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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
guifa did we end up merging the current RakuAST work into master or is it still all in rakuast ? 00:28
[Coke] pretty sure it'snot yet merged 00:35
guifa alright, just debating how best to discuss stuff in my advent day post 00:57
melezhik hi! when can we see linux binaries for a new rakudo release on rakudo.org? cc jdv 01:38
jdv .tell melezhik i believe that's what patrickb normally does 04:54
tellable6 jdv, I'll pass your message to melezhik
frost Hi, will there be a new raku advent post today? 05:28
SmokeMachine I’ll try to publish mine, ok? 07:01
I’m not being able to set the code as Raku code… 07:17
I’m publishing it. 07:18
Ok? 07:24
SmokeMachine Done 07:36
Nemokosch guifa: it will be merged soon, possibly before the next release 08:27
mscha m: say 'foobar' ~~ /. ** 3/; # this is fine 10:12
camelia 「foo」
mscha my $len = 3; say 'foobar' ~~ /. **⏏ $len/; # but how do I do this?
m: my $len = 3; say 'foobar' ~~ /. **⏏ $len/; # but how do I do this?
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quantifier quantifies nothing
at <tmp>:1
------> my $len = 3; say 'foobar' ~~ /. **⏏⏏ $len/; # but how do I do this?
mscha m: my $len = 3; say 'foobar' ~~ /. ** {$len}/; # never mind, RTFM 10:13
camelia 「foo」
tbrowder hi, question on class construction: if every instance of a class has one attribute having the same value for the same attribute, does raku optimze that somehow so there is only one copy in memory? 12:59
moritz the short answer is: probably not 13:07
the long answer is that raku's object model distinguishes between class behavior (controlled by the meta class) and storage management 13:08
for example when doing nativecall integration, it's pretty important that objects are layed out in memory like C structs, so there's a separate NativeCallHOW or so for that 13:09
and I don't think the default storage layout engine has such an optimization, but you could write your own that does
m: class A {}; say A.HOW
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
tbrowder hi, moritz, Merry Christmas. i'm definitely not interested in writing my own. 13:50
i thought i remembered something about a "static" field that was the same for all objects of a class. i know static is not the right term. 13:52
i couldn't find it in the docs
moritz you can just declare it with `my` on the class level 13:55
melezhik . 13:56
tellable6 2022-12-06T04:54:41Z #raku <jdv> melezhik i believe that's what patrickb normally does
melezhik jdv thanks
ggoebel .tell codesections are you the maintainer for the raku-advent.blog? If not, who is? We need to update the link for "Full list of 2021 Raku Advent Blog Posts" to 2022 13:56
tellable6 ggoebel, I'll pass your message to codesections
melezhik .tell patrickb hi Patrick! where can I see linux binary distributions for 2022.12 version? thanks
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to patrickb
melezhik where -> when 13:57
.tell patrickb I mean linux binary distributions for rakudo 2022.12 on rakudo.org 13:58
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to patrickb
Nemokosch ggoebel: I think it's mainly JJ Merelo 13:59
tbrowder moritz: thanks, i'll try that 14:04
Geth doc: f82f328d3f | (Polgár Márton)++ | doc/Language/community.pod6
Altering Online communities section of the community page

Includes removal of IRC bot list - it's also present on the raku.org site, apart from the undersightable bot that doesn't seem to work.
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/community
doc: 824dfba835 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/community.pod6
Merge pull request #4152 from 2colours/irc-cleanup

Altering Online communities section of the community page
doc: tbrowder++ created pull request #4155:
Add a practical example of class introspection
[Coke] anyone with wikipedia login want to track the Perl 6 rename on this page? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damian_Conway 15:51
SmokeMachine it seems another advent calendar post was published together with the current one... 16:33
what should be done? 16:36
Nemokosch more like your post got shadowed
ohh, now it at least shows under raku-advent.blog/2022/ 16:39
SmokeMachine Nemokosch: that's the smallestt problem IMHO... there are 2 posts for the same day...
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch previously I could only find it using the "previous post" button from the other post
SmokeMachine that's the biggest problem... we already have a small number of posts... if we post 2 at the same day...
Nemokosch hey, what if we are just rich like that? 😂 16:40
SmokeMachine I'm thinking on trying to reschedule that...
Nemokosch on a more serious tone. No idea what happened, no idea how the calendar is handled and no idea whom to notify and how. Perhaps JJ but how? 16:42
A zillionth example how proper communication should be made common practice.
SmokeMachine my post wasn't scheduled, but when I saw that today no post was published (the posts should be scheduled for 00:00, at 07:00 there was no new post), then I published mine, to not open a hole... 16:43
JJ is on vacation...
maybe this one was scheduled for the wrong time... 16:44
nine Or maybe a time zone problem?
SmokeMachine nine: yes, maybe... 16:45
SmokeMachine what to do? 16:45
it seems I have no permission to do anything...
Nemokosch Good for you that you know it at all that JJ is on vacation lol. Not sure how one should figure these things out. 16:46
SmokeMachine before I published my post, I sent JJ a message on twitter, he agreed with me that any post would be better than no post and told me he was on vacation. 16:47
Nemokosch That's fair. 16:48
SmokeMachine I was thinking on trying to reschedule that post for tomorrow... but it seems
I was thinking on trying to reschedule that post for tomorrow... but it seems there are other 7 posts scheduled (I can't see what or to when)... 16:49
I don't have permission to see or to change anything... 16:50
Nemokosch does lizmat know something about this maybe? 16:51
SmokeMachine idk... maybe... lizmat ? 16:52
lizmat yes, I can do stuff.. what needs to be done?
Nemokosch otherwise, I'd just say benevolent accidents do happen every now and then, it's not the end of the world to repost the article once we've run out 16:53
lizmat SmokeMachine what needs to be done? Remove yours, or Wim's ? 16:54
SmokeMachine lizmat: I really don't know. I don't want to harm mine nor Wim's 16:55
lizmat ok, I've converted yours to draft now 16:56
SmokeMachine ok, thanks
lizmat the reason: Wim's is in raw HTML, and I didn't see a quick way to see the date
SmokeMachine will mine be published any other time?
or that was it?
lizmat I'm looking at what would be the best solution :-) 16:57
the easiest would be to reschedule it for the 12th
SmokeMachine and sorry for the confusion... I was just trying to help to not let the advent without a post for a day...
lizmat SmokeMachine: is that ok with you ?
SmokeMachine sure 16:58
lizmat ok, then I'll reschedule for the 12th :-)
SmokeMachine again, I'm sorry for that
lizmat no worries... stuff happens :-)
lizmat SmokeMachine: if you feel you need to polish your blog, you have a few days to do so :-) 17:00
SmokeMachine next time I'll try to keep my anxiety under control... (I was just trying to help... :( )
thanks... that's a good idea... it is really needed
Nemokosch lizmat++ 17:01
tbrowder well, a better raku-advent.blog system would be a giant help, just saying ;-) 17:50
ugexe ChatGPT doesn't write the greatest advent blog posts gist.github.com/ugexe/bacd1a812b53...3b8f628d76 18:25
japhb That's ... actually not nearly as bad as I was expecting. 18:28
lizmat copy paste and we're set for another day 18:29
I guess I would s/, formerly known as Perl 6// 18:30
ugexe gist.github.com/ugexe/e43c84a51505...1cdd9694ae - with code examples 18:47
not so sure about that last example 18:49
lizmat that last example is bogus: there is no Actor role 19:02
tonyo i have one for ya that jj said he'd post 19:48
re:advent articles
github.com/tony-o/tony-o.github.io...in-raku.md 19:49
lizmat tonyo: shall I schedule that for day 13 ? 20:06
also: do you have a wordpress login ?
smol-hors how do you specify a step/increment in a range? 20:32
oh, infix ... 20:34
[Coke] right 20:35
tonyo lizmat: the best day. i do not have a login 20:39
lizmat ok, I will schedule it for the 13th then
ok, scheduled for the 13th 20:54
tonyo tak
patrickb melezhik, jdv, whoever is interested: I've just created and uploaded the binary archives for the 2022.12 release to rakudo.org. The MacOS ARM files are not there yet. I need more time setting up MacStadium. I hope to manage to do that in the next few days. 22:54
tellable6 2022-12-06T13:56:48Z #raku <melezhik> patrickb hi Patrick! where can I see linux binary distributions for 2022.12 version? thanks
2022-12-06T13:58:09Z #raku <melezhik> patrickb I mean linux binary distributions for rakudo 2022.12 on rakudo.org
[Coke] patrickb++ 23:18