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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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[Coke] would be nice if this expensive macbook air didn't get stuck in sleep mode once a day making me reboot it. 01:36
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antononcube @Coke Maybe macbook-air has been in the air too much? (Or about to be in the air for too long...) 02:46
kybr m: $_ = '<h2 id="foo">Foo</h2> <h2 id="bar">Bar</h2>'; for m:g/ '<h2 id=' $<id>=[.*?] '>' $<title>=[.*?] '</h2>' / { say $/<id> } 03:03
camelia Type List does not support associative indexing.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
kybr what am i doing wrong here?
i want to get at the capture named 'id' in the match 03:04
antononcube @kybr You missed the * -- should be [.*?] . 03:10
Here is the modified code: $_ = '<h2 id="foo">Foo</h2> <h2 id="bar">Bar</h2>'; for m:g/ '<h2 id=' $<id>=[.*?] '>' $<title>=[.*?] '</h2>' / { say $/»<id> } 03:12
Gives: (「"foo"」 「"bar"」) (「"foo"」 「"bar"」)
@kybr Note I replaced $/<id> with $/»<id>. 03:14
kybr thanks. one thing. why does it print a list, twice? 03:21
my understanding is that this code should not give a list in the body of the for loop. this should print "foo" and then "bar" 03:24
antononcube Well, without the :global option you get that. 03:29
kybr m: $_ = '<h2 id="foo">Foo</h2> <h2 id="bar">Bar</h2>'; for m/ '<h2 id=' <(.*?)> '>' <(.*?)> '</h2>' / { say $/ } 04:04
camelia 「Foo」
kybr this match has two captures. why does only the second get captured. shouldn't there be a list?
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melezhik hi lizmat - thanks for mentiong Sparky post in the weekly, appreate it 09:14
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vendethiel It’s very nice indeed, lizmat++ 09:28
ab5tract m: $_ = '<h2 id="foo">Foo</h2> <h2 id="bar">Bar</h2>'; for m/ ['<h2 id=' (.*?) '>' (.*?) '</h2>'\s?]+ / { say $/ } 09:32
camelia 「<h2 id="foo">Foo</h2> <h2 id="bar">Bar</h2>」
0 => 「"foo"」
1 => 「Foo」
0 => 「"bar"」
1 => 「Bar」
ab5tract kybr: ^^^
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melezhik . 10:34
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Geth docker: 45e8b0ecf0 | (Daniel Mita)++ | 4 files
Bump to 2024.05
docker: 8100ecfd91 | (Anton Oks)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Merge pull request #66 from m-dango/2024.05

Bump to 2024.05
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lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2024/06/03/2024-23-sparkling/ 12:56
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[Coke] anyone know where the source of www.npmjs.com/package/rakudo isa? 13:36
tadzik possibly github.com/pmurias/make-rakudo-release? 13:39
[Coke] Was going to submit a PR to change Perl 6 to Raku, but don't know where that repo is
.seen pmurias 13:42
tellable6 [Coke], I saw pmurias 2022-12-12T11:57:12Z in #raku: <pmurias> simon.peytonjones.org/assets/pdfs/...nge-22.pdf - interesting to see the overlap with Raku junctions
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antononcube I am sorry for this ignorant and probably self-answering question: Why a rakudo version released in June indicates in its name to be created in May? 14:42
(I am preparing a presentation with/for Raku and LLMs.) 14:43
(So, I want to be precise...)
[Coke] ... do you mean 2024.05.01 ? 14:47
antononcube Yes.
[Coke] If so, historically YYYY.MM is the release month; so the point release to fix that one issue on windows is a point release of the May release, not the June release. 14:48
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[Coke] 2024.06 would imply an entire new release 14:48
antononcube Ok. 14:49
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librasteve o/ 17:08
looks@like the stackoverflow coding survey is out stackoverflow.az1.qualtrics.com/jf...erflow.com
don’t forget to lie about your age 17:09
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i had to write in Raku and CommaIDE 17:22
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tbrowder librasteve: how do think a formed pro dev but now a hobby dev should answer the first question in the surve? 17:31
*former; *survey
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antononcube @tbrowder By emulating a Zoomer. 17:39
(As @librasteve suggested above.)
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librasteve please can we remove the popup from the raku docs site, I have never seen this on other websites and it is super annoying 17:47
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_grenzo Will we be able to see the results of the "Apples" question? 18:18
antononcube What is that? 18:20
_grenzo "To see if you're paying attention choose 'apples' from teh following list" 18:21
antononcube ok 🍎 18:30
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tbrowder antononcube: i'm looking at Lingua::Number and see you filed a couple of issues. still interested in it? i asked the owner if he would like the raku community to take it over. 20:16
i am definitely interested in it. 20:17
[Coke]: working on the doc comment...moving slowly today 20:18
antononcube @tbrowder Kind of. That package did not seem “trustworthy” to me, So, I started implementing wording numbers in “Lingua::NumericWordForms” — I didn’t go far . 20:19
To be clear, “Lingua::NumericWordForms” parses-interprets “worded” numbers from many languages, but generates “worded“ numbers only to English and Koremutake. (And Bulgarian, to a point.) 20:22
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[Coke] .ask librasteve It should show up once and never again. It was designed to be as minimal as possible. Can you be more specific about what's annoying? 22:09
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to librasteve
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wayland76 Hi all! Some of you may remember the trouble I was having with Signatures and Parameters which resulted in suggestions that I use RakuAST (which didn't work due to having it's own bugs). I returned to the non-AST approach, and have now filed a bug report for that too at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5591 22:52
Another question. I'm trying to support tables in Raku. I want something I can use to check if the values passed in for a Tuple/Row are of the correct types. An associative structure probably won't work well because there are no real type constraints (by name/position) on the associative array. I was planning to use Captures and Signatures for this (ie. set a signature on the Table, and pass the rows in as Captures). Is there a different approach I 22:56
should be considering?
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[Coke] when you say tables, are you referring to a particular type of data structure? 23:53