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tbrowder any mac user use the #mac irc? 12:00
i need help installing the freetype library for a module project 12:02
ab5tract tbrowder: try using se brew + lizmat’s module that fixes the library loading permissions 13:04
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lizmat tbrowder: raku.land/zef:lizmat/MacOS::NativeLib to be precise 15:14
jdv randomly had an old friend say "the reason i dont use that lang is the logo" 15:27
i didnt know it was a thing
some people will always find something tgey dont like and latch on:( 15:28
lizmat feels to me such people have more general issues as well, if the logo is so important to them 15:36
jdv my general feel as well. its just a logo:) 15:37
lizmat it's not like we require to have it tattooed on your forehead :-) 15:42
_grenzo Wait, the tattoo WASN'T required? Well, now I just feel foolish. 16:02
lizmat :-) 16:06
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tbrowder lizmat: thank you! btw, i am using bash with mac just ‘cause i’m used to it. is that a problem? 16:45
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lizmat tbrowder: don't think so 21:54
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wayland76 o/ 23:48