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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
melezhik. For those who use ci.sparrowhub.io , I am going to deprecate current yaml dsl in favor of pure Raku and migrate the whole system to sparky , eventually I am going to migrate all active projects to it, nothing will change for end users besides pipelines will be managed from centralized repositories via MRs . The reason is yamlish approach does not give any benefits and there is no need to use one more layer of 09:25
abstraction, pure Raku should be just, also I would like to give sparky more exposure instead of hiding it under current ci system , any thoughts, objections, suggestions , feel free to post here or on ci.sparrowhub.io gh repo
Some typos: pure Raku should be just fine. Will be managed from centralized repository ( singular form ) 09:26
antononcube Less YAML, more Raku -- got it. 09:53
melezhik. Yup 09:57
My original intent was to expand the system for none Raku users however after few years of it’s existence I don’t see any potential for that, so let it be just Raku , 😊 09:59
Also sparky has grown a lot since then and gained a lot of interesting features to be available and tried out in public 10:01
Like running builds manually with customized parameters and string job results via artifacts 10:02
patrickb melezhik: one difficult to get right, but really nice feature of CI / job systemx is sshing into the box. 10:21
vendethiel I'm getting a VMNull error with a somewhat convoluted sub x { for @a { for @b { return $_ with f($_) } } } but I can't golf it down :( 12:20
lizmat vendethiel is that on HEAD ? or on 2024.06 ? 12:25
vendethiel I'm rebuilding a new one from HEAD
still getting the same error 12:30
The module is public, so I can just commit the broken version if someone wants to take a look 12:31
return $_ with f("$_...") gives me the error, but my $dir = "$_..."; return $_ with f($dir); doesn't 12:32
m: for <a b c> { say "{.succ}"; } 12:33
Raku eval b c d
evalable6 b
vendethiel m: for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }
Raku eval Exit code: 1 No such method 'succ' for invocant of type 'VMNull' in block at main.raku line 1 in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'succ' for invocant of type 'VMNull'
in block at /tmp/SGg9jiYX5n line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/SGg9jiYX5n line 1
vendethiel here ^
the {} are apparently a no-go, I know it's a new block but the VMNull is still surprising. 12:34
lizmat m: Q| for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }|.AST 12:35
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: Q| for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }|.AST.EVAL
camelia b
lizmat looks like it is fixed in RakuAST
vendethiel nice :-) 12:36
feels funny to close a decade-old issue 13:04
lizmat vendethiel how did you determine it was a decade old issue ? 13:11
vendethiel ah no, sorry, I meant the issue I was working on when I encountered the bug 13:12
FWIW the bug was here: github.com/vendethiel/Sprockets.pl...kumod#L37. Changing $dir.IO to "{.&rm-trail}$(rm-trail $prefix)/".IO (note {}, not $().) errors with No such method 'dispatch:<var>' for invocant of type 'VMNull' 13:15
lizmat ah, ok :-) 13:19
vendethiel I'm very happy the RakuAST grant got approved
lizmat as well :-) 13:21
looking forward to nine finding the time to pick it up again
[Coke] is there a blog post? 13:37
jdv there was a post by tprf about approved grants a few weeks ago iirc 13:40
[Coke] I only saw the ask, not the approval. weird. 13:45
oh, it's a month old: news.perlfoundation.org/post/jun24...te-results 13:46
lizmat notices [Coke] doesn't read the weekly every week :-) 13:55
jdv that's how i found out 13:56
[Coke] It was a month ago. I probably read it and forgot at this poitn 14:14
cioran o/ 17:52
hey just heard about this
Raku have a preferred GUI toolkit you folks use to build out a GUI? 17:54
lizmat something like raku.land/zef:japhb/Terminal::Widgets ? 17:59
[Coke] I am guessing that's more TUI than GUI 18:00
cioran TUI? 18:04
lizmat on #raku-beginner the question was about a front-end for a CLI, so that's why I suggested Terminal::Widgets 18:05
[Coke] text user interface 18:07
I've used japhb's stuff to make a command line app that draws in a shell for some lo res gaming stuff which was nice.
patrickb there is GTk::simple and at least two large scale wip GTK projects (Xliff and martimm are the authors). 18:10
[Coke] several folks in #mugs for the text-based stuff. 18:11
patrickb Oh, there is Gnome::GTK3 (that's martimm, I guess it's not WIP anymore) 18:13
cioran Cool I will go there, apologies if this is the wrong place to discuss
Oh, no it's not gaming 18:14
patrickb This is the right place! 18:21
Just if it's specific to Terminal::Widgets, then mugs is right-er ;-)
[Coke] yup, no worries. 18:29
cioran IS raku backwards compatible with perl?
lizmat no 18:33
cioran Oh :( 18:34
cioran Nevermind I think I got it sorted, doing tk w/perl thx guys 18:36
antononcube @cioran There is "Inline::Perl5", that might work for you.
cioran Nah I gotta use perl and I think tk, but oddly an acquaintance of mine might be really into this MUGs which is his sorts of thing 18:39
I appreciate all the help folks :)
antononcube Good luck! 18:40
[Coke] ~~ 18:57