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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
k3ut0i Is there a part of docs that discusses this syntax? f.map: g 09:43
CIAvash docs.raku.org/language/syntax#Meth...thod_calls 09:58
docs.raku.org/language/syntax#Invo...ence_drop) 09:59
k3ut0i Thanks :) that precedence drop was bugging me, as I was using : for only single argument methods. 10:12
Xliff \o 17:34
tellable6 2024-01-29T10:02:01Z #raku <ab5tract> Xliff: how you find all these corner cases amazes me :)
Xliff .tell ab5stract That's because I am a corner case! In this insance, the problem existed between the chair and the keyboard. Someone really needs to fix that! :D 17:38
tellable6 Xliff, I haven't seen ab5stract around, did you mean ab5tract?
Xliff .tell ab5tract That's because I am a corner case! In this insance, the problem existed between the chair and the keyboard. Someone really needs to fix that! :D
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to ab5tract
Xliff github.com/Xliff/raku-GData 17:41
Right now there is a very basic Youtube API. 17:42
Google documents coming soon.
github.com/Xliff/raku-GData/blob/m...be-query.e 17:43
Yeah, I know there is an exposed API key. I'll kill it in a couple of days or so... feel free to play with it. Bug reports will be appreciated! 17:44
Actually, it's not even fit for use in anything other than Ubuntu, for now.
If someone wants to play with it in another distro, I'll need the name of your libgdata
[Coke] Xliff: I tried but since there's no meta6.json, not easy to find libs/deps 18:35
(raku -Ilib examples/youtube-query.e starts to compile /GData/Raw/Types.pm6 which then complains about not finding Exports) 18:37
librasteve Xliff: interesting ... are you using OAuth2::Client::Google (I used it in Net::Google::Sheets recently) 19:07
Xliff No. 19:30
GData has its own authentication system.
[Coke] - I have yet to get it ready for use. Hopefully sometime later tonight.
[Coke] ok, happy to give it a shot here. 19:54
anyone know if there's a tool that would let me render an SVG and pick *some* curves out of it? I want to try to decompose camelia into some component shapes for 3d printing so I can more easily do colored parts and snap them in (instead of trying to do a six color print) 19:57
Xliff [Coke] are you on Ubuntu? 21:36
lizmat [Coke]: I think Castaway has done just that 23:06
[Coke] mac 23:21
lizmat: url? that's a hard search term 23:49