12
tbrowder m: sub f(:a(:$b) = 1) { say $a; say $b }; f 19:20
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$a' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> sub f(:a(:$b) = 1) { say ⏏$a; say $b }; f
tbrowder hm, it looks like defining an alias named arg negates being able to assign a default value. tell me that isn't true 😭 19:23
if it's possible i know lizmat can demo it 😄 19:25
lizmat m: sub f(:a(:$b) = 1) { say $b }; f 19:26
camelia 1
lizmat $a doesn't exist within the scope of the sub, it can just be used as a named argument 19:27
m: sub f(:a(:$b) = 1) { say $b }; f :a<foo>
camelia foo
tbrowder docs don't say explicitly, but i don't see an example, either
lizmat m: sub f(:a(:$b) = 1) { say $b }; f :b<foo>
camelia foo
lizmat :a(:$b) syntax means: allow both "a" and "b" as named argument, but store the result from either in $b 19:28
tbrowder oh, i see, thanks! that's fine since it doesn't affect the caller 19:30
lizmat indeed :-)
tbrowder i think docs do mention that way before the description--there's a lot of raku prose in that area 19:32
Manifest0 lizmat, just a heads up, I opened a ticket against DBIish: github.com/raku-community-modules/...issues/236 20:46