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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder lizmat: i don't know why, but the proc call didn't work without binding, ah the school of hard knocks once again proves its worth 09:42
lizmat tbrowder: I usually use binding to indicate something is more or less constant within its given scope
Nemokosch patrickb: Oh okay fair enough :D 11:59
oops wrong chat, talking about confusion 12:00
"why are there suddenly 172 members online in #raku-doc"
El_Che the doc sent them there? 12:05
"Go to #raku-doc and wait for further instructions." 12:06
tbrowder tonyo: a pamphlet is cool 14:51
Guest69 r: use foo:from<Perl5> 18:31
camelia Can't open perl script "/home/camelia/rakudo-j-inst/bin/eval-client.pl": No such file or directory
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Please install Inline::Perl5 for Perl 5 support.
at <tmp>:1
tbrowder .ask tonyo is it possible to use fez in a github workflow test? mine is failing, as expected, but a fake account for testing would be handy if it could be done securely. hm, maybe i should check its docs :-) 22:32
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to tonyo
ugexe tbrowder: what do you need a fake account for? 23:01
usually CI test apps have a way of encrypting secrets if you want to use an actual account
for instance: i pass github access token via github.com/ugexe/Raku-CompUnit--Re....yml#L5-L7 23:02
the token is encoded into the string you see there on appveyors site before its committed 23:03
tbrowder i don't use ci, just github workflows, but i can read some more and see if there is a way on github. in the meantime, i can mod the tests to elim problems. 23:31
tbrowder oh, duh, i was thinking circleci 23:32
tbrowder ah, this is why the xt dir is used, see App::Mi6 for one example 23:49