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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
rir_ Just moved from amd64 2022.12 to 2024.03 on linux and github.com/0rir/touch gives all errors to tests. Mostly 10 but up to over 18 billion off. Touch is pretty simple: use Native timepec's to adjust mtime and atime of files. Any ideas of what may have changed? 04:16
^ billion seconds off. 04:17
xinming releasable6: status 04:54
releasable6 xinming, Next release in ≈14 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/5db65557ffa4f508d8...dd988bf0c3
ab5tract rir_: that's surprising indeed 08:08
lizmat rir_: is that code using nqp::time by any chance? 08:57
if so: that was changed at some point to return nano-seconds rather than seconds, I think 08:58
lizmat afaik, all public API's were adjusted for that 08:59
jdv i'd have to check but i think "zef install Cro::HTTP::Client" takes longer than "make spectest". kinda odd:) 10:37
just kidding. guess something was going on locally... the install takes 3:44 and the test takes 6:13. 11:00
melezhik o/ 12:47
Sparky starts supporting GitLab oauth and RBAC ACLs - github.com/melezhik/sparky/blob/ma...ocs/acl.md 12:48
ab5tract melezhik: nice!
melezhik and this - github.com/melezhik/sparky/tree/ma...entication
ab5tract ++ )
antononcube For a certain project I have to have a few Raku packages hosted in the same Git folder. Can zef handle installations from Git sub-folders? (I assume "no.") Is having a CLI script that clones/updates the repository and does zef installations in each of the sub-folders a good (or best) approach? 14:37
ab5tract installing from sub-paths one-by-one should work just fine 16:47
librasteve o/ imo, this problem solving issue has "bottomed out" github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/407 (chained sequences) with a consensus that there is a bug in relationship to the endpoint of sequences behaving oddly when two are chained with a comma. Shall I go ahead and write a new short bug report issue and close the problem solver? 17:05
Xliff \o 17:41
Can I get a failure reason from a Failure object?
lizmat m: "foo".Failure.message.say 17:43
camelia foo
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe antoncube: you could pass all the paths at once as well: `zef install ./ ./foo ./bar 17:49
antononcube @ugexe Thanks! Really good to know! 17:54
ab5tract podlite.org/2024/4/23/1/podlite-sp...0-released 18:50
has this diverged from Pod6 and/or RakuDoc? 18:51
lizmat yeah, looks like: we tried 18:54
ab5tract bummer 20:04
dr.shuppet Too many formats 20:05
antononcube @dr.shuppet In general? Or you mean Pod6/RakuDoc/podlite? 20:08
dr.shuppet In general, this is an example of that 20:15
antononcube @dr.shuppet xkcd.com/927/ 20:16
dr.shuppet That comes back to the Council of Pisa already: "It attempted to end the Western Schism by deposing Benedict XIII (Avignon) and Gregory XII (Rome) for schism and manifest heresy. The College of Cardinals, composed of members of both the Avignon Obedience and the Roman Obedience, who were recognized by each other and by the Council, then elected a third papal claimant, Alexander V, who lived only a few months." 20:17
The new Pisan pope died soon, but was followed by another Pisan pope 20:18
So there were three popes for quit a while, until the Council of Constance 20:19
antononcube Reminds of a chapter from the book "The March of Folly" 20:21