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antononcube weekly: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOsVTCQZq_s 15:16
notable6__ antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
ab5tract librasteve: thanks again for posting your issue. I have to wonder whether this is entirely related to using the selector menu (I believe this is the same thing I've been calling the "welcome screen"?) 15:40
librasteve yeah it’s the welcome screen 15:43
just tried with File > Open ... no joy I'm afraid 15:48
ab5tract :( 16:00
I don't know what could be causing that. did you previously have the Comma plugin installed? I know you upgraded the IntelliJ version, but maybe the rakumod extension is associated with the old `PERL6_*` language classes 16:02
at the application level
16:06 summerisle is now known as eof
ab5tract librasteve: it's probably a long shot, but I did do some fixups on the project model in the newly minted beta 10. let me know how it goes if you get a chance to try it 16:32
warning that the same changes might require an open - close - open sequence for some project :( 16:47
I <3 my beta testers' patience
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antononcube @ab5tract I get an error trying to build with the latest pull for "comma-plugin": 18:21
ab5tract antontoncube: fixed 18:59
btw, if you're ever facing a broken HEAD, you should always be able to checkout the latest tag 19:02
antononcube Ok. I just pulled and rebuilt - finished just with warnings. I can see the "comma-2.0.zip" in the distributions directory. 19:04
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ab5tract those warnings aren't coming from comma classes, so I haven't investigated them 19:09
antononcube Ok, just an observation... 19:10
ab5tract just an explanation :) 19:11
antononcube @ab5tract I am studying this JSON file / content: raw.githubusercontent.com/ab5tract...fs/heads/\ main/src/main/resources/docs/core.json 19:15
19:15 Sgeo joined
Thanks for pointing it out to me. 19:16
I assume "CommaIDE" uses it. (Say, when hovering over keywords.)
librasteve ab5stract: likely my woes are down to something coming over from CommaIDE … I am 100% OK to just open (once) in runIde mode … so delighted you have breathed new life into the Comma plugin (feel free to close the issue … i just felt the workaround should be findable in the unlikely event someone else hits the same tripwire 19:20
ab5tract librasteve: I really appreciate the issue tickets 19:22
antononcube @ab5tract How about screenshots?
ab5tract antononcube: I also appreciate all your feedback 19:23
librasteve: unfortunately I feel that the `runIde` option is not "good enough" for the final release of 2.0
were you able to try the latest version with a problematic project? 19:24
as my chief beta testers, you have both been invaluable antononcube++ and librasteve++ 19:25
19:26 sena_kun joined
antononcube I plan to try comma-2.0 later today over a large, stale project. 19:28
ab5tract nice! looking forward to hearing what happens 19:33
technically the size of th project shouldn't matter.. but I'm glad to have you testing this theory 19:34
20:40 sena_kun left
librasteve ab5tract: i just rebuilt latest HEAD (15 mins ago) ... did not solve the issue 20:43
ab5tract Boo 20:46
I wonder how we can approach fixing this… would you be able to provide me an archive of a problematic project? 20:48
I’m on discord with the same user name if that helps in transmitting 20:49
librasteve hang on 20:51
ab5tract be hanging 20:54
librasteve update on Issue 21:10
sorry for slow response, but this is quite thorny and I want to be deliberate & thorough so as not to mislead 21:11
ab5tract Thanks! I will check this out tomorrow and see what I can do 21:24
I think in general it’s probably good practice to exclude .idea files from git repos, but I don’t know for certain 21:29
librasteve yeah - i agree 21:31
they're in my .gitignore these days 21:32
must sleep
21:33 jjido left
antononcube @ab5tract I made major refactoring of method names using comma-2.0. (Renaming from camelCase to kebab-case.) 21:43
≈ 50% of the time I had to quit IntelliJ because the global-replacement window was hanging.
I cannot tell is this a comma-2.0 problem or an IntelliJ problem. I assume, the parsing or highlighting of Raku code is too slow. 21:45
ab5tract Were you doing this via the refactoring menu? Or search / replace? 21:49
antononcube Global search / replace (Cmd-Shift-R). 21:58
22:16 sdfgsdfg left
ab5tract That should not have been slow :( 22:20
I don’t see why the parser would be involved. That should only be relevant to your active editor tab(s) 22:21
timo without taking a profile, all you can do is guess. try installing VirtualVM that has some profiling tools available for you to attach to any jvm program 22:22
22:24 sdfgsdfg joined
ab5tract I’ll give that a shot. 22:24
timo there should also be something in intellij idea, but not sure how much you get in the community edition of same
actually, can you get an intellij idea ultimate for working on comma-2.0 now that it's no longer commercial
ab5tract It’s easy to run it in sandbox 22:25
timo the what in what now?
ab5tract Do you mean they give out ultimate licenses to non commercial plugin development? 22:26
timo not plugin development, any development, if i'm not mistaken?
Students, teachers, academic institutions and non-commercial open source software projects qualify for the 1-year complimentary subscriptions allowing them to use the fully-functional versions of software for non-commercial purposes. For the complimentary subscription terms, check the subscription comparison matrix.
ab5tract Nice 22:27
timo i guess that's a "first year's free, then you're hooked" kind of deal
oh, annual renewals, and the open source project "owns" it
ab5tract Sandbox = intellij spawns a sandboxed ide instance with the plugin installed 22:28
Breakpoint debugging is all I’ve used it for so far but I’m sure there is profiling available as well 22:29
(Sandbox obviously means many other things, I am just clarifying what I was referring to) 22:31
timo www.jetbrains.com/pages/intellij-idea-profiler/
ah it's only in Ultimate, ok 22:33
ab5tract I’ve got a week or so left on my license 22:34
Anyway, it will have to wait for tomorrow 22:35