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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ab5tract librasteve++, that’s a pretty convincing example imo 07:26
scullucs Why am I up at this time? (03:32), and still drinking? 07:33
But I agree with ab5tract. 07:34
ab5tract So you’re still awake and sober enough to have a good opinion;) 07:40
scullucs Barely enough, yeah 🙂
Xliff I wanna do that. I has brandy! 07:53
And it's been a bad enough day.
When I try and do .^can(<method-name>).map( *.file.gist ) and all of the returned options are "SETTING::src/core.c/stubs.rakumod".."()" .... something is wrong 07:54
scullucs Careful with brandy, I has only beer, and drinking slowly makes it easier. 07:55
Xliff It appears I am too early in requesting this data. Is there a workaround?
ab5tract Xliff: what are you expecting exactly? 10:38
tellable6__ ab5tract, I'll pass your message to Xliff
ab5tract ahh. sorry, I get it now.. they all point to stubs.rakumod 10:39
ab5tract Xliff: for what it's worth, it seems to be working in RakuAST 14:16
tellable6__ ab5tract, I'll pass your message to Xliff
ab5tract m: my $n = 2.2; $n.^can("floor").map(*.file.gist.say) 14:17
camelia SETTING::src/core.c/Rational.rakumod
ab5tract antononcube, librasteve: the latest release / HEAD of comma-plugin should fix the issue with opening older comma projects 15:07
antononcube Great -- I just made a pull. 15:08
ab5tract awesome, please let me know how it goes once you have an opportunity to try it 15:12
ab5tract there are some other exceptions that have surfaced now, but at least the opening of old projects *should* be good 16:34
apologies for the constant updates, but HEAD / beta 7 has a cleaner implementation of the old project solution 17:57
[Coke] ab5tract++ 18:09
where's the repo again?
[Coke] frinds github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin 18:11
ab5tract Now that the open projects issue is fixed, I think it’s ready to move into the org proper 18:12
Once I can confirm from a few others that it’s working without issue
antononcube @ab5tract 1. Deleted old comma-plugin repository 2. Got/clone the current comma-plugin repostory 3. Built and installed the plugin 4. Opened an existing largish Raku repository 4.1. Got nice/expected highlighting 5. IntelliJ hangs when I tried to run all tests 5.1. Had to use kill -9 to kill it 6. If I try to run single test file I get the message "No tests were found" 7. Otherwise, I can browse / navigate the 18:27
code, etc.
Hmm.... I forgot the to remove the ".idea" directory, though. I will try that soon... 18:28
ab5tract that should already be handled for you transparently 18:31
thanks for testing :thumbs-up: 18:32
did you choose `Open` from the `File` menu? 18:33
or the `Open` button from the IntelliJ welcome page?
and did you add a new configuration to run those tests?
antononcube No, it was previously "known" project in IntelliJ's project panel.
ab5tract please try again with `Open` 18:34
I'll look into making that irrelevant, but it seems that the current open project processor gets bypassed that way
antononcube No, I didn't try to add a special configuration -- I expect(ed) the shourcut Cmd-R to work.
ab5tract existing configurations will all reference Java classes that don't exist anymore 18:35
antononcube I removed that project from the "Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA" and then opened with "Open". Looks fine. 18:38
ab5tract huh, that `iml` file was supposed to get nuked 18:39
how about cmd + R? 18:40
antononcube Both "Cmd-R" and "Ctrl-R" do not work. The latter gives the message. 18:41
ab5tract ok 18:43
Are there any configurations already defined in the top left? 18:44
it might also be that you need to do `Tools > Setup Raku SDK`
antononcube Yes, the SDK setup was requested when I opened the project as "new". 18:45
No, not configurations are defined. 18:46
ab5tract I'll look into how to create those by default 18:48
but for now I'm afraid you need to manually create the test configuration 18:49
librasteve out of office today … will take a look tomorrow 20:45
ab5tract cheers! 21:24