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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:51 hulk joined 01:52 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:58 skyesoss left 03:15 vrurg joined 03:16 vrurg_ left 03:34 vrurg left, vrurg joined 03:39 Aedil joined 04:47 thaewrapt joined 05:09 whaler joined
whaler hi 05:09
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antononcube ๐Ÿ‘‹ 07:32
07:34 donaldh joined 07:46 Xliff_ joined
Xliff_ \o 07:46
Xliff_ just wrote a spectrum analyzer using his p6-GStreamer! :D 07:47
ab5tract Nice! Do you have a screenshot? 07:49
Xliff_ imgur.com/cj5uci3.png
Source code here: github.com/Xliff/p6-GStreamer/blob...trum-gui.e 07:51
As far as testing it yourself? I would recommend you have an Ubuntu install. 07:58
I'll be spending the rest of the week committing code across all of my projects because I've been working on this and other things the whole year. There is no guarantee that the repositories are fully updatewd. 07:59
Xliff_ was fixing bugs not 10 minutes ago... 08:00
ab5tract Looks great :)
I need to fix my Linux laptop.. I sort-of nuked it by cleaning all settings from a my home directory while planning to migrate the root partition to Guix 08:02
antononcube @Xliff The README of โ€œp6-GStreamerโ€ should say what is that project about. 08:03
08:32 bdju left, bdju joined 08:49 defaultxr joined, modula left
Xliff_ antoncube: I am well aware, except.... I'm not quite sure how to answer that. What's in there is the most acurate way to describe. 08:54
"Raku port to Gnome's GStreamer library"
I am only now getting my mind around what GStreamer really is. 08:55
08:55 sena_kun left
ab5tract Would โ€œwrapper ofโ€ perhaps be more accurate? 08:55
Xliff_ Yeah. It would! ab5tract++. Is that not what is there? That README was written years ago. 08:56
ab5tract Oh, I was responding to your quote, havenโ€™t checked the README
Xliff_ And you actually handled both! :) 08:57
ab5tract It also punts the โ€œwhat the heck is this thing?โ€ question onto the wrapped project ;)
If youโ€™ve got the time, pushing the same git repo to raku-GStreamer might be an idea as well 08:59
But thatโ€™s a small detail indeed 09:00
09:02 skyesoss joined 09:11 skyesoss left
Xliff_ When I get the time, I will. I keep forgetting. 09:15
There are a LOT of projects that need to do that. Might be better to do them at once. 09:16
And... you will take ".pm6" from my cold. dead. hands.
I was 8.3 born.
I gave up the 8 for lent. 09:17
".rakumod has yet to become a taste I have acquired!", said the curmudgeon
ab5tract :) 09:24
antononcube LLMs can suggest brief summaries or mission statements for GitHub repositories. Just the current README might suffice . 09:43
09:50 donaldh left
Xliff_ cd t 10:05
10:20 Aedil_ joined, Aedil_ left 10:21 Aedil left 10:26 MasterDuke left 11:24 Aedil joined 11:37 Xliff_ left 11:43 Xliff left 11:46 Xliff joined
antononcube .seen MasterDuke17 11:47
tellable6 antononcube, I saw MasterDuke17 2024-08-05T01:51:26Z in #moarvm: <MasterDuke> we spend a lot of time in MVM_disp_program_run when building rakudo
antononcube What is the real name of MaterDuke17 ? (For references.) 11:48
lizmat you can always look in the CREDITS file of a rakudo dist :-) 11:56
12:43 patrickb left, atweedie left 12:44 greenfork left, clarkema left, atweedie joined, greenfork joined, patrickb joined, clarkema joined
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/08/05/2024-32-de-python/ 12:57
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Xliff I know I've asked this before, but is there a way for you to pass a module name to Raku and get it's location on disk. 15:30
antononcube @Xliff Maybe the advice here still works. stackoverflow.com/questions/666159...ku-modules 15:33
16:12 jgaz joined
Xliff Yeah. I did. Fortunately my experiments were still in my .history (I have over 4 years worth of commands!) 16:23
To get the location of a Module by module name: dd $*REPO.repo-chain.first(*.?candidates("Duration::Units")).prefix
lizmat PSA: I have disabled updates of the Raku Ecosystem Archive for modules still living in p6c 16:52
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El_Che 17:03
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tbrowder [Coke]: if you were referring to my ' perl5' dir thing, it's at github.com/tbrowder/FreeFont 20:00
[Coke] not for your perl5 issue, but "We need to set this if our script uses any dependencies that" sounds suspicious. 20:11
Seems like you're either running an installed version or not
(installing all those deps so I can test your install issue) 20:15
20:55 Altai-man joined 20:57 sena_kun left
antononcube @librasteve I will comment on your comment the proposed graph book title not to be "Retro Graph Algorithms with Raku" -- that "retro" should be dropped. ๐Ÿ™‚ 21:18
Too many graph theory/algorithms books -- to my knowledge -- have "modern graph theory" or similar in their title. 21:19
[Coke] tbrowder: I can't install all your dependencies on my mac, so I won't be any help, sorry 21:20
21:22 Altai-man left
antononcube Well, I am aware of two, the first one really important and famous -- "Modern Graph Theory" by B. Bollobรกs . But still the "retro" part is that the algorithms I consider to implement in "Graph" and describe in that book are fairly "old", standard, and established at this point. 21:22
I am not sure what better characterizes Raku: "retro" or "postmodern." Maybe both. 21:26
tbrowder thnx, that is also stopping me in my shiny new mac! 21:56
21:57 MasterDuke joined
tbrowder antononcube: i would vote but don't know enough about it. i'm not fond of the term 'retro'--too pop, not academic sounding... 21:59
antononcube Hmm... I guess I should recosider using "retro"... 22:00
In Finland, if to a Finish guy two people tell him that he is drunk, even if he is sober, he goes home and takes a nap. 22:01
tbrowder how bout a pedantic version of retro: something revisited, a second look, etc. 22:12
antononcube Yeah, the graph algorithms I implement a fairly well known and not new. Revisited only. ๐Ÿ™‚ 22:14
22:15 Sgeo joined
_grenzo How about "Original Gangsta Graph Algorithms with Raku"? 22:20
hmmm possibly too acedemic 22:24
antononcube ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ’ฏ 22:26
@_grenzo Very good! I was going for the re-dubling in a name like "Retro Raku Graphs", but "Gangsta Graph Algorithms" is even better in that regard! 22:27
For the record, I am also considering "Postmodern Development of Graph Algorithms for Raku" -- it did not occur to me to invert "Retro Graph blah blah" as "Gangsta Graph Algos" or similar. 22:30
_grenzo "a platonic dialog between Dre and Fitty discussing and explaining Graph theory" 22:32
antononcube Yeah, I am sure LLMs can produce "Rap for Graphs." 22:33
_grenzo Some Rap is thirty to 40 years old now. Does it qualify as classical music? 22:35
antononcube It is retro for sure. 22:39
23:44 skyesoss left