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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Geth ecosystem/main: d479910327 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove SSH::LibSSH

It will soon live in the zef ecosystem
SmokeMachine Hi! I have a question about RakuAST... does ApplyInfix have a "invisible" ArgList? I say invisible because when printing it, it does not show that, but when iterating over its children it is one of the steps... is that correct/expected? 02:47
m: use experimental :rakuast; say "say 42 + 13".AST.grep: RakuAST::ArgList
camelia (RakuAST::ArgList.new(
left => RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(42),
infix => RakuAST::Infix.new("+"),
right => RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(13)
) RakuAST::ArgList.new(
SmokeMachine m: use experimental :rakuast; say "say 42 + 13".AST.grep(RakuAST::ArgList).map: *.DEPARSE 02:48
camelia (42 + 13 42, 13)
ab5tract Isn’t that the arglist to ‘say’? 03:30
ab5tract Hmm… 03:31
I’ll have to take a look at this tomorrow
But I can recommend looking at the sources, if there are arglists being created they will be visible there 03:32
SmokeMachine ab5tract: the 42 + 13 is the arglist for say and 42, 13 is for the +... 04:46
m: given "say 42 + 13".AST.statements.head.expression.args.args.head { .say; say .args } 04:56
camelia RakuAST::ApplyInfix.new(
left => RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(42),
infix => RakuAST::Infix.new("+"),
right => RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(13)
SmokeMachine m: given "say 42 + 13".AST.statements.head.expression.args.args.head { .DEPARSE.say; say .args.DEPARSE } 04:57
camelia 42 + 13
42, 13
SmokeMachine github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/dc03...umod#L1724 05:07
librasteve jdv: and others - apologies about the multiline Discord paste ... I will confine myself to gists from now on 08:44
lizmat weekly: github.com/Raku/doc-website/issues/419 11:15
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
xinming m: my @a = :a:b; @a.say; 12:36
camelia [a => True]
xinming Why is :b eaten in this example please? 12:37
librasteve reaches for irc 13:22
librasteve_ m: my @a = :a,:b; @a.say; 13:23
camelia [a => True b => True]
librasteve_ xinming: guess you forgot the comma
xinming librasteve_: Nope, I do mean :a:b thing 13:24
Probalby the spec has changed, or I remember wrong. IIRC :a:b means list of :a, :b
librasteve_ m: sub fn(*%h) {say %h}; fn :a:b 13:25
camelia {a => True, b => True}
librasteve_ I think the “string together Pair as named args syntax” is only in call context
m: sub fn(*@a) {say @a}; fn :a:b 13:26
camelia Unexpected named argument 'a' passed
in sub fn at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
librasteve_ seems to be limited to only Hash params too 13:27
librasteve hmmm - can't find it in the docs 13:35
okaay my project for today is to use my (very limited) debug skills to fix Inline::Python build (see github.com/niner/Inline-Python/issues/46 if you want a blow by blow account of my fumblings) 14:23
so far I have made good progress ... 12/13 tests are working ... yay! 14:25
[Coke] librasteve_: last comment "clean install of zef"- is that really "clean install with zef" ? 14:26
good job!
librasteve tx! learning on the job ... yes you are correct ... and so far the issue is mostly resolved with fixing a Python LIB path ... 14:28
okaay - I have gone as far as I know how ... anyone know how to make export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/conda/lib part of the build process with Distribution::Builder::MakefromJSON? 14:59
meantime I will document this in the README and submit the doc change as a fix 15:00
antononcube Maybe that can be in Makefile?
librasteve okay let me have a look (likely tomorrow)
since I have to go to the pub 15:01
🍺 15:02
antononcube Haha -- good luck!
ab5tract Inline::Python requires conda? 15:03
Also, enjoy 🍺
antononcube I am not surprised -- Python docs "officially" say to use environments. @librasteve probably just want to know the solution in principle and use a confgurable directory. 15:05
That is really good to know, BTW, because certain Python packages can be used only through Python environments.
librasteve well it requires Python … my Dockerfile is FROM jupyter:scipy-notebook 15:12
I guess they use conda 15:13
antononcube Yeah, I cannot install fully Python's SciPy library on the default, "built-in" Python distribution of macOS. 15:21
More precisely, I could not do that few years ago. So, I am using Python environment via miniforge since then. 15:22
xinming librasteve_: Thanks, I think it's right to think :a:b thing is only allowed in call context. 17:04
lizmat m: sub a(|c) { dd c }; a :b:c:d 17:23
camelia \(:b, :c, :d)
lizmat m: sub a(*%_) { dd %_ }; a :b:c:d
camelia {:b, :c, :d}
lizmat m: dd (:a:b:c) 17:25
camelia (:a, :b, :c)
lizmat m: my @a = (:a:b:c); dd @a 17:26
camelia [:a, :b, :c]
lizmat xinming: fwiw, it feels like a bug to me 17:27
xinming lizmat: So, my @a = :a:b; should be [:a, :b] 17:47
Will report tomorrow, sleep time here
lizmat feels to me, yes, as: my @a = (:a:b:c) *does* work 17:48
sleep well!
SmokeMachine is there any plain to create a .DEPARSE with highlight? 18:14
does it already have it? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/dc03...kumod#L172 18:18
I think I found it... sorry for asking before searching... 18:21
ab5tract SmokeMachine: are you feeling clear on the arglist in ApplyInfix? 18:45
SmokeMachine ab5tract: I think so... I just think that's a bit surprising... but makes sense... 18:46
ab5tract Yeah I’m not 100% if it’s necessary.. 18:55
Geth ecosystem/main: 1e78645d62 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove modules now living in the zef ecosystem
SmokeMachine Is the idea to have something like this? usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/.../image.png 20:22
for some reason it did not like a multi hsyn... 20:28
is there a string method that return the sum of the sizes of chars, I mean to not count invisible chars, for example: 21:36
m: say "\o33[33;1m42\o33[m" # is there any Str method that with that string it would return 3 ( 42 + enter)? 21:37
camelia 742
SmokeMachine m: say "\o33[33;1m42\o33[m".chars # is there any Str method that with that string it would return 3 ( 42 + enter)? 21:38
camelia 12
lizmat SmokeMachine: that's why .DEPARSE allows roles to be mixed in :-) 23:22
looks like a plan 23:23