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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Geth setup-raku/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/braces-3.0.3: b4479fa17c | dependabot[bot]++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | package-lock.json
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3

Bumps [braces](github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.
  - [Changelog](github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/...NGELOG.md)
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... (6 more lines)
setup-raku: dependabot[bot]++ created pull request #35:
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
setup-raku: b4479fa17c | dependabot[bot]++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | package-lock.json
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3

Bumps [braces](github.com/micromatch/braces) from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3.
  - [Changelog](github.com/micromatch/braces/blob/...NGELOG.md)
  - [Commits](github.com/micromatch/braces/compa...2...3.0.3)
... (6 more lines)
setup-raku: 7217521be4 | (Shoichi Kaji)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | package-lock.json
Merge pull request #35 from Raku/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/braces-3.0.3

Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
wayland librasteve: I shall await your module People::Roman::JuliusCaesar :p 07:46
librasteve o/ 10:07
I find myself going $r.=subst(:g, /(<{%subtractives.keys}>)/, { %subtractives{$0} });
this works, but I can help thinking that raku .subst comes with a better way ??? 10:08
lizmat librasteve: are the keys strings or regexes ? 10:17
librasteve my %subtractives = ( IV => 'IIII', #( 5 - 1 == 4 ) IX => 'VIIII', #( 10 - 1 == 9 ) XL => 'XXXX', #( 50 - 10 == 40 ) XC => 'LXXXX', #( 100 - 10 == 90 ) CD => 'CCCC', #( 500 - 100 == 400 ) CM => 'DCCCC', #( 1000 - 100 == 900 ) ); 10:18
(hope that looks Ok on the IRC side)
wayland librasteve: It looks about the same as at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html 10:23
librasteve phew
wayland (also, my previous comment was in relation to the Wikipedia discussion :) )
If that's not what you wanted, maybe a github gist? 10:24
librasteve that's cool - Im aiming not to pollute the IRC side with Discord backticks
lizmat $r .= subst(.key, .value, :g) for %substractives; # librasteve 10:28
librasteve my $p = %subtractives.keys => %subtractives.values; $r.=trans($p);
getting their with the "non-string" multi of trans
wayland lizmat: Nice! I was starting to work in that direction, but much more slowly :) 10:30
librasteve my $p = (.keys => .values) given %subtractives; $r.=trans($p);
$r.=trans: (.keys => .values) given %subtractives; 10:31
heh heh 10:32
wayland Is there a module that adds an "else" clause to a for loop? 10:34
Oh, found it
lizmat raku.land/zef:elcaro/Slang::Otherwise
indeed 10:35
wayland Thanks :)
librasteve I merged the fix to Slang::Roman (seems I have the power) ... should I fez it? 10:51
(or maybe there is a raku community auth to use for fez?) 10:52
[yikes I messed up the README ... will sort that] 10:53
that's better (gh markdown !) 10:57
anyway we should bump to 0.6 and fez it 10:59
lizmat well, I'd say mi6 release it 11:28
antononcube I am looking at the code of raku.land/zef:raku-community-modul...ang::Roman . There should be a grammar for that Roman numbers. 12:39
What are the differences between "Slang::Roman" and "Math::Roman" ? Do they produce the same or comparable results? Do they "agree" on how roman numbers are translated? 12:40
lizmat librasteve alternately, I could do the release to zef 12:59
librasteve lizmat: I can happily Mi6 release also --- but I will need the credentials for "auth": "zef:raku-community-modules", 13:00
lizmat I sent you invite :-) 13:01
librasteve since sharing credentials is probably a nono, suggest that you do it
checking 13:02
lizmat librasteve there's non sharing of credentials needed
you become part of the fez raku-community-modules organization, that gives you the right to release modules with he zef:raku-community-modules auth
librasteve yes - I see that from your message
>>= You're now a very nice member of raku-community-modules 13:04
which mi6 13:06
(oops wrong window)
anton: there is a (trivial) Grammar for that Roman numbers in that code --- so I guess you mean that you wouldl ike to see a Grammar that checks that the Roman numbers are correctly formed? ... actually a very nice starter challenge for a raku Grammar newbie 13:16
on the differences, I do not know ... I chose App::Crag to depend on Slang::Roman since I want to eventually migrate all of Crag to a Slang ... haven't looked at Math::Roman - perhaps the maintainer can tell us 13:17
released ok 13:23
lizmat librasteve++
lizmat librasteve changing the README.md will not survive the next mi6 release process 13:29
you need to add it to the pod
[Coke] I wonder if when we generate .md from .rakudoc if we should include a _generated from XXX_ at the top 13:40
(Also nice to advertise on github that we're using rakudoc)
antononcube @Coke If LLMs -- or at least one LLM -- can generate reliably rakudoc output, that would be good advertisement. 13:46
Current trends in LLMs, though, are to have reliable JSON and Markdown outputs. 13:47
librasteve wondered why it didn't survive the release ;-( 13:49
antononcube @librasteve What didn't? 🙂 13:59
librasteve the lovely README that I made
apparently Mi6 requires you to write your doc in POD6 and autoconverts to DM and adds to the README - I personally dislike POD6 since the effort of learning it (vs just getting more fluent in MD) is a waste of time 14:01
I would much rather have a one time PO6 directive that says "MD markup here"
(but I lost that argument a long time back) 14:02
antononcube Hmmm... I see. Would the converter from Markdown to POD6 help? 14:06
librasteve nope
lizmat librasteve sorry to hear that: I think RakuDoc v2.0 gives you a much richer documentation language to work with 14:09
librasteve who needs yet another markup language 14:10
(to be clear this is not meant to be a criticism of POD6, more of a personal taste timtowdi style and I do see that a richer markup language - with ToC and so on has a place) 14:12
and now I learned that you can do tables with it
antononcube That is why I think I you should have converters from/to any of those markup languages. (For Raku purposes.) 14:15
It is likely some of the LLMs with large input-token counts to be able to convert to POD6 and / or RakuDoc. (With or without pre-feeding of the corresponding specs.) 14:17
librasteve to be fair to Mi6, it does default to [ReadmeFromPod] ; enable = false filename = lib/Slang/Roman.rakumod
antononcube BTW, Chebyshev polynomials computations are perfect showcase of FatRat! 14:22
[Coke] using any of the pod to markdown modules, is there a way to get the special links like these: github.com/Raku/doc/blob/main/READ...in=1#L3-L4 16:04
[Coke] I can do links, but that's really an img src, I think 16:10
librasteve <[Coke]>: good question 18:35
more fundamentally, I suppose it would be really cool if we (all coders) had a standard way of marking =begin md to =end md (from the raku side) and xxxraku to xxx from the markdown side [where x == a backtick] and so on 18:39
tbrowder re Mi6: it does NOT require pod6 21:26
however, given the ease of converting pod6 to Markdown, and the richness of pod6, i just don’t understand the dislike of pod6; it’s not your old perl pod, either 21:29
tbrowder and thanks to antononcube, we can easily convert any markdown to pod6 and be done with it. 21:31
wayland76 tbrowder: I'm not arguing against Pod, but I think librasteve's idea is that, "Given that people already know Markdown, is Pod6 enough of an improvement to be worth the learning curve". Personally I think I prefer the Pod6 option because of the extra richness (though maybe an improved markdown would be a better option), but is the learning curve a barrier to entry for newbies? 21:42
Hi! Can Test::ContainerizedService be used in GitHub Actions? 22:16
wayland76 Does anyone know if Comma can do multiple windows? I have 4 screens, and want to use 2 for code. 22:28