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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
guifa tonyo: I'm writing an ECMA regex slang 08:16
guifa I know life would be easier to just wait for RakuAST to finish but … I'm impatient (and also figure learning a bit more about the internals isn't ever a bad thing) 08:17
Guest15 Hi folks How can I compile Raku script to executable binary file? thanks :3
Xliff Is there a module out there that will handle OAuth2 negotiation? If so is it compatible with Google's services? 13:27
Geth ¦ problem-solving: lizmat assigned to rba Issue modules.raku.org should be deprecated github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/330 14:09
stevied anyone experienced with NativeCall out there who might be able to offer some insight on this? www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...ativecall/ 14:57
Voldenet stevied: I'm not sure if you can directly have function pointers as fields, but you can make c shared lib to set enter_block, leave_block etc. 16:39
tellable6 Voldenet, I'll pass your message to stevied
stevied I see it 16:57
voldernet, before I can tackle that problem, I can's seem to get the correct arguments to md_parse() function passed correctly 16:58
Voldenet because you need to assign callbacks to fields in the struct 17:47
otherwise, you'd get segfault
though I'm not entirely sure if you can store such callbacks in a field safely or would it be garbage collected 17:52
stevied the docs had something about using a CPointer which seemed to allow you to do callbacks. I tried doing that but didn't get anywhere: docs.raku.org/language/nativecall#...f_pointers 17:55
i don't know what I'm doing, though
Geth problem-solving/deprecating-modules: 2b5b22636a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | solutions/meta/deprecating-modules-website.md
Add solution for #330
problem-solving: lizmat++ created pull request #331:
Add solution for #330
Voldenet CPointer doesn't hold any data, you can't* use it in this case 18:26
*you can, but it would mean making C wrapper with all related methods and alloc/free 18:27
[Coke] weird, on mac os x, and since ... a few days ago, my 'raku' has vanished and rakubrew is now complaining it's from an unsigned dev. 18:53
stevied so voldenet, are you are basically saying it's not really possible to use NativeCall with the md4c library? 18:57
[Coke] ... and open a new shell and I'm fine? weird 19:02
Quibono Are folks familiar with supercompilation or should I explain what that is? My raku project is about it 19:03
Voldenet if you managed to cast subroutine into Pointer then it's possible to use without a wrapper
lizmat Quibono: please elaborate :-) 19:04
Quibono So basically it’s close to program synthesis, where you feed the SC a program and say “I want one that does the same thing, but more X” whether X is faster, energy efficient, what have you. It’s usually used as like a final step to eek out a tiny bit of extra perf for compiling stuff 19:07
I want to see if I can use it to generate compiler passes
So the only thing in the compiler that wouldn’t be automated is the IR gen and the supercompiler
lizmat sounds cool 19:11
you might want to check that out with the compiler wizards on #moarvm
Quibono Yeah, I’d also love to figure out what you’d need to make raku compile to native code heh. 19:13
lizmat Quibono: MoarVM comes with a JIT for Intel processors... 19:15
melezhik Hi jjatria , thanks for github.com/melezhik/Sparrow6/pull/5 , out of curiosity - are you using sparrow?
lizmat sadly not for ARM
jjatria Hi melezhik! I was looking at it thinking about automatic builds for my PublicSuffix dist 19:16
So, not using it yet, but thinking that maybe I can
melezhik ok, I see
let me know if you need any help with it
jjatria Is the docker image currently the best way to set up a local instance? 19:17
Quibono Lizmat: as an arm user yes that is sad, but understandable.
melezhik if you need to manage VM, ssh hosts you might also be interested in sparrowdo - which is a subtotal based on Sparrow, specifically designed for that task
jjatria That "local instance" is thinking about Sparky, actually 19:18
melezhik or if you need asynchronous multiple hosts configuration, with logic distributed across many hosts you may be interested in sparrowdo with Sparky 19:19
what's your case in 2 words?
so,  you need to configure localhost, right? 19:20
jjatria In two words!? Damn, tall ask :D
"Automatic releases"?
I have a dist to query Mozilla's public suffix list, but that list gets updated several times a week, and I know I'll forget to update it, so I was thinking about having something that would check for new versions, and release when needed 19:21
And I don't know if I want to have my fez credentials on the cloud :P 19:24
Some sort of limited fez token would be neat
lizmat tonyo ^^ 19:25
jjatria: I guess you could set up a fez org, like we have done for raku-community-modules ? 19:26
melezhik jjatria so you need a periodic task to check if the list has new updates, and then do _some_ actions if an update happens, right? 19:34
we are talking about this one - gitlab.com/jjatria/publicsuffix ? 19:43
oh, looks like you embed this data into your distro - gitlab.com/jjatria/publicsuffix/-/...x_list.dat , right? 19:44
let me think a bit about this and come up with some suggestion with how Sparrow/Sparky and friends could be useful here 19:45
nine stevied: it's not surprising you're getting segfaults. That library expects function pointers for those callbacks, but you just gave it NULL. When the library tries to call one of these functions, it dereferences a NULL pointers 20:10
tellable6 nine, I'll pass your message to stevied
nine Anyone: feel free to post that on the reddit thread 20:11
jjatria lizmat: we do have an org for raku.land, so we could move it to that one, or to some other one 20:43
melezhik: yup, that's the one. Also here: raku.land/zef:jjatria/PublicSuffix now that it lives 🎉
tellable6 jjatria, I'll pass your message to melezhik
melezhik jjatria you can deploy sparky server and create a time scheduler project so that it pulls data from mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ and in case any updates - update and create new distro release 22:06
tellable6 2022-07-10T20:43:57Z #raku <jjatria> melezhik: yup, that's the one. Also here: raku.land/zef:jjatria/PublicSuffix now that it lives 🎉
melezhik . 23:22