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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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ingy librasteve: I feel like what happened is that people who were not involved with TPRC in any way, saw the recordings come up on youtube, which was Perl heavy. Instead of thinking, damn I should have showed up to support Raku, people say how can they call this TP"R"C? 04:13
This is a Netflix show on Perl and Raku, it's 100% volunteer plan, attend, speak. The youtube recordings only document who actually showed up to speak. 04:14
"ISN'T a Netflix show..." 04:16
Organizing this thing is a thankless job that anyone is welcome to help with but only a few dedicated people do. Util is the most dedicated of all and 100% Raku. If all of you want to make it feel like The Raku and Perl Conference, there's nothing stopping you from making it happen. 04:20
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Xliff \o 10:51
Is there a way I can convert a module name (ala "Cro::HTTP::Server") and get its location on disk?
lizmat possibly the info is somewhere in here: dd $*REPO.repo-chain.first(*.?candidates("Cro::HTTP::Server")) 11:01
Xliff Hmm 'Nil = Nil' 11:02
antononcube @Xliff There is Distribution object : docs.raku.org/type/CompUnit#method_distribution 11:03
That has Distribution::Path : docs.raku.org/type/Distribution/Path 11:04
Xliff lizmat++ # Was running it with raw raku. It can do what I need. Thanks! 11:06
tbrowder ingy: i’m glad to hear that info. i have met Util at the 2 toc l’ve attended and do not remember him saying anything about that. i have written the perl org about hosting tpc in Pensacola but never got a response. i have to say transparency is not a mark one can use with them 11:10
btw, i can now ssh in to our macbook with just “ssh macos”, but it is weird inside it. 11:13
i was able to install homebrew. then “brew install raku” installed v2024.06. 11:14
but no zef! tried “brew install zef” but got msgs about zef being unknown. 11:16
i guess i need to install it the “old” way 11:17
oh, i meant to say Util is a very nice and helpful person, as well as a very smart guy. i enjoyed all his presentations, too. 11:20
SmokeMachine One of the best things on going to TPRC to me was to know util… 11:24
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antononcube As mentioned on Monday it seems I should D. Conway’s talk (because of the AI/LLM themes in it), but I still have not been curious enough to allocate the time and do it… 11:58
Now, of course we can use AI to
…show the world of TPRC according to @ingy. 11:59
(I.e. as a NETFLIX show.) 12:00
vendethiel It mentions AI en passant but not much more 12:01
antononcube @vendethiel Good to know -- from the LLM extracted summaries of his talk it seems LLM/AI had significant share. 12:05
vendethiel I haven’t read the summary, but the LLM hasn’t seen the talk :) 12:10
He started off the talk with an AI angle but it was really a set up 12:11
antononcube @vendethiel Well, the LLMs I used heard the talk.
I could have fed some image of talk's video recording, but I did not see the point. 12:12
(The talk is fairly long, hence, most likely many details on its main themes are given.)
Here is one of the LLM summaries I am talking about: github.com/antononcube/RakuForPred...ChatGPT.md 12:14
This one seems to give a faithful rendition of the number of Raku people attending TPRC-2024 and how they are seen by the Perl attendees: 12:22
That is the only one that got the conference title right: 12:24
(Out of nine attempts total...) 12:25
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[Coke] let's say I have a set of letters set<a b c> - if I wanted to get all the possible combinations of size 2, it's just ".combinations(2)" - what if I want all the combinations *allowing repeats*? do I have to manually construct all the possible repeating ones out of all the possible smaller combinations (which is simple in this case, but not where the size of the combinations is higher) 16:20
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[Coke] (in this case, I'd be trying to create a list with ((a a) (a b) (a c) (b a) (b b) (b c) (c a) (c b) (c c)) 16:23
ugh, this harder for larger differences. if I had a combination count of 5, and needed to "inflate" a 2-item combo of (a b), it could be done many different ways (a a a b b), (a a a a b)... Will take advantage of the fact that I will probably never have more than a single repeat. 16:29
is there method on baghash or similar that given a BagHash of "a b(2) c" returns <a b b c>? 16:37
antononcube @Coke It other words your are asking for permutations with repetitions, right? 16:38
[Coke] no, combinations 16:39
I don't care about order, but I wish to allow duplicates of individual elements.
antononcube Yeah, got it. 16:40
[Coke] (so I don't want (b a) and (a b) , but I do want (a a) and (b b))
(to clarify, I don't want *BOTH* of those first two)
I've already given up on this, btw, and am doing a cheat which will probably be fine (writing a wordle helper) 16:41
antononcube I am thinking using Cartesian product to get the tuples, sorting each tuple, then calling unique.
nahita3882 there is .kxxv for your second query although it promises no order 16:42
antononcube @Coke Close : (('a', 'b') X ('a', 'b'))».sort.unique ? 16:43
[Coke] that works for a combinations(2), but I am asking if there's a generic for any $n 16:45
antononcube my @data = <a b c>; ([X] |(@data xx 3))».sort.unique
I think the above does that -- I am still "evaluating it" for correctness. 16:46
[Coke] nice!
looks good at first glance. 16:47
antononcube Yeah, so far... 🙂
tbrowder ok, i’m getting ssh access to my our macbook. got homebrew working. got raku installed. 16:53
antononcube @Coke I think the unique invocation needs non-default settings for :as and :with. I see repetitions of some the tuples. 16:55
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tbrowder got zef installed from its cloned repo. question on setting exe paths for homebrew mac users: how are you setting paths? remote logins path setups are weird in linux. i assume it should be same with mac. anyone have a definitive answer? 17:00
antononcube @Coke Here is my revised code: my @data = <a b c>; ([X] |(@data xx 3)).unique(as => {$_.join(' ')});
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_grenzo @tbrowder: Exe paths, or lib paths? 17:14
[Coke] I'm a mac user, but I use rakubrew for installing raku, not homebrew 17:25
antononcube @tbrowder I strongly advice to use rakubrew on macOS
@tbrowder Agh, Coke beat me to it...
@tbrowder The alternative is to directly copy the raku distributions to the "/Applications" folder, but then you have manually give permissions to run for the related apps and libraries in the System Settings. 17:28
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[Coke] ? Why copy to Applications for command line use? 17:43
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antononcube @Coke Not a good reason. I was doing that initially because I did not know about / how to use rakubrew. 18:18
*No good reason... 18:19
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tbrowder [Coke]: so how do you install zef? 20:05
also rakubrew? 20:06
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[Coke] rakubrew build-zef 20:24
tbrowder thnx
[Coke] rakubrew.org/?platform=macos
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[Coke] depending on what you're doing, also see the Automation heading on that page 20:26
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patrickb when using "rakubrew download xxx" you don't need to install zef. It's already there. 21:20
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tbrowder erg, who is creating “brew install raku”? 21:26
it’s current but with no zef that i’ve found yet 21:27
rakubrew is not working for me yet. tried auto, haven’t yer tried the manual download either. 21:29
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antononcube @tbrowder Did you try brew install rakubrew ? 21:47
tbrowder hm, i don’t think so…i’ll see…thnx 22:01
nope, unknown 22:04
i’m gonna try manual zef install again with “zef install . -to=inst#~/.raku/bin” 22:09
then add that path to $PATH
or whatever the correct incantation is 22:20
ugexe how does rakubrew not work? it shoudl just work 22:25
you wouldnt install to ~/.raku/bin... i'm not sure where you got that from 22:26
if you want to install to the home repo you do -to=home
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tbrowder well google is worthless now that it’s embraced ai… 22:56
all i want to know is how to add another path segment to $ PATH in the homebrew environment 22:58