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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Xliff Does Raku have a PIL analogue? 01:10
Xliff pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/PI...o.add_itxt 01:10
[Coke] what is PIL? (that page doesn't help me understand) 01:22
Xliff Python Image Library 01:42
gfldex timo: Using Proc::Async helps on my end too. 06:21
lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/07/03/2023-...g-rakudoc/ 12:57
nemokosch I'm happy for Zag 13:16
librasteve Xliff: raku.land/?q=Magick and q=Image may do what you want (in various stages of active development) 18:27
or use Image::Magick:from<Perl5>; perhaps? 18:29
gfldex TIL in Chrome html defaults to utf8, <link rel='stylesheet' ...> does not. 20:25
Xliff librasteve: Thanks for the suggestions, but those to -not-, I'm sorry to say. The PIL in Python is specifically for hacking things like TXT blocks into PNG images, so I need a way to decompress PNG in memory. 21:51
timo i wonder, isn't the parts you need to do in order to add a TXT block into a png completely separate from compression? i think image data blocks are "internally" compressed and can freely move around in the file without having to change? 22:18
but i may be confusing png for a different image format 22:19