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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
su.shi class Action [is] Abstract, Thing if only this worked.. 03:30
guifa su.shi what are you trying to do? 10:09
Voldenet consider roles 10:33
m: role Action { method do { … } }; Action.new
camelia Method 'do' must be implemented by Action because it is required by roles: Action.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
su.shi inherit multiple classes without writing 'is' repeatedly, though i've realized that what i wrote wouldn't work with the idea of reduction operators 12:43
if reduction were to work with 'is', it would have to be class Action is [is] Abstract, Thing { 12:44
tonyo it's doable in this way but probably just as ugly as a bunch of `is`es 12:57
m: role A { method a {"a".say;} }; role B { method b { "b".say; }; }; class C { method c { "c".say; } }; C.HOW.add_role(C, $_) for [A,B]; C.^compose; C.new.b
camelia b
tbrowder__ .ask lizmat i would like to use File::LibMagic but it fails testing in the symlinks. I 18:37
tellable6 tbrowder__, I'll pass your message to lizmat
lizmat tbrowder_: worry, but I've only ported that module to modern Raku a while ago, I have no recollection of what and how it does things 18:38
tbrowder__ it looks like it's a problem the original author wasn't happy with. can we cut that test for now?
i'm happy to do that cause i want the other stuff it provides 18:39
lizmat sure, but what it really needs is a maintainer :-) It hasn't been touched significantly since 2016 :-(
tbrowder__ i just published a quick and dirty File::file to do what i need. i’m reluctant to mess with File::LibMagic 20:47