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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:07 hulk joined 01:08 kylese left 01:34 manu_ joined, manu_ is now known as eseyman 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:50 xinming_ left 02:52 xinming_ joined 02:56 xinming_ left 02:59 xinming_ joined 03:05 xinming_ left 04:08 Aedil joined 05:30 Sgeo left 06:22 merp joined 06:40 jjido joined 07:14 jjido left 07:29 Geth joined 07:30 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 07:59 bdju left, bdju joined 08:00 dakkar joined, sena_kun joined 09:29 sena_kun left 09:45 librasteve_ joined
librasteve github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin/issues/2 <== looks similar to anton issue ... I'm on Ultimate btw (details in Issue) 09:52
ab5tract librasteve: thanks for the debug output. Can you confirm that the ide was restarted after installing the plugin? And have you tried “new from existing sources”? 10:05
ok, good news is that I'm able to recreate this locally 10:16
it doesn't seem to happen to each existing comma project that I have, so it's a bit of a flapper
librasteve IDE was restarted after the plugin install; I did not try new from existing sources 10:31
this is my "small project" for test github.com/librasteve/raku-Decimal 10:32
I have also seen issues with larger projects, thought it would be best to start with a very small one
[Coke]: my local 3d printer seems to have folded ... probably I will try a countrywide one next 10:33
ab5tract librasteve: cheers! and thanks for the details. I think I see what the issue is, should be resolvable by added a migration step to the processor responsible for opening projects 10:37
I *think* the distingushing factor is whether or not a packagemanager (zef, pakku) was setup for the project or not. this would explain why it never happened when I opened my pre-existing Comma project for rakudo.git 10:38
librasteve new from source works for this project 10:50
in general I never bother configuring zef for my projects - I did try opening this project in CommaComplete, adding zef and then opening in Intellij with the new plugin - that failed 10:52
tbrowder .tell [Coke] i removed my comment from raku.land
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
ab5tract it might have happened somewhat transparently, for example when setting up META6.json 10:53
librasteve one slight nit is that very little of my raku source appears to be syntax highlit eg compared to the CommaIDE ... I did see some kind of mapping setup in the settings, so maybe that something that can be tweaked later when we are up and running (or maybe it's a symptom of something not loading that can help your diagnosis) 10:54
ab5tract right now it's only a hunch, but it's also the only setting in `.idea` that makes much sense at the moment
librasteve_ this is what I get with the new plugin in Intellij (eg new from source) usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/....55.07.png 10:55
ab5tract yeah, I've notice that too. but when fiddling with the color scheme settings, the few things I've tried appear to imply that the parser is recognizing everything
librasteve_ one step at a time ;-) 10:56
ab5tract it's probably that the actual tmPlugin files weren't adjusted during the PERL6 -> RAKU migration
tbrowder .seen finaa
tellable6 tbrowder, I haven't seen finaa around, did you mean fling? 10:57
tbrowder .seen finanalyst 10:58
tellable6 tbrowder, I saw finanalyst 2024-09-07T09:53:57Z in #raku-dev: <finanalyst> [Coke] Sorry for delay. re 'use v6.e.PREVIEW' and 'use experimental'. Are they not the same thing?
12:09 jjido joined
[Coke] tbrowder: thanks. Don't forget to open your requests as tickets so they get tracked too! 12:26
tellable6 2024-09-16T10:52:30Z #raku <tbrowder> [Coke] i removed my comment from raku.land
12:53 jjido left 15:35 librasteve_ left
antononcube @ab5tract I just cloned the "comma-plugin" repostory and tried to build it. I get the error "cannot find symbol" for: > import org.raku.comma.pm.IgnoreObsoletePackageManagerSettings; 16:23
ab5tract fixing 16:24
antononcube Ok, I might have cloned the repository while you are in the middle of something... 16:25
ab5tract it's my fault for pushing a bad commit. 16:27
lizmat PSA: the Rakudo Weekly News will hit the Net tomorrow
scullucs Thanks for maintaining it lizmat. 16:28
antononcube @lizmat Hmmm... then I might make a new video today.. 16:29
ab5tract antononcube: it should be fixed. along with properly setting the SDK from the project creation stage 16:31
please ensure that you use `New Project from Existing Sources...` when opening Comma projects
16:38 dakkar left
antononcube @ab5stract I updated the repository, made the built it, installed the plugin, made a new Raku module with the plugin, and after closing it and/or quiting IntelliJ I was able to open and work with the new repository again. 16:41
I will try previously made projects in the next hour... 16:43
ab5tract Cheers 17:01
18:10 sena_kun joined
ab5tract librasteve: syntax highlighting should be fixed :) 18:53
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to librasteve_
antononcube @ab5st 19:10
ab5tract antononcube: feeling truncated? :) 19:17
antononcube There is Discord user id @abc3354 which Discord keeps replacing @ab5tract with. 19:23
ab5tract `@ab5st` is what I see, which is neither of those 19:24
anyway, you don't `@` people on IRC, referencing their names is enough 19:25
let me know if I can help you with something 19:26
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SmokeMachine I can’t believe I’m the only one using and liking declarator docs… Red even uses them to add comments to tables, columns and queries… 19:32
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ab5tract SmokeMachine: you aren't the only one. 19:38
antononcube @SmokeMachine "declarator docs" or "declarator blocks" ? I use the latter.
19:38 dgl joined
SmokeMachine antononcube: docs 19:39
ab5tract: I thought most of us would use that…
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antononcube @SmokeMachine Hmm... I am not familiar with "declarator docs" -- docs.raku.org talks very little about them, too. 19:42
SmokeMachine antononcube: I may have misnamed it… but I mean #| and #= 19:43
ab5tract they are hard to find there, unforunately. raiph introduced a great name for them: "decks"
and also a decent (imo) new name for RakuDoc: "docks" 19:44
antononcube @SmokeMachine Ok. Those a "declarator blocks" -- I put them in 80+% of my code.
ab5tract SmokeMachine: "declaration docs" is the name used in the specs, so you got it right
I don't personally use them, but I see their utility. But depending on how much difficulty they cause in terms of safety and implementation complexity, I'm willing to propose sacrificing their current status as "these can go anywhere! on (almost) anything!" 19:49
SmokeMachine I think removing then (I know that’s not what you said) we would lost a lot… but where, do you think, they shouldn’t go to make it easier to implement? 19:53
19:57 jjido joined
ab5tract AFAICT, the conversation has moved on from removing them 20:03
Re: where they shouldn't go, right now I personally feel that they should be constrained to routine declarations (`#|`) and paramater declarations (`#=`) 20:04
patrickb And classes / methods? 20:05
ab5tract but if the implementation hurdles are low enough, allowing them on arbitrary variables also seems fine
patrickb s/methods/modules/
ab5tract patrickb: if needed. but I don't like the multi-line variant, and I don't think packages should can generally be described in a single line 20:06
*usefully described
SmokeMachine I think that’s very important to classes, attributes and parameters…
Sorry, you said parameters… 20:07
ab5tract My position is that it's all relative to implementation complexity 20:11
if it's easy enough to put almost everywhere, let's go!
this was lizmat++'s response to my proposal to constrain to routines + parameters: github.com/Raku/problem-solving/is...2351623849 20:12
since she's the one being tormented by the implementation, I think that's a fair place to start 20:14
the discussion moves on to traits after that, but that might be a bit too little implementor-torment traded off for user-torment in my opnion 20:25
Maybe there is a way to bridge the gap so that the grammar can interpret `#|` as applying a doc trait on the routine below it 20:26
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[Coke] stricter++ 20:54
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Geth docker/update_apt_packages_in_build: c7ac771228 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2024.08/bookworm/Dockerfile
add "apt-get upgrade" to get security updates

docker is showing a couple high-severity security issues, this may help.
docker: timo++ created pull request #68:
add "apt-get upgrade" to get security updates
21:40 sena_kun left 22:01 [Coke]_ joined
Geth ¦ raku.org: coke assigned to ab5tract Issue Update description of comma ide from the /whatever/ page github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/223 22:02
docker/deprecation_of_set_output: f097442d06 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/test-docker-image.yml
Use `$GITHUB_OUTPUT` instead of `::set-output`

The deprecation has been postponed, but that doesn't mean it won't come ...
docker: timo++ created pull request #69:
Use `$GITHUB_OUTPUT` instead of `::set-output`
[Coke] timo++ very busy 22:15
timo just distracted by shinies
i think it turns out the "apt-get upgrade" suggestion isn't so sensible after all. there's just a single package that can be updated to fix vulnerabilities and that's git 22:16
i saw "oh a bunch of vulns" and thought "must be out of date" but that was not so 22:17
stuff seen in the docker build log: Term::termios uses Distribution::Resource's Str method and is supposed to use %?RESOURCES<key> instead (Term::termios line 145)
Config::Parser::jaml is failing some tests, 01-read.t uses nil in string context on lines 15 and 16, and "ensure configurations are merged" fails with an empty result instead of the expected 22:18
Config::Parser::json also fails a bunch of tests with "got: (Nil)" (i didn't know we stringify it like that) 22:19
NativeHelpers::Blob has a .pm module
the docker image doesn't contain any mysql or pg libraries but maybe it should? 22:20
LibXml is trying to compile stuff against libxml/tree.h which i imagine isn't being installed as a build dependency either 22:21
the OpenSSL package complains about a marked lack of libssl.so
same for IO::Socket::SSL and LWP::Simple 22:22
Geth docker: f097442d06 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/test-docker-image.yml
Use `$GITHUB_OUTPUT` instead of `::set-output`

The deprecation has been postponed, but that doesn't mean it won't come ...
docker: c441dda3c7 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/test-docker-image.yml
Merge pull request #69 from Raku/deprecation_of_set_output

Use `$GITHUB_OUTPUT` instead of `::set-output`
22:42 jjido left, xinming joined 23:03 Sgeo joined