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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder that did it, moved the test needing a fez account to xt, it works locally with "mi6 test" by the workflow test doesn't test anything in xt--purrfect! 00:16
Geth ecosystem/main: ea0388f5ab | (Ahmad M. Zawawi)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Godot::Fun
ecosystem/main: dd6c20b3fa | (Ahmad M. Zawawi)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
P6 -> Raku URL changes
Nemokosch am I understanding right that the lowercase `rak` module is like the API version of the rak tool? 09:11
lizmat It's the "plumbing" module of App::Rak 09:15
rindolf hi all. i believe rakudo being so slow was a devils' lie: www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/cult.../#see-also 13:08
[Coke] Looking at the list there, I have no idea how that relates to raku. 13:12
rindolf [Coke]: www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/cult...cal_demons 13:18
my whole life was a lie 13:21
lizmat rindolf: have you taken your medication? 13:24
rindolf lizmat: yes!
lizmat good. And how is what you posted relevant to the Raku Programming Language ? 13:25
rindolf lizmat: psychiatric anti-placebo poisons
lizmat rindolf: please, go do this somewhere else
rindolf lizmat: i believe rakudo being so slow was a devils' lie 13:26
tbrowder .tell ugexe i thought i needed one for testing but i don’t 14:03
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to ugexe
leont I keep being perfectionist on my new module, I should just release it before the weekly and then try to write the blogpost before the next 14:21
[Coke] leont++ 14:29
release with a pre-prod version number, then no worries
El_Che who said that perl people did know nothing about marketing? 14:52
Nemokosch what's the difference between `if my $var = some-value` and `if some value -> $var`? 15:11
the omission of the hyphen in the second version was accidental 15:12
Juerd With "if my $var = 42 { ... }", $var will still exist after that block, with "if 42 -> $var { ... }', $var will exist only in the block. 15:15
I'd say the former should probably never occur. It's something you'd write in other languages, where that syntax would be severely special cased to restrict the variable to the block. If you really want the variable to exist outside of the conditional, it would be clearer to human readors to declare it in a separate statement before the "if". 15:17
tbrowder hi, i’m having trouble parsing a .gitconfig file with either Config::INI or App::Mi6::INI. i have been using % but haven’t tried $ 15:20
leont Also, I think the latter does a bind, which can matter in some circumstances
But yeah, generally speaking the second form should be preferred 15:21
Nemokosch oh well, actually I have seen the former in mi6 itself, that's why I asked... made me feel uncertain. Thank you anyway 15:22
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2022/09/26/2022-...g-hacking/ 15:23
[Coke] Config::INI on my .gitconfig seems to just return Nil for everything 15:27
dd Config::INI::parse("a=b")<_> -> also Nil 15:28
jdv lizmat: might want to redo/revalidate the rea meta. Looks like a username change is breaking stuff. s/MasterDuke17/masterduke17/. 16:32
lizmat symptoms? 16:33
jdv see the url in github.com/Raku/REA/blob/main/meta...17%3E.json
lizmat I'm not understanding the problem ? 16:34
jdv zef install Text::Diff::Sift4 fails because the fetched "tar.gz" is just a test file containing "404: Not Found" 16:35
lizmat aha! ok
am about to have dinner, will look at this after that
jdv i'm not sure now that i look at the user page
but lc'ing the m and d in the url looks like a real tgz coming back 16:36
tbrowder [Coke]: i haven’t tried yet but wonder if line ending is a problem 16:42
lizmat jdv: could you "zef update" and then try to install Text::Diff::Sift4 ? 16:43
tbrowder maybe inlineperl and a module from CPAN 16:44
git says their gitconfig format is not strictly INI but close. i haven’t yet checked for bad chars 16:45
[Coke] seems resolved now 17:09
tbrowder .gitconfig? 17:14
[Coke] no, Text::Diff::Sift4 17:16
tonyo Hmm, it parsed my git configuration fine, what's in yours? 17:18
tellable6 2022-09-25T22:32:46Z #raku <tbrowder> tonyo is it possible to use fez in a github workflow test? mine is failing, as expected, but a fake account for testing would be handy if it could be done securely. hm, maybe i should check its docs :-)
tonyo tbrowder: are you trying to publish after a GHA run? 17:19
tidux so it turns out that Readline is just permanently hosed on MacOS but Linenoise still works 17:22
I'm going to see if I can switch back to GNU/Linux for development, it was much less hassle... 17:23
[Coke]_ I was sure I've used readline recently on the mac. 17:25
[Coke] are you on a new m1/m2 mac? 17:25
when running the REPL, is there a way to force which readline-alike you use? 17:26
lizmat RAKUDO_LINE_EDITOR I believe 17:28
tbrowder tonyo: i don’t know what GHA is, but i’m not needing it now 17:29
El_Che (Github Actions?)
tbrowder the fez install for testing is not needed 17:30
ah, GHA, of course, senility strikes again
tonyo tbrowder: git hub actions 18:01
[Coke] trying to install Cro::HTTP on a linux box, it hangs after showing: [Cro::HTTP] t/http-session-persistent.t ....... ok 18:27
lizmat [Coke]: perhaps better on #cro ? 18:27
tonyo [Coke]: the only way i can ever cro to install is doing the deps individually and then finally installing cro 18:30
Nemokosch I have installed Cro::HTTP::Client a couple of times, for what it's worth. It took around an hour in WSL. 18:32
what's the difference between `int` and `Int` in Rakudo code? I can see both. 18:36
Back to github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...s/JSON.pm6
tonyo int is native and Int is not 18:37
same with str/Str and num/Num 18:40
Nemokosch Hm, okay. Do you know why $spacing is passed as native int but $level is passed as the wrapped type? Maybe it is because $spacing is passed to an nqp sub at some point? 18:41
[Coke] so int should be more compact, work better with JIT if it's enabled...
tonyo nemokosch: most likely. working with them is more tedious but is faster (at least for the time being) 18:42
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch gotcha, thanks 18:44
(Int) cannot be unboxed to int. Tbh I could have anticipated this and saved like 10 minutes of building a nice definedness-oriented interface... 18:52
although... actually I don't understand how that to-json method works. How can an int value be optional? Only by not passing the named argument at all, right? 18:55
where would you put an input file that belongs to a test case? 20:48
[Coke] "zef install Whatever" - ===> Install [FAIL] for Whateverable:ver<1.0.11>: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/coke/home#sources/FFCE30B7629EBB9BF4F889999F97C35CAC8EA91C (Whateverable) Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol SSL 21:28
"zef instalL Whatever" - All candidates are currently installed 21:29
[Coke] so I got a failure but a successful install?? 21:29
[Coke] sorry, "Whateverable" 21:32
zef install --force-install Whateverable - duplicates the error Merging GLOBAL symbols... 21:33
jdv: trying to get Blin installed to do a test run, but everything is jacked!
(well, not everything, but certainly the amount of jacked things is > 0) 21:37
[Coke] . 22:16
AlexDaniel [Coke]: try using whateverable from a git clone, without installing as a library 23:05
I don't remember if it is fully installable as a normal module
[Coke] installed blin, getting Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol SSL there too 23:06
AlexDaniel: blin has it as a dep
AlexDaniel sure, but you can just specify it as a path with RAKULIB or whatever the env variable is 23:09
[Coke] AlexDaniel: looks like no tests in t/; readme mentions t/ for tests? 23:10
[Coke] raku xt/bisectable.t -> Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol SSL 23:11
AlexDaniel the readme is wrong then, there are some very heavy tests in xt/
[Coke] guessing I want to wipe my zef install here and start over. 23:12
ugexe Coke: all the regular files are installed, but precompilation failed 23:17
tellable6 2022-09-26T14:03:18Z #raku <tbrowder> ugexe i thought i needed one for testing but i don’t
ugexe so when you try to reinstall all the regular files are there and it tells you its already installed. and indeed `use Whateverable` or whatnot would find it too even though that precompilation failed 23:18
AlexDaniel well, the good news is that you can reinstalled all of the potentially useful modules from the ecosystem just by installing whateverable…
can reinstall*
[Coke] instructions for blin will cause what* to get installed as a module.
does someone have instructions for running Blin that don't end up installing W*? 23:26
(trying to get a blin working separate from our rlease manager) 23:28