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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
patrickb greenfork: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/b3...47e383e1ce 06:52
greenfork patrickb: Interesting! I will read the code in a little bit, thank you! 06:54
greenfork I have this strange issue when I try to install Pop: gitlab.com/jjatria/pop/-/issues/1 . Could it be related to any bugs in Rakudo I should report? 12:12
lizmat yeah, that feels like a Rakudo issue 12:13
lizmat tries reproducing 12:14
% zef install Pop --deps-only already fails for missing deps
so not sure if that's an LTA error message or something else 12:15
antononcube Do people here use "Algorithm::Diff" ? github.com/Takadonet/Algorithm--Diff 13:19
It seems untouched for 3+ years, but that is likely a testament for stability, utility, etc. 13:21
Well, it is fairly undocumented, and its outputs do not adhere to those of Perl's "Algorithm::Diff" (but they are supposed to.) 14:28
tbrowder the author hasn't addressed the 2 issues. time to make it a community module? 14:56
lizmat I suggest adding a new issue to it, suggesting a move to raku-community-modules 15:00
then, if the author doesn't react, or reacts positively to moving, we could do it
in 2020 at least a patch was merged, so there's that 15:01
tbrowder looking for opinion on whether to use int or boolean values for user config files. one problem is YAML and JSON handle boolean inputs differently, so allowing both creates some pain points. or just use a simple key:value ascii config file
lizmat: good idea 15:02
i like yaml for simple stuff 15:03
and yaml bool handling seems almost fool proof 15:07
i just filed issue w/ algo diff 15:11
lizmat tbrowder++
antononcube @tbrowder Thanks!
tbrowder yw 15:12
going w/ just yaml for now... 15:13
greenfork lizmat: should I report somewhere the error with the Pop I mentioned earlier or you have it covered? 16:16
ugexe an issue for that already exists: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4895 16:29
greenfork Great, thank you! 16:48
tbrowder lizmat, author of Algo*Diff* is willing to hand it over to raku-community-modules. 18:36
antononcube 💯 🎊 18:39
lizmat github.com/Takadonet/Algorithm--Di...2067102920
afk& 18:44
tbrowder 👏 18:57
librasteve not sure if its a good idea to name a raku script diff.pl 20:20
antononcube Yeah. I experimented with / refactored the original code to be closer to what we would expect from a Raku module. I will submit a PR once it becomes a community module. 20:21
librasteve ^^ ++ 20:22
tbrowder: suggest you take a look here ... github.com/librasteve/raku-Physics...SI.rakumod ... this is basically an override to the standard YML Bool treatment
I wrote this override to solve this need:- please provide a mode to pass unquoted y as 'y' not True,same for n and maybe other tokens per this Closed issue github.com/Leont/yamlish/issues/38 20:26
with this YAML is my fave 20:27
ab5tract lucs, librasteve: some more progress on R#5550 - github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/55...2067365432 22:46
linkable6 R#5550 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5550 [Fixed in RakuAST] Simple literal-only regex fails
antononcube Is there are "Raku way" to replicate the lynx export of HTML pages into plain text? 23:31
For example, lynx -dump some.link > example.txt
Of course I can just use Proc and slurp... 23:32