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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:04 jaguart joined 00:08 jaguart left 01:15 kylese left, hulk joined 01:40 Manifest0 left 02:08 andydude joined 02:15 hulk left 02:17 kylese joined 02:21 andydude left 02:52 Aedil joined 03:59 wayland76 left 04:00 wayland joined 06:04 jaguart joined 06:08 jaguart left 06:21 kjp left 06:22 kjp joined 06:24 kjp left, kjp joined
librasteve beziers are my favourite nurbs 07:24
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wayland Ooh, I've never been inspirational before :p 10:30
.tell librasteve Which toolbox comments you made? I don't see them in the chat.
tellable6 wayland, I'll pass your message to librasteve
librasteve Here's my reply (seems like the OP is visible this way too) news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41470958 10:39
tellable6 2024-09-08T10:30:29Z #raku <wayland> librasteve Which toolbox comments you made? I don't see them in the chat.
wayland Oh, great! From the TOP pages then :) . Thanks! Makes it feel like writing that site was worth it :) . 11:01
11:36 Manifest0 joined
Geth ¦ problem-solving: lizmat unassigned from samcv Issue `uniprop` and friends are buggy, inconsistent, and potentially replaceable github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/437 11:38
antononcube weekly: forum.obsidian.md/t/obsidian-markd...book/88124 12:34
notable6__ antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
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melezhik o/ 19:30
long time to visit raku irc ) 19:31
timo greetings 19:32
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antononcube @melezhik Hi! 20:52
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[Coke] ~ 21:05
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[Coke] whee, I managed to fix an issue with my 3d printer (broken filament jamming one of the 4-color feeder tubes) 21:27
timo wow, four colors, that's extravagant 21:30
librasteve melezhik: hi - I liked your comment on HN
tellable6 librasteve, I'll pass your message to melezhik
[Coke] When it works, it's very cool. :) 21:33
(a1mini from bambulab with the ams feeder) 21:34
22:38 MoC left 22:59 wayland left 23:55 Manifest0 left