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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Xliff nine: I know I have brought this up earlier, but was there a reason why raku can't use an assumed ~/.raku/precomp directory instead of basing things on -I, and would it be possible to set it via environment var? 14:05
tellable6 2024-05-11T09:27:44Z #raku-dev <lizmat> Xliff_: a git clone tells me:
Xliff lizmat: Message received. Will fix! Thanks! 14:16
coleman what is the difference between precomp and RAKU_LIB? 14:20
[Coke] raku_lib is where to search. precomp is "for this particular thing you're trying to use, let me create a bytecode version of it" 14:23
then next time you can load the bytecode, saving some compile time. 14:24
(only done for modules, not scripts)
lizmat actually, I think scripts are also precompiled nowadays? ugexe ? 14:26
Xliff So wait. RAKU_LIB is the environment var that determines where .precomp lives? 14:27
[Coke] er, also, isn't it RAKULIB (no underscore?) 14:35
lizmat "RAKUDOLIB and RAKULIB append a comma-delimited list of paths to the search list for modules" 14:36
[Coke] and I don't believe those are the same thing xliff. I think RAKULIB is where to search for installed code, not which precomp dir to use.
what's the bot to search released modules for a code snippet? 14:44
ugexe where .precomp lives is an implementation detail of whatever repository gets used to load some module 14:45
scripts are not precompiled 14:46
i tried to get scripts precompiling at the PTS in England I think, but never managed to get it to work 14:47
ugexe github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/f4...7a14df93de from the precompile-installed-scripts branch 14:51
lizmat ugexe++ TIL 14:57
Xliff lizmat: GLib v0.0.7 released with URI Uri issue resolved 15:02
lizmat Xliff++ 15:03
nine Xliff: just prepend the desired precomp storage to the repository list: raku -I/path/to/precomps -Ilib ... 15:07
Xliff nine: Ah. That will do! Thanks 15:13
antononcube Where -- in what name space -- packages for particular types of modeling (say, epidemiological) are placed? I think "Math::" is more generic functionalities, like, integration or polynomial manipulation. 15:18
_grenzo um....Science? 17:18
or if it's all modelling...Model? 17:19
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/05/13/2024-...nnouncing/ 17:23
sjn reads RWN \o/ # lizmat++ 17:24
tbrowder lizmat: ref CSV::Table, that was new, v0.0.1 18:07
lizmat indeed it is! 18:08
Fixed, thanks for the headsup! 18:09
ab5tract tbrowder: congrats on the release! 18:16
oogle is there a module I can import to unicode symbolic logic operators or can I make them with infix somehow? 18:38
sub infix:<∧> ($n, $b) { 18:39
  return ($n and $b);
for example
 sub infix:<∨> ($n, $b) {
  return ($n or $b);
etc 18:40
[Coke] many are already builtin: docs.raku.org/language/unicode_ascii 18:41
lizmat m: my constant &infix:<∧> = &infix:<and>; dd 42 ∧ 666
camelia 666
lizmat if it's about renaming ops 18:42
oogle ok great
lizmat thanks 18:43
lizmat mind you: in the case && and || or you will lose short-circuiting 18:44
m: my constant &infix:<∧> = &infix:<and>; dd 0 ∧ (say "foo") 18:45
camelia foo
lizmat m: dd 0 and (say "foo")
camelia 0
oogle lizmat: I had seen code like this: 18:46
multi sub prefix:<¬> ($n) {
  return not $n;
lizmat yeah, that works too, but add another level of indirection 18:47
oogle (and lists of infix equiivalents)
lizmat m: my constant &prefix:<¬> = &prefix:<not>; say ¬True 18:48
camelia False
lizmat m: my constant &prefix:<¬> = &prefix:<not>; dd &prefix:<¬>
camelia Mu prefix:<not> = proto sub prefix:<not> (Mu $, *%) {*}
lizmat note that it really is just an alias 18:49
oogle It was a while ago (before raku rename) but someone had a repl with an exhaustive set of logic symbols defined and it was fun seeing perl6 handle it .. they even had some error messages that were straight out a symbolic logic text 18:50
lizmat well, if that list exists somewhere still, it could be turned into a module indeed
oogle lizmat yeah would be cool if it were really well done (might take a a long time) the one I saw seemed simple toy application but had messages like "A statement cannot be true & false at the same time according to the law of non-contradiction". I remember asking if it written in scheme or something and they said "No. In perl. Version *6*". 18:56
tbrowder ab5tract: thanks! i’m sure it has warts, but i’m pretty pleased with it
lizmat oogle: did you ask on an IRC channel? 18:57
oogle is there another one? 18:58
oh #raku-beginners
no I saw it demoed by some geeky philopsophers 18:59
lizmat there are quite a few #raku- channels
oogle: irclogs.raku.org/ is where you can search them 19:00
Geth raku.org/hankache-patch-1: 2379c096f4 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/whatever/index.html
Add Notepad++ to list of IDEs
oogle lizmat: nice! cheers
Geth raku.org: hankache++ created pull request #222:
Add Notepad++ to list of IDEs
Geth raku.org: 995c614971 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | source/whatever/index.html
Add Notepad++ to list of IDEs
oogle raku & rust are in a heated competition re: error messages  ... and the results beeyootiful 19:20
beyond words 19:21
thanks y'all 19:22
antononcube Well, modeling and simulation. 19:31
librasteve Model++ 21:04
antononcube Ok. I will think about using "Model::" . 23:48