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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ugexe patrickb: you can use a file path as the mirror if you're consuming it with zef::repository::ecosystem 01:49
also the wget thing does look wrong 01:50
er, sorry. i mean you could use a file path for the source-url 01:52
I dont remember if using a file path needs to be a directory with the extracted archive, or if you can pass a local path to a target.gz. I think it is supposed to work with both, but that there was a bug with using a local tar file path. One of them should work though 02:05
xinming Is there a operator to test .DEFINITE ? 10:06
.so is for Bool
m: [0.DEFINITE, 0.so].raku.say
camelia [Bool::True, Bool::False]
lizmat xinming: no, there's no operator for that 10:18
for example:
m: dd Failure.new.DEFINITE
camelia Bool::True
lizmat m: dd Failure.new.defined
camelia Bool::False
lizmat m: dd so Failure.new 10:19
camelia Bool::False
xinming Ok, will use .DEFINITE then 10:45
lizmat if you are already allowing for nqp ops, you could use nqp::concrete() 10:46
.DEFINITE is basically a macro for wrapping the invocant in an nqp::concrete() 10:47
sjn has made a new Raku sticker \o/ 10:53
I'll be bringing them to FOSDEM in two-ish weeks :-D 10:54
lizmat sjn++ 10:55
sjn github.com/sjn/stickers/blob/main/...humans.png <- here it is 11:01
sjn hopes it isn't too bad :-D 11:02
lizmat looks pretty nice and battle tested to me :-) 11:05
sjn yeah, it's similar to the "Compatible" and "O(fun) again" stickers, but now with an AI comment :-D 11:06
Geth Papers/main: 05a2eed995 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | minutes/20250111.md
Add RSC meeting minutes for 2025-01-11
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2025/01/13/2025-02-ditana/ 12:25
sjn Ooh, I have a corner on Rakudo Weekly! \o/ 12:43
El_Che Hi sjn 12:52
sjn El_Che: heya! 12:56
lizmat weekly: github.com/Raku/problem-solving/la...C%20Review 13:14
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
sjn hey, quick question; How did github.com/raku-community-modules come into existence? 13:15
El_Che magic :) 13:16
lizmat I think it was moritz' original idea
sjn nice. super useful
who is the current custodian of that list? 13:17
lizmat anybody with access, and there are quite a few
sjn right
lizmat but lately, it was mostly /me
sjn I've been spending some tuits on mapping out ecosystem metadata like this ("ADOPT-ME" etc.), and I'm wondering if lizmat (and/or anyone else who cares about meta-stuff like that) would be interested in spending a few moments exploring this topic with me. :-) 13:20
(this is mostly wrt. new EU legislation, but should be useful in general also, including for anyone who cares about Raku metadata & tooling) 13:21
lizmat sjn: would be interested in that.. 13:25
but first I'm gonna be afk for a few hours :-)
sjn no hurries :)
tbrowder hi, i'm adding a sub to my Font::Utils module (no, lizmat, still unpublished, but Santa is using it at the North Pole), and need some advice on usage. 14:02
the routine is "pdf2pdf" which uses a Ghostscript setting to make PDF file generation reproducible. the routine will overwrite an existing file by default. 14:04
my current plan is to warn of that if a human uses if without a pdf inout as is typical. i have a warn option to require the user to ok continuation. the setup is, in my mind, so the default is ready for a 14:07
user's automatic pdf pipeline. 14:08
in summary: (1) no input file, give help, (2) input file only, overwrite as is in place, (3) add the :$warn option 14:11
looking at this in public, i think i lean toward warn by default, and require force for unattended use. 14:14
thanks for any thoughts 14:19
antononcube @tbrowder What does "PDF file generation reproducible" mean?
tbrowder when using machine genration, valid pdfs are required have input values of various kinds that change each time, such as UUIDs 14:21
date/time, etc. 14:22
the ps2pdf process can use a low-level option to use a /prepress setting to eliminate those 14:24
so the pdf2pdf process is something like this: "pdf2ps $pdfin $ps"; then "ps2pdf $ps -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $pffout": then "mv $pdfout $pdfin" 14:28
^^ not exactly right, but i hope you get the idea. 14:30
anyway, most people would never need it, but if you have a git repo with a pdf file under version control (as i do), it would be very handy 14:32
tbrowder i think warn as default for cli use, require force for other use is the proper way to go. 14:36
gotta go for while (and bril! i just noticed what's been causing a glitch in the pipeline (using raku shell btw), i need to use "shell mv", not raku copy. 14:40
antononcube: thanks for the comment 14:41
antononcube @tbrowder I do not use PDFs in my GitHub that much anymore, but I did a lot at some point. So, pdf2pdf is something I might use. 14:53
xinming lizmat: There is no operator for .DEFINITE, is there is .defined opeator? 15:39
timo is ~~ Mu:D acceptable? 15:45
m: say Failure.new ~~ Any:D 16:01
camelia True
lizmat xinming: there's // as a prefix in 6.e 16:12
m: use v6.e.PREVIEW; say // 42
camelia True
lizmat there's also an infix // of course
m: say Any // 42 16:13
camelia 42
lizmat docs.raku.org/routine/%2F%2F
xinming lizmat: thanks, I know the // infix, But never thought it can be used as prefix. 16:28
lizmat people felt it made sense, instead of "so" 16:29
it follows the same pattern as other infixes that have a prefix version, such as + - ~ 16:30
xinming I dont' feel // prefix makes sense.
probably ?/ will be more sensible to me.
or even /?
lizmat it's hard to please everybody :-)
xinming But never mind, You guys decide.
lizmat m: say // 42 16:31
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Null regex not allowed. Please use .comb if you wanted to produce a
sequence of characters from a string.
at <tmp>:1
------> say //<HERE> 42
lizmat it was a compilation error, so could be added without any interference
xinming It's just there is ? for boolean + for Numeric 16:32
So I think ?/ is can be more sensiable, as ? returns boolean, / means defined'niss 16:33
for even ?//
but // prefix is also acceptable, But looks conflict as comments like other language.
lizmat well, it's still in e.PREVIEW, so technically it could still be removed :-)
but as a comment, it would be a postfix, no? 16:34
xinming I don't think so, $var.defined is good enough
lizmat also, conflicts with other languages also apply to infix //
xinming ?// $var $var.defined
lizmat and that hasn't been an issue for the past 15 years at least :-) 16:35
xinming Yea, the || => // conversion is understandable.
I think if we do |/ for the first time, |/ prefix version will be more sensible. :-)
or even /| 16:36
timo |/.../ sounds like you're trying to slurpy a regex %) 18:46
tbrowder what's the status of release of v6.e? 23:29
tonyo [Coke] tbrowder will take a look at data dump issues tomorrow night 23:58
also, apologize for the delay. i get thousands of GH notifications a day from work and don't typically read any of them