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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
antononcube @lizmat Here is the article I promised: github.com/antononcube/RakuForPred...rkflows.md . I have to proofread it. (Again.) 06:22
Xliff_ gist.github.com/Xliff/738f759b778b...4bd970ec10 06:23
Is there a way to extract the "is symbol" data from a sub definition? 06:34
Xliff_ Ah! That would be .native_symbol! 06:44
Xliff_ 07:24
lizmat antononcube will take care of it 10:21
CIAvash Is the rakudo binary tarballs being signed with a new pgp key? I'm getting "unknown public key A67D866449628CF9" 10:29
cc patrickb 10:30
lizmat post scheduled 10:54
antononcube @lizmat Thank you! 11:08
patrickb CIAvash: I messed up and I won't be able to fix this in the next week. 13:05
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to CIAvash
patrickb CIAvash: My signing keys expired 6 days or so ago and I didn't notice. gpg fell back to a different key and used that for signing, thus the different key. 13:19
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to CIAvash
patrickb CIAvash: I guess it's better to remove the bad signings than leaving them out there. I pinged jdv (he's doing the source release and signs that), maybe he can sign the files. 13:20
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to CIAvash
patrickb CIAvash: Would having the 2023.12 files signed by jdv work for you? 14:28
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to CIAvash
ab5tract Xliff: looks promising! 15:07
Xliff_ Thanks! 15:07
antononcube @ab5tract How many LLMs did you try today?
ab5tract having fun with `Raylib::Bindings`?
antononcube: got quite a lot going on at the moment, so none 15:08
Xliff_ Actually.... yeah! :)
antononcube @ab5tract Ok. How many LLMs did you try this week? 15:09
ab5tract 1 - Cody
ab5tract I haven't had time to get the Raku module set up, and probably won't before the 26th :/ 15:10
antononcube Ha! I heard about that ≈2 months ago at the Wolfram Technology Conference.
ab5tract it's autocomplete has been right like 5% of the time :) 15:11
it's better in Java, like 20%
that's with the Enterprise edition through work
antononcube 👍 15:28
@ab5stract Did you make the Mermaid-JS diagram in your Raku Advent post using Raku? 17:08
@lizmat My last Raku Advent Calendar article is ready to go. (I proofread it twice; both time important corrections were made.) 17:12
CIAvash patrickb: Thanks for clarifying, that would be great, since jdv is listed on the "Verifying" page as well (rakudo.org/downloads/verifying) 17:15
tellable6 2023-12-23T13:05:47Z #raku <patrickb> CIAvash: I messed up and I won't be able to fix this in the next week.
2023-12-23T13:19:02Z #raku <patrickb> CIAvash: My signing keys expired 6 days or so ago and I didn't notice. gpg fell back to a different key and used that for signing, thus the different key.
2023-12-23T13:20:28Z #raku <patrickb> CIAvash: I guess it's better to remove the bad signings than leaving them out there. I pinged jdv (he's doing the source release and signs that), maybe he can sign the files.
2023-12-23T14:28:26Z #raku <patrickb> CIAvash: Would having the 2023.12 files signed by jdv work for you?
melezhik o/ 17:38
I am resuming my Alpine repository for Raku modules - github.com/melezhik/raku-alpine-repo/tree/main - if someone is into Alpine/Raku distribution please let me know 17:39
currently this is only for ARM arch and has only few Raku modules in the listing - alpine.sparrowhub.io/aarch64/ , eventually I will add more 17:40
this is how one can contribute by adding new modules - github.com/melezhik/raku-alpine-re...uild-files 17:41
librasteve > crag 'say molecular-mass("SO2")' #64.058 17:42
> crag "say chemical-element-data('Cl');" {Abbreviation => Cl, AtomicNumber => 17, AtomicWeight => 35.45, Block => p, Group => 17, Name => chlorine, Period => 3, Series => Halogen, StandardName => Chlorine} 17:43
^^ crag now does Chemistry
thanks to @antononcube Chemistry::Stoichiometry module
antononcube @librasteve Ah, great! Any ideas how to specify equation balancing? 17:53
@librasteve When I try to install "App::Crag" I get this error: [Physics::Measure] # Failed test '$fe2.in-km/l' [Physics::Measure] # at t/05-cvt.rakutest line 173 [Physics::Measure] # expected: '10.620186km/l' [Physics::Measure] # got: '12.754311km/l' [Physics::Measure] # You failed 1 test of 52 17:54
librasteve ~ > crag "say balance-chemical-equation('C2H5OH + O2 = H2O + CO2');" [1*C2H5OH + 3*O2 -> 2*CO2 + 3*H2O]
antononcube I assume I can just force-test "Physics::Measure"?
librasteve ^^ works fine 17:55
I think you may have an older version of Physics::Unit - suggest zef uninstall Physics::Measure Physics::Unit and then zef insall App::Crag (latest just pushed to fez is v0.0.15) 17:56
(otherwise, yes just --force-test)
antononcube Ok, doing that now. 17:58
@librasteve It looks like it is just that one test -- and it is still failing after uninstall / reinstall. 18:13
librasteve ok - i'll go in check in a couple of minutes - tx! (does force test work in the meantime?) 18:14
antononcube Yes it does. 18:17
Here is an example with LLM normalization: 18:18
Here is how I defined the LLM normalization prompt: my $crag-prompt = q:to/END/; You are a great translator of natural language specifications into Raku code for doing Physics and Chemistry related computations. You are also very good at translating generic psedo code into correct Raku code for doing Physics and Chemistry related computations. For example, you know that this pseudo code specification: ```` crag 18:19
'h=450, w=1520, d=2315, v=h*w*d; print "{v} cu mm"' ```` translates into: ```` my $h=450; my $w=1520; my $d=2315; my $v=h*w*d; say "{v} cu mm"; ```` END
ingy Season's greetings, Raku! yamlscript.org/posts/advent-2023/dec-23/ YAMLScript is now available as a Raku and Perl (and other languages) binding module. 19:52