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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
lucs ab5tract: Thanks for the update, and for your work! 00:18
antononcube @lucs Did ab5tract do something concrete? 00:29
scullucs Well, they seem to be looking into the problem a lot. No solution so far I think, but it appears to be clarifying. 01:17
antononcube @lucs Oh, I see -- this is the disheartening problem you mentioned a day or so ago... 02:24
scullucs Yeah, it's a bit frightening to think that regex matches can fail somewhat arbitrarily. 02:26
antononcube So, did you switch to another programming language yet? 02:34
scullucs No way 🙂 02:37
antononcube I think for the foreseeable future I "trapped" into Raku. Mostly, because of the LLM-regex-grammar combination.
scullucs I used to do a lot of Perl -- and Raku is in many ways what Perl was destined to become. 02:38
(if you believe in destiny and all that) 02:39
antononcube I hope I will never deal with Pearl again!! 02:40
scullucs Yeah, I'm really sad about that, because neither will I, yet it set the foundation of Raku.
antononcube Today, for some reason, I looked into Pearl packages for converting HTML to plain text and for diff-ing. 02:41
scullucs Still, respectfully, it's spelled "Perl" 🙂 02:42
antononcube Damn, I was just wondering is it "Perl" or "Pearl"...
scullucs Yeah, no 'a'.
Nothing to do that (yet) in Raku? 02:43
antononcube Raku has the "too old" "Algorithm::Diff" -- I made some noise about it, after which there is a decision to make it a community module. That package is under documented, so I had to look into the original Perl code that Raku package is based on 02:45
HTML can be converted to plain text in the package "Data::Importers". But something more sophisticated needs to be done. I'm using lynx now.. 02:46
holmdunc I love the Raku error messages that use the inline eject symbol ⏏ to show where it bailed out. It's such a neat idea 10:23
dr.shuppet Oh it's the eject symbol? In my font, it looks like some weird house-kind of thing 10:59
ab5tract dr.shuppet: just a point regarding the QAST output when EVAL is involved: we don't get to see the post-EVAL QAST as it isn't evaluated 11:01
dr.shuppet ab5tract: Yes, I was referring to the pre-EVAL code seemingly being the same, meaning that the difference has to be outside of the QAST (the difference after the EVAL still has to come from somewhere) 11:03
Also that's why I said that maybe the EVAL example isn't a good lead
ab5tract my point was only that the EVAL does generate QAST, it's just that we can't see it to know whether its different 11:04
so yeah, not a good lead indeed 11:06
tbrowder librasteve: thnx for pointer on yaml. i agree on diff.pl, should be diff.raku 11:07
antononcube Sorry for this ignorant question -- Are "newly adopted" Raku community modules (e.g. "Algorithm::Diff") expected to show up here? github.com/raku-community-modules 13:06
I forked "Algorithm::Diff" and changed it to have kebab-case names, license, and more correct or consistent output. See: github.com/antononcube/Raku-Algorithm-Diff 13:50
lizmat antononcube please have a little patience: github.com/Takadonet/Algorithm--Di...2067740892 17:49
transferring a repo is not something many people do on a daily basis 17:50
antononcube ok 18:35
tbrowder fyi, the ‘diffuse’ graphical program is a handy tool for comparing two text files 20:57
antononcube @tbrowder I need a "diff" routine in order to find discrepancies between differently derived collections of video transcripts. (Over the same videos.) 21:07
tbrowder yes, “diff”erent needs :^D 21:13