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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
nine ab5tract_: well there was also the Great Hash Refactor which followed the GLR. Though it was much smaller in scale. 11:48
lizmat seems to have forgotten where that was about ? 11:50
nine See....so small it already vanished into the mist of time :) 11:51
ab5tract_ nine: thanks! Btw, have you had a chance to look at this PR? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5411 11:52
nine To be honest I barely remember what it was about either. Hashes I'm pretty sure :)
ab5tract_ Hehe 11:57
El_Che mmm, maybe I should follow #raku-dev even when I don't have much to add there. Missed the release. Building now 15:22
El_Che (packages pushed) 19:34
bartolin El_Che++ 19:38
ab5tract_ Nemokosch: it looks like one issue with fixing `“foo” ~~ $_` is that people are probably doing `”foo” ~~ $_ for @potential-matches` 20:52
and `~~` is not commutative, so just doing `$_ ~~ “foo” for @potential-matches` isn’t available as a simple fix 20:54
now, we could argue that this is still something that should be fixed in 6.e, breaking the above code pattern. But I think it’s probably way more common than people doing `$foo ~~ $_` as an equality check 20:59
nemokosch I think that code pattern is just wrong 21:08
are you sure somebody would use it?
ab5tract_ It is definitely wrong according to the way `~~` is *said* to work 21:12
But if someone is unaware that `~~` is supposed to bind `$_` to the LHS, it also looks perfectly reasonable, no? 21:14
nemokosch that's something to find out the hard way, I suppose 21:15
bug compatibility and all
ugexe i really don't understand what is so different between appveyor and github actions windows where the former always works (besides path length issues) and the later fails 80% of the time 21:34
nemokosch let's open an issue for Github... oh wait 21:41
ugexe appveyor has like a gig less ram and one less core of the same speed of the gh action runner 22:04
vendethiel o/ 23:43
are older raku advent calendar articles still available?
I can't seem to find older ones or even mine anymore, I think I used venndethiel there 23:44