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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ab5tract .seen nxadm 00:02
tellable6 ab5tract, I haven't seen nxadm around, did you mean nadim?
tellable6_ ab5tract, I haven't seen nxadm around, did you mean nadim?
MasterDuke isn't that El_Che? 00:04
ab5tract ah, could be 00:05
.tell El_Che is there any way I could contribute arm64 editions of rakudo-pkg? 00:06
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to El_Che
tellable6_ ab5tract, Sorry kid, that's not my department.
ab5tract tellable6_: love you babe
tellable6 ab5tract, I haven't seen love around, did you mean olve?
tellable6_ ab5tract, I haven't seen love around, did you mean olve?
MasterDuke heh. i think lizmat kicked the _ version from #raku-dev, don't know who can do that here/now 00:08
oh, they all have _ versions right now
xinming when we use rakubrew to upgrade the raku version, What is the best way to re-install all modules in old raku installation? 02:36
MasterDuke you shouldn't *need* to 02:41
xinming MasterDuke: ?? 02:43
MasterDuke installed modules should just continue to work
xinming When I upgrade the raku version, the old script doesn't run at all?
hmm, I'll try again
MasterDuke: Here, after I switch the raku version, and run script which needs JSON::Fast, It seems I need to reinstall the JSON::Fast 02:48
MasterDuke i'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen. but i don't use rakubrew, so can't say for sure with it. might be worth filing an issue for rakubrew 02:50
xinming MasterDuke: Alright, Yea, i think it's rakubrew's issue
stackoverflow.com/questions/645866...g-rakubrew <--- got one sollution from here, But need to confirm this is the only way, Or there maybe other better ways to do things 02:51
ab5tract hm, despite this fix (github.com/Raku/ake/commit/8490d63...2c1d0d10), I got an test error due to PERL6LIB being set while handrolling a Blin docker image last night.. 10:00
installing it locally worked just fine
lizmat perhaps RAKUDO_NO_DEPRECATIONS=1 could help? 10:06
ab5tract ah, good idea.. I went a bit hamfisted and specified `--force-test`, but that option is way better 10:07
still, it's definitely a bit confusing.. the version specified is 0.1.2 and the auth is zef:raku-community-modules 10:09
ab5tract lizmat++, that worked out perfectly 11:13
lizmat :-) 11:14
tbrowder hi, how can i apply a subset type on a named arg in a sub without requiring it to be defined? i'll try to do a simple demo here. 11:26
m: subset X of Str where { $_ = "x"}; sub f($a, X :$b) {}; f(4); 11:29
camelia assign requires a concrete object (got a Str type object instead)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat s/=/eq/ ?? 11:30
tbrowder m: sub f($a, :$b) {}; f(4); 11:31
camelia ( no output )
patrickb In typical setups modules are not shared between versions in rakubrew. 11:33
tbrowder actually the where block was too simple. i have to go but the real question is: is it possible to constrain a named but optional param? 11:34
patrickb That's dependent on where zef installs the modules. By default they are put in the repos in the respective rakudo installations. Thus they are not shared.
To make them available across installations one needs to install them into a shared repo. Typically into the home folder. (.zef/ ?) 11:35
lizmat m: sub a(Str:D :$foo) { }; a :foo(42) 11:36
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '$foo'; expected Str but got Int (42)
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
patrickb That can be done by adapting the zef config, or implicitly, by making the repos in the rakudo installations read only.
lizmat tbrowder: the answer is: yes?
ab5tract patrickb: Maybe a nice feature to add to rakubrew would be to optionally note existing installed packages and then install them into the new version 11:49
I’ve run into the same scenario as tbrowder, subset types turn optional nameds into required nameds 11:52
tbrowder: just add a truthiness check to the where clause 11:56
m: subset S where { !$_ || $_ > 0 }; sub s(S :$s) { dd $s }; s(:s(45)); s();
camelia 45
ab5tract or add a compatible default value (could be a sentinel) 12:00
m: subset S where { $_ > 0 }; sub s(S :$s = 42) { dd $s }; s(:s(45)); s();
camelia 45
tbrowder ah, i think i have solution: make the default values be zero: 12:10
m: subset X of Any where { $_ ~~ / 0 | a | b /}; sub f($a, :b(0)) { say $a} ; f(1) 12:13
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> re { $_ ~~ / 0 | a | b /}; sub f($a, :b(⏏50)) { say $a} ; f(1)
tbrowder oops, forgot sub f($a, X :b(0)){} 12:15
m: subset X of Any where { $_ ~~ 0 |a|b}; sub f($a, X :b(0)) { say $a}; f(1) 12:17
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid typename 'b' in parameter declaration.
at <tmp>:1
------> y where { $_ ~~ 0 |a|b}; sub f($a, X :b(⏏50)) { say $a}; f(1)
tbrowder m: subset X of Any where {$_ ~~ /0 |a/}; sub f($a, X :$b = 0) {say $a}; f(1) 12:20
camelia 1
tbrowder eureka!
ab5tract did you miss when I suggested this before? :)
tbrowder did not see it 12:21
ab5tract you can also do `where { !$_ || ... }`
though a better check would be `$_ ~~ Any:U || ...` 12:22
tbrowder thnx!
bye 12:23
ab5tract ciao o/
is there something like `callsame` but for invoking the next where clause (if any)? something like `subset Maybe where { $_ ~~ Any:U || nextconstraint }` might be nice to have, though it's just a random idea that popped up from this discussion so I'm not sure how feasible / sensible it might be 12:35
right now you can just `||` two subsets from with a third subset, so I guess it's really not unlocking anything particularly useful and probably would generally result in confusing subset hierarchies 12:41
librasteve i run rakubrew and a new rakudo version also means a reinstall of all modules for me - i would love to hear if there’s a command / option to preserve the modules repo? 13:20
zen install App::Crag is a simple way to bring in all the pieces of Physics::Measure etc 13:24
.oO 13:26
hmm - I could make a personal uber module with all my faves as META6 dependencies and then go zef install github.com/librasteve/my-uber.git 13:29
ugexe you could run `zef list --installed site vendor 2> /dev/null` to get a list of all the non-core modules installed, which can be fed to zef install 14:08
ab5tract ugexe++ 14:21
now we just need to roll that into a `rakubrew` flag
ugexe m: for <site vendor> -> $repo-name { say $_ for CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name($repo-name).installed().map({ CompUnit::Repository::Distribution.new($_).Str }) } 14:33
camelia ( no output )
ugexe that also works
xinming ugexe++ 15:24
librasteve something needs to persist over the rakubrew switch, this incantation is close (but it failedwhen I tried it) 15:46
zef list --installed site vendor 2> /dev/null > scum/zefs.txt rakubrew switch moar-2024.04 cat scum/zefs.txt | xargs zef install % 15:47
patrickb I'm a bit hesitant to turn that into a rakubrew function. Is this a problem rakubrew should solve? Related idea: Changing where modules are getting installed. I don't like rakubrew changing the zef config permanently. ugexe, what do you think? 15:48
librasteve probably should write as a perl script (at last, a use for perl)
I think ugexe comment in the SO question pertinent, there are no guarantees that zef internals will remain consistent from one version to another 15:50
so the only official way needs to be a list, switch, reinstall - that seems at the meta level for rakubrew (also the current way means that all my modules are tested on the new version on the new zef install 15:52
ab5tract patrickb: it’s managing your Raku and zef installations… it seems like straightforward feature flag to me 🤷 15:56
ugexe changing where modules get installed (i.e. a non-site or vendor repo) means CompUnit::Repository::Staging doesn't get used, and hence installing would precomp twice 16:06
as to the question of is rakubrew should support it - i'd probably look at other existing *brew programs and see which ones also do that 16:08
for example
one might install a module that isnt in the ecosystem - for example they install from a local path 16:09
i'm not sure how "reinstall" can work for that
i think the advanced of users having to take a separate step to do it manually with zef is that they can probably reason about how to fix it 16:11
ugexe you can pass zef flags like --exclude=..., or just modify the list generated from the first step 16:12
ab5tract That’s a good point. One easy option would be just emitting a list of what couldn’t be installed, assuming one “missing” package doesn’t stop the overall install invocation 16:18
ugexe for the scenario where it is exactly one module that isn't a dependency of anything else yeah passing zef --force-resolve might be fine. but i would assume the more common case is that missing package is a dependency of other things, and those things of other things. So it not only has to skip multiple packages (even though only one is missing), it has to communicate all of that to the user while 16:27
also communicate the parts that succeeded, and probably also have an option for users to disable that (since some users might not want their repo to be in such a state). there is a lot of nuance like that which makes it difficult to express without a fair bit of verbosity
ab5tract fair enough. it's important to clarify that I am not suggesting making this a `rakubrew` default. I'm suggesting it as an option 16:30
tbrowder abstract: yr solution i think is more than i need for my use case. i’ll point you to it later after i get that working. after i posted the msg you responded to i left before i noticed yrs. 16:47
ref yr solution for constraints on named params… 16:49
ab5tract tbrowder: there were several workinig example solutions and one more or less wild idea. which are you referring to? :) 16:50
I think you are talking about the wild idea (`nextconstraint`)? 16:51
ugexe i think my ideal verbose solution would be something like `rakubrew --use=moar-2024.01 exec zef list --installed | rakubrew --use=moar-2024.02 zef install -`, i.e. make rakubrew able to run a single command as a specific raku (one for getting the list from, one for installing to), and then adding something to zef for reading from stdin 16:54
librasteve chatGPT says this: Each Python version managed by pyenv is isolated from the others, meaning that they have their own separate set of installed modules and packages. When you install a new version of Python using pyenv, it's like installing a fresh copy of Python with no additional modules or packages. You'll need to install any modules or packages you need separately for each version of Python you have installed. 19:53
ab5tract ugexe: any idea what can cause this issue with `Whateverable`? gist.github.com/ab5tract/9e894ef17...4e7ff56423 21:37
`Whateverable::Building` is listed as provided in `META6.json` but isn't findable .. but other modules provided by `Whateverable` are 21:38
[Coke] did yuo install it? 23:37
if not you need a -I. 23:38
(are you sure others arwn't installed, e.g.)
ab5tract As me 23:42
As mentioned, other modules provided by the distribution are available 23:43
ugexe zef locate Whateverable::Building 23:57
does that find it?
I can’t think of how that could happen beyond installing some older version that doesn’t have it (if even exist) 23:58