🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs can be inspected at colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by lizmat on 1 May 2021.
Geth doc: Util++ created pull request #3885:
Add complete example of a callable sort routine #3883
Geth doc: 6d3a95c6c8 | (karl yerkes)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
minor fix: code quote within code quote
doc: 5d82d669e6 | (karl yerkes)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
Update 5to6-perlfunc.pod6

Thanks to @coke
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/5to6-perlfunc
Guest61 test 09:50
moritz fwiw there's now a #raku channel on irc.libera.chat 14:32
[Coke] I tried to connect and was immediately disconnected. 14:39
tonyo unclechu: it's the shell that interprets the path..it is possible to make a shell that has a hash as a path, or make a windows shell that uses `:`
ugexe yeah seems like I (or maybe we) will need to advocate moving off freenode
tonyo what's wrong with freenode? 14:40
they're investing in wrong crypto?
sienet_ja_LSD[m] boingboing.net/2021/05/19/freenode...ntrol.html 14:41
ugexe the new owners being the shits behind PIA (private internet access)
sienet_ja_LSD[m] why not #raku on irc.perl.org 14:42
patrickb tonyo: There was a hostile takeover. All bets are off how long the servers will keep runnig after all current staff left the shif and sponsoring dries up (which I just guess will, because why should they continue sponsoring freenode when its on its basically a different project now?) 14:43
patrickb *ship 14:44
ugexe plus the new owner seems like the type of person who is going to monetize user data somehow 14:45
tonyo gotcha 14:49
ugexe i only want people to lose money on me being in their system
tonyo that's the blueprint 14:50
lizmat fwiw, I was able to connect and started #raku / #raku-dev / #moarvm / #cro
tyil lizmat: should we start getting the #raku namespace registered, or wait until the next RSC meeting? 14:53
lizmat tyil: I think we should do this asap 14:54
tyil ack
lizmat and gladly refer to you to figure out what needs to be done
tyil yeah, I think its similar to Freenode, but I'll read up on it and see what needs be done 14:55
lizmat tyil++ 14:55
tonyo nickserv on libera gives me "failed to send email, registration aborted" 15:04
tyil tonyo: try again in a couple moments 15:05
tonyo oh i just had to try it 25 times 15:06
tyil its a little hectic since thousands of people are joining and regging all the time
tonyo yea but i'm not one of those thousand jerks
ingy o_0 15:07
tonyo ingy, excited for friday fun day? 15:07
ingy hmmm 15:08
do I need to do anything?
tonyo not really. just hope 15:08
tyil lizmat: /whois lizmat 15:11
woops 15:12
lizmat: is me
lizmat :-)
tyil you're not regged with NickServ yet, are you?
lizmat nope
tyil (thats what I wanted to check with the /whois)
tyil I want to add the rest of the RSC as contacts for the Raku project on Libera 15:14
andinus is #raku moving to libera?
tyil but nobody else has an account yet :p
kybr i think folks are just checking it out for now. 15:15
ingy I managed to register my nicks and chans 15:15
What a mess
lizmat this does not bode well as to what freenode will become: www.irc.com/lets-take-irc-further 15:16
tonyo i already registered #yaml
ingy I guess we both did
jdv i guess if you squint enough one could call it a case of "creative destruction" 15:17
ugexe i gradumated from irc university by andrew lee 15:18
tyil lizmat: Raku project registration submitted, now we just wait
I'm going to guess they're gonna get back in a couple days, asking to properly verify that I am indeed related to the project, and that I indeed have the authority to make the claim in the first place, and after that it generally settles pretty quickly 15:19
lizmat tyil++
tyil with some luck, it should be done before the next RSC meeting 15:20
lizmat that'd be cool
jjatria That post has, a lot, of commas, that don't really, belong 15:22
jdv79 wow, that guy is somethin' 15:24
pwr22 Huh, I had no idea about any of this freenode stuff
Wonder if it will drive up matrix adoption a bit
kybr matrix? 15:25
ah. nm 15:26
[Coke] lizmat: did you have to update certs or anything to connect to libera? 15:27
lizmat Nope... just connected as a visitor 15:28
[Coke] I get Connection to irc.libera.chat established and then immediately warning Connection reset by peer
tyil [Coke]: libera.chat is under a lot of strain right now, give it some time :> 15:29
[Coke] ok 15:30
tonyo moarvm on libera is getting spammed 15:31
so is raku, it seems 15:32
jdv79 raku seems fine, so foar. raku-dev however:( 15:33
so is perl
lizmat seems to have died down now 15:35
lizmat ah, maybe not :-( 15:37
ecocode pff.. I just reactivated my freenode a few days ago... 15:45
.oO( butterfly effect :-)
ecocode lol 15:46
[Coke] ah. I was trying to connect to the advertised secure port and not the plaintext. I'm in now, and my nick is already reserved by someone else. lovely. 16:14
[Coke] other-coke is very nice and we had a chat about how hard it is to get your 4-character nickname anywhere. 16:30
El_Che [Coke]: one of you can take a 5 char nick 16:33
[Coke]: I propose Pepsi
jmerelo Or fight who gets to be Classic Coke 16:34
andinus what do i use for find an replace in a list? list is: ("x", 1, 2, "x", 3)
i want to replace all the "x" with 1
and coerce the rest to int, hmm that i could do in the end with >>.Int
andinus m: ("20", "2", "x", "5").map(*.match("x").replace-with(1)) 16:36
camelia ( no output )
andinus m: say ("20", "2", "x","5").map(*.match("x").replace-with(1))
camelia (Nil Nil 1 Nil)
andinus i want (20, 2, 1, 5)
ugexe m: say ("20", "2", "x", "5").map({ $_ eq "x" ?? 1 !! $_ }) 16:38
camelia (20 2 1 5)
andinus thanks 16:44
El_Che hellos 16:57
jjatria El_Che: 👋 17:32
Is there an alternative to p6c.org? I came across this earlier today: github.com/frithnanth/perl6-Archiv...w/issues/8
lizmat resignation letters: blog.bofh.it/debian/id_461 17:43
El_Che As it is now known, the freenode IRC network has been taken over by a Trumpian wannabe korean royalty bitcoins millionaire. 17:44
I love the first sentence :)
lizmat yeah... but sad nonetheless 17:46
tadzik thankfully they're a bitcoin millionaire, I thought it's all doom and gloom :P 17:46
lizmat feels like Xs4all all over again
sienet_ja_LSD[m] :3
lizmat fortunately good things rose from its ashes, (aka freedom.nl) 17:47
El_Che lizmat: xs4all :(
lizmat yeah... look at their homepage: www.xs4all.nl 17:48
advertising their "parent" company with a better deal than xs4all can offer
what does that tell you ...
El_Che "XS4ALL en kpn"
lizmat yeah, so now it is just a "brand" of KPN 17:49
lizmat which reminds me to sell the 10 shares we have in KPN, that allowed us access to the shareholders meeting a few years back now 17:49
tonyo m: say 'hi'; 18:17
El_Che not moved yet :) 18:18
pluto Well, hello there. 18:19
lizmat afk for a few hours& 18:37
nine m: say "Now I'm here!" 19:28
camelia Now I'm here!
japhb Yay, camelia! 19:29
[Coke] got disconnected. 19:47
japhb Very glad I'd turned off parts/joins/quits, otherwise I suspect I'd be getting flooded right now. 19:49
Geth doc: raydiak++ created pull request #3886:
Move from freenode to libera.chat
raydiak wrt libera.chat, there is now github.com/Raku/raku.org/pull/164 and github.com/Raku/doc/pull/3886 whenever we're ready to advertise our new home 23:48
japhb raydiak++ 23:50
raydiak always happy to spit in the faces of a malevolent imperialists :D 23:58