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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
jaguart m: #| above sub-x\nsub x() {...}; say &x.WHY 00:59
camelia ( no output )
jaguart is there a way to play with POD declarators via m:?
m: EVAL("#| above sub-x\nsub x() {...}; say &x.WHY") 01:00
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> above s…
jaguart m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; EVAL("#| above sub-x\nsub x() {...}; say &x.WHY") 01:01
camelia Stub code executed
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jaguart m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; EVAL("#| above sub-x\nsub x() {...}"); say &x.WHY 01:03
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
x used at line 1
jaguart hmmm - &x.WHY works in my REPL but not here 01:05
MasterDuke m: #| above sub-x␤sub x() {...}; say &x.WHY 01:48
camelia above sub-x
MasterDuke jaguart: ^^^ 01:49
jaguart MasterDuke++ thanks :) 01:50
jaguart m: #| above sub-x␤sub x() {...}; say &x.WHY 01:51
camelia above sub-x
jaguart so using the unicode NL char - nice 01:52
MasterDuke m: dd Bool.^attributes     also, Bool is kind of special in that it needs to exist very early in the compilation process, so it's mostly "hand-crafted" before the rest of the compiler is built and that probably why this happens (though it'd be nice to get it to not show two `$!value`s if possible)
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> dd Bool.^attributes⏏     also, Bool is kind of special in th
expecting any of:
infix stopper
MasterDuke m: dd Bool.^attributes    # also, Bool is kind of special in that it needs to exist very early in the compilation process, so it's mostly "hand-crafted" before the rest of the compiler is built and that probably why this happens (though it'd be nice to get it to not show two `$!value`s if possible)
camelia (Attribute.new, Attribute.new, BOOTSTRAPATTR.new)
jaguart yeah - that BOOTSTRAPATTR borks introspection, as do VMvoids that show up in MOP queries 01:53
MasterDuke yep. i think a while ago i was on a kick of giving some of the NQP-level things the methods they're missing compared to their Raku-level counterparts, but i stalled out for some reason 01:55
jaguart and .^methods.map(*.required) fails on a few :)
the worst one though is querying traits - there just isn't a good way to get traits of things 01:56
I'd be willing to sponsor a grant on fleshing out more of the MOP to make it a bit more consistent 01:58
MasterDuke might want to chat with Kaiepi, they've done a lot with the MOP 01:59
jaguart and I'd also sponsor to have the pod edgecases worked on 02:00
my beginner exercise is a gadget called Inspector that describes things - I'm currently throwing all the types mentioned on docs.raku.org/type.html at it. 02:01
I want to know the external APIs and the POD. Works for most, except the Telemetry thread stuff so far 02:02
hobbified I was inspired to revisit day 10 and try to... not quite golf it, but squeeze it down to a few simple bits: github.com/arodland/Advent-of-Code...10/2b.raku 07:16
El_Che weekly: github.com/mame/quine-relay where raku is part of the 150 languages (as perl 6), chain is perl => perl 6 => php 12:12
notable6 El_Che, Noted! (weekly)
asarch Doing a 'zef install Gnome::Gtk3' I get [Gnome::Glib] Cannot locate symbol 'g_prefix_error_literal' in native library 'libglib-2.0.so.0' 17:11
Asking at #gtk, the fellows there told me that the problem is because the zef package needs the GLib 2.70 version and in my Debian stable box the 2.66.8-1 version is installed 17:12
Is there a way to use the installed version (maybe an old release of Gnome::Gtk3)? 17:13
ugexe asarch: it looks like that native function was added in 0.20.4 og Gnome::Gtk3 so indeed a previous version might work. `zef install "Gnome::Glib:ver<0.20.3>"` perhaps (although you'd want to `zef uninstall Gnome::Glib` first) 17:32
you might want to file an issue in Gnome::Glib to maybe more gracefully handle the minimum version requirement 17:36
sweetblood Is it true that raku is the same as perl 6? 17:56
hobbified It's true that Raku is Raku, and it's true that Raku used to be named Perl 6 17:58
sweetblood Okay, thanks. So, not to be too dense, I should be looking for raku documentation rather than perl 6 when trying to learn, correct? I an a 20+ year perl 5 programmer(retired), I just want to stick my toe in to see what raku is like. 18:08
Are there many perlmonks here? 18:10
asarch It worked!: ===> Installing: Gnome::Glib:ver<0.20.3> 18:19
asarch Thank you! Thank you very much!: ===> Installing: Gnome::Gtk3:ver<0.48.13>:auth<github:MARTIMM> :-) 19:40
One last question: what does .= mean?
lucs Kind of like += , but for function application, for example $str = $str.uc would be $str .= uc 19:43
asarch Thank you! 19:55
Nemokosch it is kind of like that but it will bite you at places with this kind of thinking 20:43
lucs Beginner thinking is fine at the beginning. 21:55
Expert thinking will come, one bite at a time 🙂
Beginner thinking is fine at the beginning. 22:02
Expert thinking will come later, one bite at a time 🙂
Nemokosch oh no worries, I can show how exactly it will bite you 😛 22:40
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4863 22:41
Marcool04 Hi all! 23:03
I'm having a hard time trying to compile Rakudo on a raspberry pi 3B+ that I've just switched from armv7h to aarch64
is there any kind of known limitation or issue on that architecture?
if not I think I'm just experiencing some kind of oom issue
I have 2Gb of swap, alongside the 1Gb of actual RAM, but I can kind of see the memory usage creep up and up during the build until the system becomes unresponsive and has to be rebooted 23:04
annoying thing about that is I lose the traces of what is actually happening 23:05
but pretty sure it's an OOm
Which is kind of weird, 'cos this used to work on a 32 bit system on the exact same hardware...
lizmat on my M1 it grows to about 1.8G 23:07
we just had the RakuAST branch merged... which includes a lot of additional code
well, that is, if you're running on HEAD 23:08
Marcool04 oh so maybe the problems are coming from the new code, rather than my switch to 64bit
oh no I'm just trying to compile 2022.12
lizmat ah... then I don't know...
but yeah, building Rakudo can be a memory hog
Marcool04 thanks for the input anyhow lizmat
M1 is the arm mac right?
so it'll be aarch64 too? 23:09
(answered my own question on Wikipedia... M1 has arm v8.5 so that's different I guess from the armv8 in a raspberry pi 3B 23:13
there isn't any standard toolchain to cross-compile rakudo is there? 23:14
nor any prebuilt binaries other than the x86_64 ones?