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Set by lizmat on 23 May 2021.
[Coke] can someone explain to me what this C is doing: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/new-...L326-L334? (Not the specifics, the syntax) 02:31
ah, that's a struct. (windows is unhappy with several instances of that syntax in that file) 02:35
moon-child I think that '.expected_kinds = { }' is not standard 02:41
(supported by gcc but not msvc, I assume) 02:43
should be .expected_kinds = {0}. (Or just leave it out; it will be zero-initialized by default)
[Coke] Yup, that seems to avoid the issue. Thanks. 02:54
moon-child++ 03:01
vasko > '/media-pv/linksr/movies'.IO.dir.map: *.e 10:22
(False False False False False False False False False False False False False ...
I'm finding that symlinks, mounted over NFS return false when testing them with the method `.e` 10:23
Seems to work fine with the same version of raku (2021.04) directly on the NFS host (sans nfs).
Checking for a file directory fails as well: > '/media-pv/linksr/movies'.IO.dir.map: *.f 10:27
Failed to find '/media-pv/linksr/movies/My.Movie.mkv'
gfldex lolibloggedalittlejustbeforeirantowork: gfldex.wordpress.com/2021/08/02/on...-elements/ 11:06
elcaro gfldex: No love for toggle? ie. (1..6).roll(*).toggle(* > 2) 12:31
tho `* ≥ 3` might convey intent better 12:37
frost hello, everyone =D 12:57
elcaro hi frost 13:15
Altreus > If no more tester Callables are available, the switch will remain in its current state until the end of iteration. -- is toggle therefore smart enough to terminate an infinite list when it runs out of testers in an off state? 13:23
lizmat toggle runs on an iterator: if the iterator produces IterationEnd, it's done 13:26
if it doesn't, it will run forever indeed?
elcaro Altreus: I think... it does? 13:27
m: (1..Inf).toggle(:off)
camelia ( no output )
elcaro m: say (1..Inf).toggle(:off)
camelia ()
Altreus But if it knows that it will not produce any more values (because it's off) why would it continue to iterate?
aha, a test
empiricism ftw
elcaro I replied to the Reddit post. I've always had a soft spot of toggle because of how it generalised the (drop|take)(until|while) functions into one 13:29
but unfortunately not well known, because it's not a common name for this feature (though it's a fine name) 13:30
maybe there is some way docs could point to it when someone searches `takewhile`... that might help a little
LarryNB I've downloaded the source and the .asc file; however, I don't know how to verify the downloaded source. 16:40
More specifically, I've downloaded rakudo.org/dl/rakudo/rakudo-2021.07.tar.gz.asc and run Kleopatra to verify the corresponding file; however, the Kleopatra response included "could not be verified". 16:43
sena_kun LarryNB, you can use the gpg tool to verify it. assuming the both files are in the same directory, run `gpg --verify rakudo-2021.07.tar.gz.asc`. 16:52
LarryNB, I see Kleopatra is a GUI for Gpg4Win, am I correct you are on Windows? 16:54
LarryNB Yes, I'm on Windows10. But the response from Kleopatra says "could not be verified". 16:55
sena_kun LarryNB, can you please show a screenshot, for example? 16:56
LarryNB Let me see if I can figure how to create one. 16:57
sena_kun I just downloaded both files and gpg says:
gpg: assuming signed data in 'rakudo-2021.07.tar.gz'
gpg: Good signature from "Alexander Kiryuhin [email@hidden.address] [ultimate]
gpg: Good signature from "Alexander Kiryuhin <alexander.kiryuhin@gmail.com>" [ultimate]
So something is apparently insufficient.
Altreus LarryNB: super+shift+s 16:58
LarryNB Uploaded file: uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/e9940938...apture.PNG 16:59
I must have Kleopatra misconfigured somehow. I'll just have to remember to use gpg. 17:00
Sorry for bother, and thanks for the help. 17:01
MasterDuke no, i think you just need to add that key
LarryNB OK, I'll need to study how gpg and kleo work more closely. I'd assumed it would add any key it found on any keyserver. 17:03
It seems like an obvious thing the app should do. 17:04
Altreus like gpg does? :D 17:05
where "any keyserver" is "next to the file"
MasterDuke LarryNB: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...07-24#l137 for reference
LarryNB OK, thanks MasterDuke, for the reference. I'll add the key. Thanks again for the help. 17:09
Bye now.
lizmat moritz: care to comment on twitter.com/juliawritescode/status...5172925444 ? 17:27
melezhik what is a Raku replacement for perl's ` /a/ ... /b/ ` diapason operator? 17:45
[Coke] ff ? 17:49
fff? 17:50
just looked up "diapason" and only found musical references.
docs.raku.org/language/5to6-perlop..._operators 17:51
moritz lizmat: thank, I#ve answered
melezhik [Coke] thanks, I just forgot where to find in the docs 17:52
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2021/08/02/2021-...ting-down/ 18:37
El_Che not again! 18:52
nine It's....like this happens every week :D 19:18
lizmat almost like magic! 19:49
.oO( I wish )
m: say "\c[femal sign]" # wonder if we could get a levenshtein feedback on this one 19:53
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unrecognized character name [femal sign]
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "\c[femal sign7⏏5]" # wonder if we could get a levenshte
[Coke] Seems a reasonable ask 19:55
moon-child there are quite a lot of unicode characters, it might take a while 19:57
MasterDuke hm. does rakudo know all the valid names?
moon-child I wonder if there's some kind of precomputation you can do on a set of names (like some kind of hashing) that lets you quickly identify close levenshtein matches?
MasterDuke yep
levenshtein automata 19:58
lizmat could be a nice project for someone :-)
moon-child MasterDuke: hmm, that looks like clearly an improvement but not an escape from pathological performance 19:59
you're still linear in the number of unicode character names, which is quite large
[Coke] yah, but it's on error, so it's OK if its a little slow. 20:00
MasterDuke yeah. you might be able to do something with a trie
El_Che lizmat: Wendy is mentioned dev.to/smonff/why-am-i-giving-up-on-perl-4ni6/ 21:03
(or even addressed) 21:04
melezhik if someone is into linux server state verification, I've recently resumed one of my old project which is called Bird - github.com/melezhik/bird 21:05
it allows one to write dsl based rules to check servers states, an alternative to existing tools like chef inspec and goss 21:06
written on Raku
lizmat weekly: dev.to/smonff/why-am-i-giving-up-on-perl-4ni6/ 22:41
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)