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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:30 Manifest0 left 01:53 zayd joined 02:14 guifa joined
guifa I kinda feel like subst should take a range, although I think other languages use splice for that 02:14
i just tried to do it and spent a while trying to figure out why it didn't work lol
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elcaro guifa: There's always `Pythonic::Str`... the only problem being that under the hood it essentially does a `.comb[Range].join` 04:39
guifa elcaro: ew, no, no python for me
I have to deal with that enough at school hahaha
elcaro It should be possible to add a case for when a Range is provided, and convert it to `substr` call
oh, ok :D
make your own method... I have the perfect name! `strange` 04:40
guifa haha 04:57
but it is, I think, a decent use case
I'm working on a thing that creates multiple choice questions, and LLMs are HORRIBLE at that
I did find a way around it though 04:58
I already had a lemmatizer that could detect various forms of a word when I'd ask for an example sentence.
(so the front end could bold it)
Did the same thing and once I had the range of the word, I wanted to replace with a blank, and then ask the LLM to give me wrong answers :) 04:59
So I'm doing $string.substr(0,$range.min) ~ '____' ~ $string.substr($range.max) 05:02
I guess I could also do $string.subst($string.substr($word-range), '___')
antononcube Range can be easily specified with a regex for subst. 06:38
And I agree — using Python for inspiration or functionality support in Raku seems counterintuitive and backwards. (To me.) 06:42
SmokeMachine m: my $a = “bla bla bla”; $a.substr-rw(4..7) = “_____”; say $a # guifa 06:47
camelia bla _____bla
SmokeMachine m: my $a = “bla bla bla”; $a.substr-rw(4..6) = “_____”; say $a 06:48
camelia bla _____ bla
SmokeMachine m: my $a = “bla bla bla”; (my $b = $a).substr-rw(4..7) = “_____”; say $a; say $b 06:51
camelia bla bla bla
bla _____bla
guifa ah yeah but that modifies $a 06:58
also ab5tract++ for ^Inf for the Comma plugin
just got it up and running in CLion
Currently in a multi language project with Raku included and it's so much nicer 06:59
SmokeMachine guifa: that’s why I also did the (my $b = $a).substr-rw 07:26
antononcube @guifa Yeah, same here — it is nice to combine Raku and C in CLion. 08:20
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xinming hmm, sorry, power is cut here, The last reply I got is from ab5tract 'I hope that makes sense and/or helps :)', If anyone replied after, Please re-send the reply. thanks. 16:35
ab5tract: Actually, I had an idea, which is I don't use the get method at all, Just set/get-if-present myself.
But something needs clarified from lizmat, with the get-if-present, Will it always return stale answers? 16:36
lizmat xinming: perhaps you can find the answer here: irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html 16:38
xinming Thanks. Will backlog 16:39
lizmat is this about irclogs.raku.org/raku/2024-11-28.html#20:31 ?
xinming Ys 16:41
lizmat i'd have to look
I'm open to PRs :-) 16:42
16:55 zenmov left
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Remove XXX, it's dead
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Geth advent/main: 29bf2e2b29 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
move tbrowder away from 1 december
advent/main: 345dcbe11e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
Make everything readable again
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Geth advent/main: a888f26a45 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
Move Richard's post to 1 December
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