Raku Conference Day 2 on Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL9-XdC9WYI 🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 14 August 2022.
melezhik .tell @sm 00:09
tellable6 melezhik, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Tellable
melezhik .tell SmokeMachine I have fixed sparrowhub.io queue, new builds should get triggered now
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to SmokeMachine
melezhik Anton Antonov - I have fixed sparrowhub.io queue, new builds should get triggered now 00:10
tbrowder leont: ink 01:19
leont ink? 01:20
tbrowder *i like thar form, too. i have completely forgot about its *nix use. ++
so that's where basename probably came from in my lingo and i couldn't remember its genesis. 01:22
leont: ^^^ i have lots of finger fumbles, pardon me 01:24
nite all
Nemokosch leont: isn't the double bracket thingy simply because you didn't add the comma? 03:33
In which case it's really just essential Raku syntax 03:34
tonyo nemokosch, you asserted a not in set.any and a in set.none were ambiguous andonly not true in raku, you cannot accept that your assertion is untrue? not really my problem 05:12
swap the `not in` and ` in ` but still the point.
Nemokosch I asserted "any" is an ambiguous concept, which I stand by and which I provided examples for. 05:24
I also asserted that "none" is a twisted, anglocentric way to phrase things, and is pretty much mandatory in Raku if you want negation for all
all *items*, mind you, not the all quantor itself, but it seems to me that others got this part anyway 05:40
k55 Hey 09:38
woof woof
Nemokosch suppers 09:40
lizmat that feels that was 46 too many :-) 10:13
tbrowder g'day. i just added one more comment to lizmat's closed PR #5031 12:00
Quibono Good morning folks. I'm trying to find projects to start that would benefit the raku community. 13:48
tbrowder <Quibono> what kind of projects? core, public module, or? 15:59
Nemokosch where can I check the implementation of nqp::base_I? 17:01
or any other nqp namespaced thing really
tonyo in the nqp repo is where i'd look 17:11
Nemokosch so far so good but the Raku/nqp repository is rather sophisticated, too; it wouldn't just hit me where to look within 17:24
MasterDuke Nemokosch: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...1006-L1072 18:12
tellable6 MasterDuke, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
MasterDuke for the jvm and js backend, nqp op implementations are in the nqp repo, but for the moarvm backend, the implementation for about 99% of the ops is in the moarvm repo 18:13
p6steve Middle English non, none, from Old English nan "not one, not any, no person; not the least part," from ne "not" (see no) + an "one" (see one). Cognate with Old Saxon, Middle Low German nen, Old Norse neinn, Middle Dutch, Dutch neen, Old High German, German nein "no," and analogous to Latin non- (see non-). It is thus the negative of one, an, and a (1). 18:17
Nemokosch MasterDuke: well, I must be missing something because I can't see how this turns into nqp::base_I... 18:36
okay, check, I kinda see it
Quibono Uh sorry for the super late response, but anything really, I’m just curious what the ecosystem needs 19:51
I know I’ve asked this before, but is a MoarVM competitor desirable? 20:07
I know I’ve asked this before, but is a MoarVM/rakudo competitor desirable?
nine Desireable? Sure. Realistic? Not so much. And then there's the point of, if someone had that kind of time and motivation, they would just be spent much better on Rakudo than a competitor. 20:10
gfldex m: my $var := Proxy.new: STORE => method (|) { }, FETCH => method { ++$ > 5 ?? Mu !! 42 }; $var.say for ^5; 20:38
camelia 42
gfldex m: my Any:D $var := Proxy.new: STORE => method (|) { }, FETCH => method { ++$ > 5 ?? Mu !! 42 }; $var.say for ^5;
camelia 42
gfldex he laughs manically 20:40
Nemokosch sorry what 20:50
gfldex I found another way to break the promise made by the defined-type-smiley. 20:51
dramatic music and a lightning strike, please 20:52
Nemokosch Why does this happen?
yeah yeah, like the one in mario kombat
gfldex Well, Rakudo does try to do the right thing.
m: my Any:D $var := Proxy.new: STORE => method (|) { }, FETCH => method { ++$ > 2 ?? Mu !! 42 }; $var.say for ^5; 20:53
camelia (Mu)
gfldex m: my Any:D $var := Proxy.new: STORE => method (|) { }, FETCH => method { Mu }; $var.say for ^5;
camelia Type check failed in binding; expected Any:D but got Mu (Mu)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex So it does check right at the point of binding, if the value is defined, even when binding to a pre-made container.
Nemokosch youtu.be/e3m40CmLk0w?t=5 20:54
idk where they got this from, probably not original
gfldex that was my reference: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLe1xt8lelM 20:56
Nemokosch sounds like some John Williams
Voldenet defined-type-smiley is not even a guarantee though, just a type hint 22:08
Nemokosch Types are overall more sophisticated than some runtime, fit/not-fit kinda checks 22:15
El_Che still need to watch the rest of the video 22:40
to which one do I skip for the drama? 22:41
(just kidding)