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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
guifa librasteve: the goal is to keep the definition of $y inside of the loop 00:28
this is me golfing something I saw in a larger code sample
basically, the value for $y is lost 00:29
wayland76 .tell tbrowder Oh! That makes sense. Thanks :) 00:37
tellable6 wayland76, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
[Coke] you can define the y as you invoke the loop 00:40
m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x;;) { $y--; say $y; return 42 if $y < 0 } }; foo 4 00:42
camelia 3
[Coke] m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x;$y<0;$y--) { say $y;} return 42}; foo 4 00:44
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Whitespace required before < operator
at <tmp>:1
------> ;$y<0;$y--) { say $y;} return 42}; foo 4⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
[Coke] m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x; $y < 0 ; $y--) { say $y;} return 42}; foo 4
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> p (my $y = $x; $y < 0 ; $y--) { say $y;}⏏ return 42}; foo 4
[Coke] m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x; $y >= 0 ; $y--) { say $y} return 42}; foo 4 00:46
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> p (my $y = $x; $y >= 0 ; $y--) { say $y}⏏ return 42}; foo 4
[Coke] m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x; $y >= 0 ; $y--) { say $y}; return 42}; foo 4 #sorry
camelia 4
[Coke] m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x; $y >= 0 ; $y--) { say $y}; return 42}; say foo 4 #sorry 00:48
camelia 4
[Coke] and there's the return value
ugexe that doesn't technically keep it in the loop
m: sub foo ($x) { loop (my $y = $x; $y >= 0 ; $y--) { }; say $y; return 42}; foo 4
camelia -1
[Coke] oops 00:53
even says so in the docs. apologies for the mislead 00:54
guifa again, I get that I can define it in other ways. I was trying to golf that the assignment is lost 01:00
m: while True { FIRST my $y = 3; say $y--; last if $y < 0 } 01:01
camelia 3
guifa the assignment to 3 should stick around 01:03
and so the output should be 3, 2, 1, 0
wayland76 m: while True { FIRST { my $y = 3; } say $y--; last if $y < 0 } 01:05
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> while True { FIRST { my $y = 3; }⏏ say $y--; last if $y < 0 }
expecting any of:
tellable6 2024-07-19T13:55:08Z #raku <tbrowder> wayland i was referring to the last part of the name: use a kebab-case alias
wayland76 m: while True { FIRST { my $y = 3; }; say $y--; last if $y < 0 }
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$y' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> while True { FIRST { my $y = 3; }; say ⏏$y--; last if $y < 0 }…
wayland76 m: while True { my $y FIRST { $y = 3; }; say $y--; last if $y < 0 } 01:06
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> while True { my $y⏏ FIRST { $y = 3; }; say $y--; last if $y
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
wayland76 m: while True { my $y; FIRST { $y = 3; }; say $y--; last if $y < 0 }
camelia 3
wayland76 m: sub foo ($x) { loop { my $y; FIRST $y = $x; $y--; return 42 if $y < 0 } } 01:07
camelia ( no output )
guifa I guess maybe it would need to be state ?
wayland76 m: sub foo ($x) { my $y; loop { FIRST $y = $x; $y--; say $y; return 42 if $y < 0 } }; foo 4 01:09
camelia 3
wayland76 There we go.
The question then is, should "my" declarations in a FIRST block be magically pushed up to an ancestor scope. 01:10
guifa The whole point of putting them inside the block is to show they're in that scope 01:12
bisectable: while True { FIRST my $y = 3; say $y--; last if $y < 0 } 01:13
bisectable6 guifa, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
guifa, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/32975a2d3f0e8587a9...04053c136c 01:14
guifa, bisect log: gist.github.com/cc018f08c28dfc5b6e...e3b486d8f8
guifa, Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/1e5937bfcd5828ea6b...bd309e0f44
wayland76 If I have an object in a variable, and I want to call the second match in the multiple dispatch queue, is there a way to do that? 01:28
gist.github.com/wayland/0aff53d9e8...56a64b59eb for an example of what I'm trying to do 01:30
Oh, I think nextcallee might work. 01:31
antononcube weekly: youtu.be/5qXgqqRZHow 02:10
notable6 antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
wayland76 In Pod6, is C<nextsame> supposed to work in tables? 02:32
ab5tract Do we already have a Raku tutorial/ integration for htmx? Or have I found a next project? 08:55
lizmat wayland: in old style tables in pod6, no 09:46
wayland: in rakudoc procedural tables, yes
github.com/Raku/RakuDoc-GAMMA/blob..._3.rakudoc 10:10
librasteve ab5stract: i have just made a website using htmx (mainly by cloning the htmx.org source) … it feels like the best path for my needs, although I’m still not quite sure where I’ll end up with CSS (bootstrap too old? tailwind too much js / too disruptive of the separation of concerns?) 10:46
i was thinking that something like Elm HTML library in raku that would make Htmx would be perfect … happy to apply some tuits to that if you need 10:47
wayland lizmat: Regarding the RakuDoc thing, should I interpret that as "Not yet, but it's coming"? 11:33
lizmat well, RakuDoc is very much a thing in RakuAST
so with RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 it should work 11:34
wayland OK. So if I submit a PR to the official Raku documentation, will it work?
Specifically, my PR at github.com/Raku/doc/pull/4501 has a table -- if I convert to the procedural style, will that be useful or counter-productive? 11:35
lizmat almost: finanalyst is working on getting the doc site generated using RakuDoc, and *then* it will work :-)
wayland Oh, right! Cool. Well, I'll leave my PR as is for now then. 11:36
lizmat it will be useful, but I don't need think it will be merged until finanalyst's work is live
which should be soon 11:37
as possibly before the 2024.07 release
wayland OK. I'm not that fussed. I half wrote it for myself anyway -- "Writing to learn" and all that.
lizmat ack :-)
wayland Anyway, I'm turning in, but enjoy the failing tests I PR'ed for Hash::Agnostic :p 11:39
lizmat :-)
ab5tract librasteve: sounds cool! 15:33
antononcube @ab5stract I wanted to understand "Hypermedia On Whatever you'd Like" but it is mostly filled with statements which I have to choose to believe or not. Well, I do not know that author and problem area, so, it those are just opinions. 15:56
@ab5stract Fortunately, I can refer to your opinion on this. So, what is your "belief" in that article? 50%? 80%? 15:58
ab5tract I believe it inasmuch as htmx can be coupled with Delphi.. so it seems that they’ve achieved their goal of decoupling htmx from $backends 18:52