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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
librasteve ugexe: sorry - went to bed ;-) ... I did have a short think (nightmare) about how to (easily) marry rg and rak ... but I concluded that having raku delegate regex to some rust code threads then begs the issue that this rust will need rewriting for raku regex format to get any syntactic benefit ... so probably the best bet is to point the rg devs to the raku regex syntax and maybe hook them on the unicode / syntax 08:19
win for their project
ugexe mojo programming languages uses the .mojo and .🔥 extensions 12:46
lizmat librasteve or make raku faster :-) 12:51
and App::Rak for that matter: the 48 second benchmark should at most take 10 seconds :-(
guess I will need to special case single file searches 12:52
[Coke] user question: if you have a link to github issues because you want to open a ticket, do you want it to link directly to "open a new ticket", or instead to the issues page so you can search before opening? 15:17
I prefer the latter, but feel to leave feedback on github.com/rakudo/rakudo.org/issues/93 15:18
.seen nxadm 15:22
tellable6 [Coke], I haven't seen nxadm around, did you mean nadim?
lizmat [Coke] nxadm is called El_Che around here :-) 15:34
[Coke] El_Che: tagged you on github.com/rakudo/rakudo.org/issues/2 15:37
.seen codesections 15:40
tellable6 [Coke], I saw codesections 2023-10-13T13:38:56Z in #raku: <codesections> Is it a known one or do we need an issue?
jdv nxadm is El_Che? El_Che is nxadm? 16:17
lizmat yes
El_Che everyone is nxadm 18:13
El_Che [Coke]: answered the ticket 18:15
lizmat El_Che++ 18:18
ab5tract_ ugexe: Anything stopping us from using .🦋 ? 18:39
ugexe consistency with other raku extensions 18:40
plus multiple extensions for the same file type are annoying