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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
SmokeMachine Everything seems to be fixed 00:00
jdv your talk is on or not? 00:07
antononcube @jdv 🙂 🙂 00:36
SmokeMachine It is on 01:42
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Geth ecosystem/main: 3526f947cc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Lingua::Number

It will live in the zef ecosystem as a Raku Community Module
09:26 jpn joined
lizmat or not at all, unless someone fixes the (apparent) GLR breakage 09:28
10:36 beanbrain left
tbrowder [Coke]: ref Text::Wrap and _ i think i see now why your solution should work for GraphQL by naming the specifics of *which* Text::Wrap. and looking at the number of open issues of _, i think that reinforces the importance of putting such modules where more than one person can fix it. 11:11
and also makes me want to be very specific about deps in my own stuff 11:13
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ab5tract antononcube: have you used this yet? github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-desktop 14:18
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antononcube @ab5stract Yeah. One is forced to upgrade to JupyterLab if the one wants to use the newest Pythone versions and packages. 16:54
I do not like Jupyter that much, I do not like using it over a "standard" web browser like Safari or Chrome. I use the Jupyter framework mostly through VS Code (or VSCodium) and PyCharm / IntelliJ. 16:56
This package "Statistics::LinearRegression" seems old and the author has not published anything since 2017. Should it be made a community package? 16:57
To clarify, I want to use "Statistics::LinearRegression" (or similar) in a presentation, but I do not like the signatures of "Statistics::LinearRegression". I am willing to change them to a better set if that package is a community package. 16:59
@a5tract Sorry, I misread the the repository. I have JupyterLab but I have not used JupyterLab Desktop. 17:00
I might try it and see can I use it for the latest presentation I plan to make. 17:01
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tbrowder antononcube: +1 for making it a community module 18:05
antononcube @ab5tract I tried JupyterLab Desktop -- it is the same as JupyterLab, "just" with its own browser. I cannot use them because they do not display / render JavasCript graphics . 18:19
ab5tract Ah, I see.. that’s disappointing 18:24
JavaScript graphics == Canvas?
antononcube @ab5tract No, not Canvas. I am using D3.js and Google Charts. 18:28
ab5tract They have to either use canvas or render bitmap, no?
I guess SVG is the middle ground 18:29
antononcube No, idea do they use Canvas or not. I do not recall seeing anything with "canvas" in the corresponding code for them. 18:30
ab5tract “Charts are rendered using HTML5/SVG technology” — developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs 18:36
18:37 jpn joined
antononcube Which, I guess, means using "Canvas"? 18:39
aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine btw what did you decide to do regarding migrations for Red? 18:52
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again apologies for not getting back to you sooner, but work and other side projects have been occupying my tie 18:55
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SmokeMachine aruniecrisps: that’s what I’m going to talk about… :) 19:02
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aruniecrisps that's awesome 19:26
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tbrowder [Coke]: i’m ready to fork GraphQL in my name. is just changing auth and updating (increasing “) ver num enough for now without a release yet? should Curt make one more update mentioning auth change before i publish any changes (sounds cleanest way to me)? 21:32
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