🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
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lizmat | PSA: the Rakudo Weekly News will either be very late today, or tomorrow | 06:24 | |
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melezhik | o/ | 06:49 | |
my colleagues asked my on named function parameters | |||
where can I get a formal description on using :foo() VS :foo<> ? | |||
I found this - andrewshitov.com/2018/10/31/named-...rl-6-subs/ , but this example does not describe <> syntax | 06:50 | ||
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ab5tract_ | melezhik: it's just normal colon pair logic. | 07:37 | |
tellable6 | ab5tract_, I'll pass your message to melezhik | ||
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ab5tract_ | :this<stringifies>, :this('passes') | 07:39 | |
docs.raku.org/syntax/Colon%20Pair | 07:41 | ||
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ab5tract_ | m: dd :a<b c d> # note also that <> keeps its normal semantics | 07:42 | |
camelia | :a(("b", "c", "d")) | ||
ab5tract_ | not-so-strangely consistent :) | ||
gfldex | lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2023/10/09/sp...elimiting/ | 07:54 | |
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SmokeMachine | Would anyone here be interested in this project? github.com/FCO/OTPish | 09:29 | |
nemokosch | Re Elixir: I don't know if there is some major advantage to it; for some reason, I keep hearing that it "scales much better" or something | 09:41 | |
for me it seemed like obfuscated Erlang | 09:42 | ||
much like the C-derived languages to C, except those languages have more or less the same paradigm, while Elixir poses as an imperative-ish language on top of a functional language | 09:43 | ||
iirc it even brings assignments back | 09:44 | ||
other (similar-ish) topic: Github polls about "most loved" and "most dreaded" languages | 09:52 | ||
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it's just crazy how they managed to misrepresent the actual question. It's weird enough that they kept a separate "most loved" and "most dreaded" part, even though in practice that's just a 100%-X operation; you'd assume that "not loving" is different from downright "dreading" | 09:53 | ||
but the bigger problem is that the actual question was, "do you intend to continue using this language?" | 09:54 | ||
what does this have to do with "love"? | |||
this is how you get nonsensical conclusions like "SQL and Bash are more popular among developers than C, C++, Ruby, Perl and whatnot" | 09:56 | ||
El_Che | SmokeMachine: nice. Do you need to be familiar with the Elixir semantics? | 10:12 | |
SmokeMachine | nemokosch: I've probably miss described the project there... it's more about OTP than about Elixir... | ||
El_Che | SmokeMachine: no, I expressed myself poorly. I did get that | ||
SmokeMachine | El_Che: not to Elixir, but to OTP... | ||
El_Che | I meant the agent thing is new to Raku (and probably other languages people here write) | 10:13 | |
SmokeMachine | El_Che: yes, that's the OTP thing... the idea is to have processes always running (that a supervisor will be sure it's running (the supervisor is not implemented yet)), and send and receive messages from those processes... | 10:15 | |
El_Che | I get the message passing metaphore, but have no real life experience. It looks exciting | 10:16 | |
SmokeMachine | I'm implemented the processes with promises and react/whenever, so, the message is received one each time... so, for example, the OTPish::Hash implemented on example has no race conditions... (I hope) | ||
my next step is implement the supervisor... after that I'm planing making it possible to start processes on different machines... | 10:18 | ||
El_Che | how? | ||
grpc? | 10:19 | ||
SmokeMachine | not only starting processes on different machines, but also send, and receive, messages from processes on different machines... | ||
El_Che: maybe... I was thinking on starting with simple http requests... | 10:20 | ||
El_Che | json is something programmers get and can easily work with it. grpc is a lot of generation magic but it's fast | 10:21 | |
luckily my services most of the time are happy with good old rest + jason :) | |||
SmokeMachine | I'll try to make it in a way that it will be easy to change the communication... maybe even make it pluggable... | 10:23 | |
El_Che | a good working system is better that an perfect one that does not work :) | 10:26 | |
SmokeMachine | El_Che: agreed... | 10:27 | |
nemokosch | however, an undocumented solution doesn't exist practically | 10:31 | |
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ugexe | that doesn't seem like it can actually do "Insert 1000 pairs in parallel" | 12:39 | |
anymore than putting a lock inside of the race/map would be working in parallel | |||
like you'd still be bound by the limitations of the underlying data types | 12:40 | ||
SmokeMachine | ugexe: that's sending messages in parallel... the insert is serial... | 12:50 | |
I mean, the process that sent the message is free to do another thing... | 12:52 | ||
(on my example I should be spawn()ing OTPish::Process instead of using race... I'll change that after work...) | 12:53 | ||
ugexe | sure, but "Insert 1000 pairs in parallel" to me looks like its trying to say "i can do this thing regular raku can't do in parallel!" | ||
SmokeMachine | ugexe: thanks, I'll fix the comment after work... | 12:54 | |
ugexe | queue 1000 pairs to be inserted or some such is probably more accurate | ||
SmokeMachine | yes, I'll probably use that sentence... | 12:55 | |
ugexe: thanks | 12:57 | ||
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[Coke] | quotable6: frak | 15:58 | |
quotable6 | [Coke], and I oop! Backtrace: gist.github.com/b1a4257789dc83f3c3...c45f96d0e5 | ||
[Coke] | AlexDaniel: ^^ | 15:59 | |
AlexDaniel | yeah, I have a bunch of e2e tests for the bots, but I haven't tried running them yet. One step at a time :) | 16:00 | |
but they should uncover all issues like this | |||
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AlexDaniel | quotable6: frak | 16:42 | |
quotable6 | AlexDaniel, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4582161 messages to process) | ||
AlexDaniel, Something went wrong (Commit exists, but an executable could not be built for it) | |||
AlexDaniel | well, that's a different error message :) | ||
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jdv | did you rebuild on buster? | 16:43 | |
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AlexDaniel | jdv: on bullseye | 16:46 | |
jdv: but that brought the minimum required GLIBC version back | 16:47 | ||
jdv: so if you had issues related to GLIBC, they should be gone now, or so I think | |||
jdv | i built my own cause the mothership was broke | ||
i think i had it all fine on bookworm | |||
AlexDaniel | mmmm | 16:48 | |
jdv | in terms of blin | ||
AlexDaniel | so how is it today, btw? Who's running Blin? Is it working? | ||
jdv | afaik only the rel mgr, me. | ||
AlexDaniel | well, let me know if I can do something for you | 16:49 | |
while I'm still here :) | |||
jdv | what does that mean? cause you werent here in jun, jul, etc... when it was broke. | 16:50 | |
AlexDaniel | well, I'm still around, just not being active on IRC. I still reply to emails and I follow whateverable's issue tracker | 16:51 | |
jdv | i thought i emailed. could be wrong. | 16:52 | |
anyway, point was why did you rebuild on old? | 16:53 | ||
AlexDaniel | I'm moving everything to a new server. So instead of maintaining the old mess, I dockerized the bots. Due to some rakudo regression, the newest rakudo star I can run is 2023.02. That is based on bullseye | 16:54 | |
this did mean that I had two thousand builds that were too new for the bot containers | 16:55 | ||
so I deleted them and now they're rebuilding :) | |||
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jdv | weird. is the regression understood? | 17:00 | |
AlexDaniel | no | ||
github.com/Raku/whateverable/issue...1737120686 | 17:01 | ||
jdv | weird that blin doesnt hit that | 17:02 | |
afaik | |||
AlexDaniel | not surprising, it's a real world usage of an IRC client | 17:03 | |
kinda hard to test that with unit tests | |||
oops | |||
pastebin::gist in that case, not irc client | |||
still, it's about making actual requests to github | |||
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Xliff | .seen japhb | 17:21 | |
tellable6 | Xliff, I saw japhb 2023-10-04T14:52:41Z in #raku-dev: <japhb> Huh, didn't know there was a whole community there -- I assumed it was just him. :-) | ||
Xliff | \o | ||
.tell japhb Looking for Terminal::Widgets help. How would you write a select list with it? | |||
tellable6 | Xliff, I'll pass your message to japhb | ||
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chmod222 | Heya, a quick question. I'm trying to translate a simple script from python to Raku (gist.github.com/chmod222/5f12134d3...4afe59816) and find my Raku version running about a factor 10 slower (750ms+/- 30, vs 70ms +/- 3). I tried to help the optimizer where possible but it seems to spend the majority of it's time in the STORE sub for some reason | 18:01 | |
Is there any obvious performance pitfall I have fallen in? | 18:02 | ||
(Rakudo 2023.09) | 18:03 | ||
[Coke] | We've seen a few of these recently where a straightforward translation misses taking advantage of some builtin thing. checking... | 18:06 | |
MasterDuke | just curious, but have you tried typing the arrays as Str instead of str? | ||
chmod222 | I have not, let's try that | 18:07 | |
Same performance with Str unfortunately | 18:08 | ||
MasterDuke | if the majority of the time is spent in STORE, then it's probably reading the files into the arrays that's taking the time | 18:09 | |
chmod222 | I don't think that's the issue here, I can see while it's printing the results that it's taking the time inside the loop | 18:10 | |
The issue seems to be the filtering part, because if I take it out, we're fast again | 18:11 | ||
[Coke] | the greps, you mean? | ||
MasterDuke | what if you don't create the intermediate `@viable-adjectives` variables and just do `my str $adj = @adjectives.grep(-> str $a { $a.starts-with($pref, :i) }).pick.tc`? | ||
chmod222 | 200ms if I just use the first item of the list, which taking into consideration the startup time seems fair | 18:12 | |
The non-intermediary version was my first attempt, same performance | |||
Xliff | m: my $l = 42; my $t = start { $l = 0; sleep 2; }; await $t; print $l | 18:13 | |
[Coke] | out of curiosity, what if you remove the , :i ? | ||
camelia | 0 | ||
chmod222 | If I use [email@hidden.address] and don't filter with grep, also fast | ||
If I use "@adjactives.pick.tc" and don't filter with grep, also fast | |||
[Coke] | I also wonder if there's any substantial difference between that grep syntax and the whatevercode version. | ||
.grep(*.starts-with(...)) | |||
Also, how big are these lists? | 18:14 | ||
chmod222 | Whatever-star was also sluggish, I basically removed it with the typed pointy so that the optimizer gets the hint | ||
Without :i it's a bit faster, 500ms | |||
6200, 1000 and 2900 elements | 18:15 | ||
The profiler graph tells me that about 75% of STORE is spent interpreted and 25% is JITted | 18:19 | ||
If I managed to interpret it correctly | |||
MasterDuke | the starts-with looks like it isn't getting fully jitted either. it has a couple optional arguments, and those are problematic for the jit | 18:22 | |
chmod222 | I rewrote it to ".grep(*.substr(0, 1) eq $pref)" for funsies, but no dice | 18:25 | |
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chmod222 | Interesting, if I drop the .grep in favor of "for @... { @...-viable.push($_) if .starts-with($pref, :i); }" it's also faster, with ~480ms instead of 700 | 18:34 | |
MasterDuke | that i'm somewhat surprised by | ||
afk for a while, but if she's around lizmat would be a good person to ping | 18:35 | ||
lizmat | yes, but not tonight: trying to finish the weekly today before zonking out after a busy day with a lot of travel | ||
chmod222 | Alrighty, thanks for having a look! | ||
It's alright, I'm just experimenting around a bit | 18:36 | ||
Ah, I mislead you. The for-loop version runs with the same speed as the grep one, but I didn't run the profiler when running the for-loop version | 18:40 | ||
tonyo | . | 18:46 | |
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lizmat | And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/10/09/2023-...-in-three/ | 19:53 | |
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lizmat | afk again& | 20:06 | |
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[Coke] | chmod222: do you have a recent rakudo? wondering what RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 does to your script. | 21:08 | |
chmod222 | I just built it from the 2023.09 tag basically, same with MoarVM and NQP because I had to manually bump my distribution's package | ||
Running without profiling enabled now, there appears to be no noticable difference between RakuAST and legacy AST with 430 - 500ms | 21:10 | ||
I'll try the current main branch just for fun | 21:15 | ||
No difference | 21:18 | ||
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wheaties | I have a question | 21:25 | |
I can see the commands to manage concurrency in raku, but I can't find information on the concurrency model that raku uses. For example, in C++ I know that the process hands off to the unix kernel through the stdlib thread library. In elixir (or erlang), concurrency is managed by beam. In perl5, a copy of the interpreter is instantiated. | 21:28 | ||
What happens in the background for raku? | |||
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leont | Essentially M:N threading, AFAIK | 21:34 | |
[Coke] | 6guts.wordpress.com/?s=concurrency will at least have some interesting reading if not the exact answer to your question | 21:37 | |
wheaties | Thanks Coke, definitely a step in the right direction | 21:40 | |
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wheaties | Leon, "M:N" is something I read somewhere, and I'm just about losing my mind looking for it. I know it is a model that was adopted over time in the C++ concurrency library, and I know it turned out to be the right thing. Now where did I read that....? | 22:05 | |
I assume that raku doesn't replicate the interpreter, but what does it do? Does it manage it's own threads? Does it pass them to the OS through a library? What does a thread get? A bit of compiled code? | 22:07 | ||
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leont | Basically, The number of tasks may be higher than the number of OS-level threads that are scheduled on them. Usually this is hidden from you and you don't have to think about it. | 22:34 | |
wheaties | I'm thinking in terms of migrating software from perl5 to raku so that I could take advantage of concurrency, as many, many institutions are wont to do. How would I explain the advantages of raku concurrency to management? How would it compare to elixir? What would my hardware recommendation be? | 22:40 | |
AlexDaniel | wheaties: why do you need concurrency in this case? I'm curious | 22:43 | |
wheaties | I need a concrete example? How about a multi-national web service for a corporate conglomerate trying to migrate to cloud computing? | 22:45 | |
AlexDaniel | but that sounds like you need performance? Have you considered that the rewrite in raku will be slower in terms of raw processing speed? And the memory usage will be times higher | 22:46 | |
maybe I'm misunderstanding your situation, please judge yourself of course | 22:47 | ||
perl5 is a good workhorse, it's easy to forget how much you appreciate or need it | 22:48 | ||
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AlexDaniel | and just by the sound of it, Elixir might not be a bad option (though I have never used it myself) | 22:51 | |
wheaties | I don't know what the best option would be. I know there is a concerted investment in perl5, but there is also a strong desire to migrate to a language that supports concurrency. Don't assume there is a specific case, think in terms of the general utility of raku and how its concurrency stacks up to other languages. I love perl5, I want some | ||
flavor of it to survive. If, in my example, I could migrate to raku and get good concurrency, then it might be a win through reduced development costs. | |||
Elixir is a good choice from what I can tell on the market. Why couldn't raku also be a good choice? Anyway, instead of trying to jump to an application, I would like to know how raku does concurrency | 22:53 | ||
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tbrowder__ | hi, i'm trying to deal with a file whose "file somefile" output shows "ISO-8859" | 22:55 | |
how can i get raku to read that without error? | |||
with say $file.IO.lines i get error "Malformed UTF-8..." | 22:58 | ||
wheaties | Ha! Leon, I tracked down what I read on M:N --- everything I know in that area came from "The Linux Programming Interface" p 687 Thread Implementation Models -- thank you | 23:02 | |
Xliff | m: my $a = Promise.in(300).then: say "Boo"; $a.break; | 23:03 | |
camelia | Boo Type check failed in binding to parameter '&code'; expected Callable but got Bool (Bool::True) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | m: my $a = Promise.in(300).then: { say "Boo" }; $a.break; | ||
camelia | Access denied to keep/break this Promise; already vowed in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | ??? | ||
How can you keep/break a Promise created via .in? | 23:04 | ||
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tbrowder__ | i'm trying to get an IO::handle or path and set its :encoding but no success yet | 23:54 |