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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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[Coke] Good *, Folks. 14:27
Geth advent/main: 7fe145b985 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Schedule "The Magic of $/" for tomorrow
raku.org: 871f78d727 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add Virtual Blue as a company with Raku in production
[Coke] we should have links to the companies whose logos are on that page. 14:49
lizmat yeah, feels to me as well, but it also feels like this was not an oversIght, so not adding them now 14:50
Geth ¦ raku.org: coke assigned to codesections Issue Add links to companies? github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/219 14:53
[Coke] there we go. 14:55
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chmod222 Heya, I very often run into the following snag: I have a function that indicates a return type of Hash[Int] or Array[Str] or anything somewhat typed, but simply doing "return {...}" or "return [...]" will fail because the literals are of course untyped. So I help myself with a named return variable that has the same type as the return of the function, but this can get annoying for functions that ideally 19:50
are oneliners
Is there a language tool I'm missing that makes it a bit more convenient?
I tried copying what .raku does with "return (my Int % = { ... })" but no dice 19:51
Xliff_ Can someone tell me how to turn off Blob creation in JSON::Fast?
I have some json that uses unrecognized character codes, but they get turned into Blob[uint8] when they are really Str.
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ugexe m: sub foo(--> Array[Int]) { return my Int @ = 1,2,3 }; say foo() 21:19
camelia [1 2 3]
ugexe m: sub foo(--> Hash[Int]) { return my Int % = "a" => 1 }; say foo() 21:20
camelia {a => 1}
ugexe for one-liners though type safety generally isn't a high priority
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