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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:41 euandreh joined 01:17 euandreh left, euandreh joined 02:13 dustinm` left 02:34 dustinm` joined 02:38 Aedil joined 02:59 hulk joined, kylese left 03:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:30 kylese left 03:34 kylese joined 05:12 xinming left 05:17 xinming joined 06:09 Xliff left 10:26 sena_kun joined 10:29 sena_kun left 10:31 sena_kun joined 10:32 tadzik left, tadzik joined
SmokeMachine Have any one ever seen an error saying `lang-call cannot invoke object of type 'VMNull' belonging to no language at line`? I'm getting it on a module I'm playing with and I'm not being able to fix... Would someone be kind enough to help me with that? The details are on this PR: github.com/FCO/Cromponent/pull/9 11:08
12:26 Sgeo left
guifa I have gotten it once or twice, I think when dealing with slangs? 12:52
SmokeMachine In my case it seems to be related to Cro template compilation... 12:57
That's odd... I printed the AST to be compiled when the compilation fails and when that succeeds... exactly same ast... 13:03
no... not exactly the same... the prelude seems to be different!!! 13:05
no... it seems to be just a different order... 13:06
13:41 guifa left 14:55 librasteve_ joined 16:36 Xliff joined
Xliff \o - Happy post Christmas! 16:36
Who is maintaining the Cairo bindings, now? It was timo's
lizmat if timo isn't interested in that anymore, we could move it to raku community modules 16:42
Xliff Looks like dwarring is the one making the most recent commits. Last one was 6 months ago, which is recent enough. 16:43
.seen dwarring
O_o 16:44
Is there no more bot?
lizmat looks indeed like we lost tellable6
Xliff Looks like we lost all of the -ables 16:46
lizmat :-(
Xliff Is there a repo for bisectable? 16:47
lizmat bisectable6: help 16:50
bisectable6 lizmat, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
Xliff Oh! 16:51
Well that's a relief.
OK. I just cried wolf. I see them now. Except tellable
1,214,860 lines of Raku. 18:25
timo all your GTK related modules? 18:30
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Xliff timo: Yep 18:41
I also added cairo_region_t to my fork of cairo-p6. Going to add a Region class, shortly.
Hmmm...looks like tellable is out of the bot list. 18:42
18:43 shareable6 joined, quotable6 joined, coverable6 joined, benchable6 joined, greppable6 joined 18:44 sourceable6 joined, notable6 joined, releasable6 joined, evalable6 joined, tellable6 joined, unicodable6 joined
Xliff Oh! There they go! 18:45
18:45 bloatable6 joined, linkable6 joined, committable6 joined, nativecallable6 joined, bisectable6 joined
jdv .tell alexdaniel why does tellable disappear? 18:46
tellable6 jdv, I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel
lizmat .tell lizmat hi! 18:51
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass that message to your doctor
lizmat .tell lizmat hi!
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass that message to your doctor
lizmat .
ah, good that it forgets to record that :-) 18:52
Xliff heh 18:55
timo .tell lizmat moin moin
tellable6 timo, I'll pass your message to lizmat
Xliff .tell Xliff Booga booga!
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass that message to your doctor
Xliff s/doctor/shrink/ ?
[Coke] ah, I wonder if the ping commit actually did something 18:56
antononcube .seen Xliff
tellable6 antononcube, I saw Xliff 2024-12-28T18:55:56Z in #raku: <Xliff> s/doctor/shrink/ ?
timo well, therapists and psychiatrists are both kinds of medical doctor
... i think?
Xliff timo: I'm now working on GOffice and Gnumeric to see if I can get a proper spreadsheet widget out of it.
timo neat 18:57
i wonder how libreoffice can be interfaced with
antononcube If libreoffice can be compiled with ZeroMQ libraries, then it can be made to use Raku. (Or any other language.) 19:01
Xliff Why do you need to use the ZeroMQ libs/ 19:02
timo yeah, the tech used to send messages back and forth is not as important. what kinds of things you can access at all is the bit i'm interested in 19:03
there's support for python scripting, that much i know, but beyond that no clue 19:04
Xliff timo: Hmmm... I'll look into that. 19:18
antononcube Because inter-language / inter-system connections via ZeroMQ are very well established or understood. 19:19
Again, if ZeroMQ connect is figured out for one language, then other languages can be used.
Xliff antoncube: That's true, but am hoping I don't have to add more pieces to it and can just use NativeCall; 19:20
timo i think you probably mean the ipython kernel protocol, rather than zmq in general? 19:22
Xliff Ah. It's C++. That's always a crapshoot in NativeCall 19:26
19:52 Aedil left
antononcube @timo If your last comment was for me -- no, I am thinking direct application of ZMQ. I am not that familiar with IPython kernel. (And mostly do not care.) 19:53
Xliff antononcube: So you would use ZMQ messages to execute libreoffice functions? 20:22
Are those documented anywhere?
21:16 Sgeo joined
patrickb In a META6.json dependency specification, is it possible, to require at least version and also forbid versions with a different major version number? 21:28
ugexe patrickb: you can use api as the "major" version part 21:32
patrickb That's a good idea. Thanks! 21:33
antononcube @Xliff I was said if ZMQ can be compiled with libreoffice . After some searching it does not seem to be the case. 22:51
At least, not easily. 22:52
22:52 guifa joined
Xliff antononcube: Yah. That was my take, too. :( 23:03
guifa I wish AppleScript were more supported than it is nowadays 23:12
it was the perfect thing for interapp communication (even if it had a wonky syntax)
23:25 librasteve_ left 23:32 sena_kun left
holmdunc It was a pretty cool concept that an app can provide a dictionary of its nouns and verbs in a standardised way 23:34
Geth ecosystem/main: ab414f07a0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Avolution::Emoji

In favor of the up-to-date Text::Emoji module
23:49 guifa left