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Xliff \o 12:23
Good morning!
Can you dynamically create a class with a given .^mro? 12:24
lizmat I wouldn't be surprised if Inline::Perl5 had examples of that 12:31
greenfork Will the new version of Rakudo be released that works with Red? 12:43
SmokeMachine greenfork: main rakudo works with Red… 12:44
But I agree a new release could be made… 12:45
greenfork SmokeMachine: Alright, thanks! I thought it is strange that the latest release of Rakudo doesn't work with Red, while Red says "Please update your Raku to use Red.", so it is a bit confusing 12:46
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[Coke] Did we figure out why blin didn't catch the issue? does Red need more tests? 12:46
SmokeMachine In this case you need to update to a non released version of rakudo… :( 12:47
lizmat_ we're very close to a 2024.04 release: scheduled for the 25th
so one week from now 12:48
greenfork Sounds reasonable to wait one week 12:49
SmokeMachine [Coke]: that’s really a good question… but I don’t think missing tests on Red was the one (but there are tests missing on Red)… but the problem was discovered by Red’s test… almost all tests on Red were failing…
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SmokeMachine lizmat_: couldn’t we have a 2024.04.1? But yes, 1 week may not be much to it… 12:50
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to lizmat_
tellable6_ SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to lizmat_
lizmat whee two tellables! 12:51
tellable6 2024-04-18T12:50:50Z #raku <SmokeMachine> lizmat_: couldn’t we have a 2024.04.1? But yes, 1 week may not be much to it…
tellable6_ 2024-04-18T12:50:51Z #raku <SmokeMachine> lizmat_: couldn’t we have a 2024.04.1? But yes, 1 week may not be much to it…
[Coke] Is red run by the pre-release blin tests? 12:52
SmokeMachine I think more important than releasing a new version for that problem would be to find out why that wasn’t discovered before the release…
[Coke] (I never was able to get blin running in docker on my mac, sadly)
SmokeMachine [Coke]: I don’t know, but I really how it is… I know that it already got problems on Red before… 12:53
greenfork On Windows, what is the difference between raku.exe and rakuw.exe? Which one would I run for an SDL application like a game in Pop? 12:55
lizmat if I remember correctly, one of them doesn't open a window, and the other one dies 12:56
lizmat hasn't used Windows for 23+ years now 12:57
patrickb Green fork: Rakuw.exe won't open a console window. Stdin and out are not connected. when using it make sure you don't use the handles. 13:00
raku.exe will open a console window.
greenfork Thank you! I will need rakuw.exe then 13:01
patrickb technically raku.exe has application type set to "console" while rakuw.exe to "windows"
Be careful with the STD handles. If you manage to write to them the app will insta die. 13:02
I seem to recall that there are mechanisms in place that will noop say / note and the likes, but it's not foolproof. 13:03
greenfork Have you had any luck running Windows version of Raku on Linux with Wine? 13:05
I don't seem to be able to run Hello, World! with raku.exe
ceux why would you run rakuw on wine LOL 13:06
greenfork To test that it works on Windows without a Windows machine 13:07
ceux i don't trust wine enough to do that. TBH...
greenfork It's better than nothing. Last time it catched \r\n vs \n bugs, and a strange font rendering issue. I did a game in Janet then 13:09
ceux greenfork: just download a windows vm. 13:10
greenfork Maybe I should 13:11
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patrickb greenfork: there are some docs in github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...README.txt I have the vague feeling that it's not up-to-date though. No word about STD handles being disabled. 13:22
greenfork patrickb: Thank you, I found explanations in README.txt: **WARNING** These _non-console_ applications do not have their `STDIN`, `STDOUT` and `STDERR` attached. Trying to write to these handles will cause the application to abort. 13:49
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patrickb I think there is some code in rakudo that disables writes to the handles. I'll see if I can find the commit. 14:13
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librasteve o/ 20:18
anton: thanks for the quick fix on Chemistry::Stoichiometry! (sorry for slow reply ... $day-job!) 20:19
coke: thanks for your feedback on the length / flags around the .pm deprecation message ... not sure if this was addressed yet, please let me know if I should eg post an issue on rakudo/rakudo? 20:22
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Xliff For those who can log in to repl.it, here is the result of my experiment with dynamic class making: replit.com/@Xliff/PlumpDapperRepository 22:06
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Xliff Can someone tell me why my sub EXPORT symbol 'D' isn't getting picked up by the consuming script here: replit.com/@Xliff/PlumpDapperRepos...#main.raku 22:17
Oh wow, I had to add "returns Hash" and return a Hash instead of a Map 22:19
... OK
ab5tract Xliff: it appears that your links are visible even without a login, which is breath of fresh air 22:27
were you using `%()` as the return "wrapper" prior to using `returns Hash`? 22:29
Xliff No. I was using Map.new
ab5tract gotcha
Xliff ab5tract, And you're right. That is good news. I use repl.it for testing my wild theories all of the time and it hurts when I want to share when it's held captive by a login. 22:30
ab5tract that's pretty surprising
the Hash vs Map thing
Xliff Yeah. Was to me, but I couldn't get it to work with: 'sub EXPORT { Map.new( D => obj ) }' 22:31
ab5tract repl.it is pretty great stuff
Xliff Yeah.
The only way I know to check on situations where you NEED a separate module to illustrate an issue... like now.
ab5tract even better knowing that one can share so easily
Xliff: this is as dynamic as I've ever gotten when it comes to EXPORT : github.com/finanalyst/GTK-Simple/c...0c315116a1 22:35
Xliff Is EXPORT::subs documented anywhere? 22:36
ab5tract The pattern must be documented somewhere, or I couldn't have discovered it... 22:38
Xliff Or is that package level module that is basically EXPORT::<tag>
ab5tract that's exactly right
Xliff Hmm...
So I could have a module EXPORT::DEFAULT?
ab5tract I believe so, yeah
Xliff Hmmm... that gives me ideas. TIMTOWTDI! 22:39
ab5tract I wish this were a bit more self-documenting: github.com/Raku/roast/blob/ea4e74b...port.t#L53 22:42
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tonyo if you're exporting as default then you can get at it with &YourMod::EXPORT::DEFAULT::sub 23:28
if you're exporting as something else then the keys in YourMod::EXPORT::.keys will be different
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