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Set by lizmat on 23 May 2021.
Hydrazer m: say "egg" 00:57
camelia egg
thundergnat <moon-child >: I wonder if there's some kind of precomputation you can do on a set of names (like some kind of hashing) that lets you quickly identify close levenshtein matches? 02:08
Not so much for Levenshtein, but Sorenson-Dice will do that readily and is probably better suited for partial name look-ups.
See this gist I just threw together: gist.github.com/thundergnat/87a0ab...cb9f8dd614
Shameless plug: I wrote the Text::Sorensen module. modules.raku.org/search/?q=Sorensen 02:10
Geth doc: gaeulbyul++ created pull request #3930:
Add missing "#" on OUTPUT comment
Geth doc: 0951734455 | Gaeulbyul++ | 3 files
Add missing "#" on OUTPUT comment
doc: 539c9e6193 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #3930 from gaeulbyul/patch

Add missing "#" on OUTPUT comment
moon-child krvtz.net/posts/precis-the-next-st...ation.html this is cool 09:03
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2021/08/02/2021-...ting-down/ 10:33
moon-child: isn't that what NFG is all about in Raku ? 10:34
lizmat . 12:10
Altreus what does + do here? :($a, Int:D $b, :$c = :$b, :$d) ~~ :($a, :$c, +, *%) 15:37
Altai-man Altreus, some cryptic anonymous slurpy parameter? 15:39
ugexe yep 15:41
Altreus Yeah I found it here - github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/4479
via the weekly
Kaiepi this is valid too 16:29
m: :(\)
camelia ( no output )
moon-child lizmat: first bit talks about normalization. Following bit talks about more interesting things 16:30
Kaiepi m: say :(\).params[0].positional
camelia True
Kaiepi m: say :(\).params[0].sigil 16:31
camelia $
Kaiepi hm
moon-child (which it would be cool to have a raku module that does) 16:35
Altreus presumably \ is just $ except ... skipping a container? 16:38
I'd expect $ not to bother making a container either unless there were an actual name there
[Coke] is there an installed script that instead of being an executable is a script that invokes moarvm with all the right args? 16:49
Geth doc: interlab++ created pull request #3931:
Update operators.pod6
doc: f1e56ae5dc | (V. N)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Update operators.pod6
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/operators
japhb moon-child: We already have a module for PRECIS (raku.land/cpan:MARTIMM/Unicode::PRECIS), and MUGS implements simplified PRECIS for identity name deduplication/collision detection. 17:59
moon-child oh, nice! cool
vasko Do we have anything like python's tqdm in raku yet? 18:10
perl5 has: metacpan.org/pod/Smart::Comments which does something similar.
MasterDuke i'm not aware of anything like that 18:11
raydiak_ nothing as featureful, but Terminal::Spinners does have basic progress bars 18:26
melezhik weekly: www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...n_on_raku/ 19:09
notable6 melezhik, Noted! (weekly)
melezhik weekly: www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...d_sparrow/
notable6 melezhik, Noted! (weekly) 19:10