Raku Conference Day 2 on Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL9-XdC9WYI 🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 14 August 2022.
Xliff tonyo++ # Already there! :) 00:03
guifa_: Um... applications to install? Casks to pour?
tonyo if you're a bash user then you can upgrade the ancient version that ships with osx using brew 00:08
guifa_ Ah, I think you meant just for Raku stuff 00:10
Xliff guifa_: Well... Raku stuff too. 00:17
I have Raku and brew setup.
tonyo: Yeah, I had a time upgrading to Bash 5. I'm still on zsh until I get that fixed. 00:27
tonyo what's the issue? if you install via brew you need to add it to /etc/shells so chsh allows it 00:28
Xliff Yeah, and when I do that, stuff like "brew" stops working. 00:29
So I have to get my path straight.
tonyo oh -- heh , guessing you need to add the right shell hooks to ~/.bash_profile
Xliff Yeah... and I just haven't had the time to. 00:30
I'm on the PC, right now.
Trying to find an answer to some issue that might affect my embryonic Gnome Shell raku bindings. 00:31
770,000 lines of Raku and growing.
guifa_ If you have any non-Apple-based wireless speakers, Airfoil is a pretty obligatory program — makes it easy for me to stream to other types of speakers 00:44
guifa_ uses a Mac, but is firmly in camp Google for everything but his desktop OS
Textual is the better IRC client if you want something modern. Otherwise, standard command line ones work fine ofc 00:47
Xliff Can I download Textual? I currently am waiting for Apple to restore my itunes account. 00:51
Aha! I can. 00:53
And I did.
jaguart so newbie opinion - pod6 is a pita - convince me I'm wrong please 01:06
tonyo i
XliffyMac OK, how can I set the font size for the user list in Textual?
tonyo i've used pods for years, i don't disagree
XliffyMac I love the Pre and Post declarator PODs. Just ask guifa. 01:07
jaguart yeah - nah, better in other lang/tooling. dont understand why Raku brought pod along 01:08
XliffyMac gist.github.com/Xliff/c78fb770c8b1...bdb007e9c6
tonyo that and TAP
jaguart Xliff - that is nice - but =head Heading and =item1 blah 01:10
tonyo @xliff more interesting to me would be a slang that behaves like datalog for querying sqls
XliffyMac tonyo: Got a link? 01:11
tonyo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datalog
i'll write your examples in datalog-ish
Xliff Cool! Toss 'em in the gist comments. 01:15
Something like this?
guifa_ Xliffy: I'm not sure on that one, I haven't styled it too extensively (plus I like fairly small text personally....one of my gripes about apple's new UIs being all iOS-y with way too much whitespace)
Xliff guifa_: Ah, no worries. Thanks!
guifa_ I don't mind pod6. Though, to be fair, I don't use all of its features that extensively. But I like the idea of them. Definitely a few things I'd change though but there's some room for growth I think at leat while its not super highly adopted in the wild outside of Rakudocs 01:18
jaguart what bugs me is the unreadability of the =pod sections when viewing code. I'd replace the content with markdown 01:24
and the semantic sections - no real guidelines except cpan history 01:25
which is ok - just not really defined, so varies enormously 01:26
the main thing missing though is the javadoc equiv - complete interactive codebase exploration 01:27
which probably will result in everyone rolling their own 01:28
Xliff Guys -- check the new comment I wrote here: gist.github.com/Xliff/c78fb770c8b1...bdb007e9c6 01:29
jaguart the beauty of your second comment is that you could extend support for non-sql or different flavours of sql 01:31
Xliff jaquart: Yep. JUST made that point in an edit. 01:32
jaguart one thing - most of my SQL is somewhat interpolated - even when the args are parameterised
Xliff jaguart: That is handled through a different mechanism.
guifa_ jaguart: that's one reason I've been slowly experimenting with it. Just like I'm trying to push for us having well coded modules early in the ecosystem to guide the way, I think I will eventually try to do a similar approach with POD6
Xliff At that point, the query becomes more of a view and is processed like a template (and in many cases IS a template) 01:33
guifa_ consistency of use will engender greater utility
But there's also that huge chicken and egg problem
Right now, everyone just uses Markdown because, well, README.md is enough and no one likes writing docs anyways
jaguart guifa: yes - imagine if you just embeded your README.md in your =doc section... 01:34
guifa_ I think my initial push is going to be for a lot bigger use of declarator pod. That's fairly unambiguous in how it should be used, and is super IDE friendly 01:35
jaguart I do like the declarators - they are easy to read 01:36
guifa_ I've still been mulling over how best to use some of the other features for the best of literate coding with docs processing
jaguart I'd just like to adopt some recommends for markdown and javadoc-like standards
guifa_ But I'm going to need to do a lot of experimentation I'm sure before I get what I think works best
jaguart I'm of the opion that we just use what actually works in the wild 01:37
sure tweak it to make it rakuish, but why invent a new set of semantics
and also why invent a new flavour of markdown 01:38
tonyo pod was around before markdown 01:40
jaguart yes - and it shows :) 01:41
I'll probably ask again - docs are a bugbear of mine. I've written my thoughts at jaguart.tech/raku-pod6-is-a-pita 01:43
I am off though - its 3:40 in France - au revoir
tonyo you could write a slang to use markdown rather than pod 01:44
and it would likely gain some success, particularly from non-perlers
jaguart tonyo: thanks - this newbie will look at 'slangs'
guifa_ Slangs are fun 01:58
Of course I realized after releasing my recent slang I found I had accidentally commented out a bunch of tests 01:59
and so there were a few bugs
melezhik o/ 02:17
melezhik .tell jjatria - I think this is something you might be interested to run PublicSuffix cron jobs - Cromtit - github.com/melezhik/Cromtit ( Cro(ntab) + Tomtit ) 02:18
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to jjatria
Nemokosch I don't know how using Mac aligns with the high ideals of Raku 06:35
jjatria melezhik: oh, interesting. I'll take a look! 08:17
tellable6 jjatria, I'll pass your message to melezhik
melezhik o/ 14:59
tellable6 2022-08-17T08:17:47Z #raku <jjatria> melezhik: oh, interesting. I'll take a look!
melezhik .tell jjatria it's WIP, however is it something you might be into? Asking at the early state of design ... 15:01
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to jjatria
melezhik . 16:57
wafflus is this a bug ("foobar" ~~ /foob|\w+?/ it returns f) but according to the manual is should return the longest possible match so i would expect it to return foob and not f 17:30
if i make it non greedy then is does work like i expect it to
lizmat moritz_ ^^ 17:47
jjatria I've been looking into what it would take to make PublicSuffix accept user-provided lists, and it's doing my head in 18:11
tellable6 2022-08-17T02:18:19Z #raku <melezhik> jjatria - I think this is something you might be interested to run PublicSuffix cron jobs - Cromtit - github.com/melezhik/Cromtit ( Cro(ntab) + Tomtit )
2022-08-17T15:01:21Z #raku <melezhik> jjatria it's WIP, however is it something you might be into? Asking at the early state of design ...
jjatria Because if I do, then it means that it could be loaded with two different lists in two different scopes 18:12
And since Raku likes to keep things lexical, what you'd expect is for those two scopes to have access to two different lists
jjatria But then that means that the functions I export need to close over the list they were imported with 18:13
tonyo m: say ('foobar' ~~ /foob|\w+?/); 18:14
camelia 「f」
tonyo m: say ('foobar' ~~ /foob||\w+?/);
camelia 「foob」
jjatria And that's when I start wondering whether it makes sense to go through all that trouble... and the current automatic release with precompiled lists starts looking a hell of a lot more attractive
tonyo seems like that | and || is backwards, either in docs or in implementation 18:15
jjatria You want different lists on different scopes? Import different versions. Easy. I might punt on this
tonyo m: say ('foobar' ~~ /fooc||\w+?/); 18:16
camelia 「f」
tonyo m: say ('foobar' ~~ /fooc|\w+?/);
camelia 「f」
wafflus @tonyo thanks i'm never too sure as i'm a bit of a noob 18:17
tonyo m: say ('foobar' ~~ /foob|\w+/); 18:18
camelia 「foobar」
tonyo wafflus: part of it is that's not a very good regex since `foob` is a subset of `\w+`
wafflus well maybe of course its just an example i'm never quite sure which way is the better way when doing regexes but it does seem like a ubg 18:19
tonyo m: say ('2a31238' ~~ /\d\w|\d\w\d+?/);
camelia 「2a3」
wafflus i guess i can just stick to normal alteration using || 18:20
tonyo that does look like a bug in either the docs or in the implementation
wafflus or use non greedy its kind of hard when you can't predict things
i mean greedy 18:22
tonyo i think if you don't have the subset idea then it should be fine in practice to do it the way intended by the docs
that last regex example shows the pipe doing it's thing 18:23
wafflus anyways thanks 18:26
melezhik .tell lizmat irclogs.raku.org log seem get stuck, no updates since yesterday 19:33
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to lizmat
lizmat . 19:48
tellable6 2022-08-17T19:33:16Z #raku <melezhik> lizmat irclogs.raku.org log seem get stuck, no updates since yesterday
lizmat seems the logger died :-(
will re-concile with colabti logs tomorrow
melezhik yeah, on my estimation it happened a couple days ago 19:49
sure, no rush