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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
coleman I don't think it can, at least not like Sublime or VS Code. You have some main "anchor" features in JetBrains-style IDEs, such as the project view 00:25
antononcube @wayland76 "Does anyone know if Comma can do multiple windows?" -- Yes. 01:04
wayland76 Took me a while, but I figured it out (grab the editor tab and drag it outside the window). Thanks antononcube -- I wouldn't've looked as hard had you not told me it was possible :) . 04:42
wayland76 I've seen the basic Singleton examples around the place, but is there a fuller example hiding in a package somewhere that I can look at? 07:22
wayland76 Actually, I've figured out what I wanted. Sorry to disturb everyone :) 07:28
antononcube This resource access class uses Singleton: github.com/antononcube/Raku-Chemis...ss.rakumod 09:16
I pretty much followed the example in docs.raku.org .
(We do not want to read/ingest the multi-language chemical elements data every time some function of that package is invoked.) 09:18
Another set of namespace questions. I am working on a package for graph algorithms — the discrete mathematics structure called “graph.” 13:35
I was considering the namespace “Math::Graph”, but I see in the Perl5 ecosystem there is a “Graph” package. Should I use that name? 13:36
Graphs can be seen as not just mathematical, or course, but also a “computer science” domain. 13:38
I think, using something like “GraphTheory” would give too high hopes… 13:40
Here is the Perl5 “Graph”: metacpan.org/pod/Graph 13:43
Here is the one I am working on: github.com/antononcube/Raku-Graph 13:45
Needless to say Graph theory is huge. But certain algorithms like path and cycle finding are relatively easy to implement and fundamental mathematics-wise and computer-science-wise. 13:49
lizmat FWIW, Graph:: look ok to me 13:50
antononcube @lizmat Great, thanks! 13:51
BTW, I was considering re-programming Perl5’s “Graph” into Raku, but it turned out it was easier to write the algorithms directly in Raku. (To me at least…) 13:52
Having the fast shortest path finding in graphs is going to be quite a booster for the Geography related projects I am currently focusing on… 13:53
So, I far have tested Raku’s “Graph” path finding algorithms on very small graphs. 13:54
lizmat getting the exact semantics in the P5 modules was way more difficult than getting the functionality :-)
antononcube What do you mean? The naming of the class methods according to Graph theory’s glossary? 13:59
lizmat I mean, it makes more sense to re-imagine in Raku :-) 14:00
antononcube Haha — ok, yeah. 14:01
@lizmat I strongly suspect Graph path and cycle finding can be good showcases of “ParaSeq”. 14:04
lizmat I hope so :-) 14:05
antononcube The question is how explicit that should be — inside “Graph”, as method options, or an outside modifier.
lizmat maybe you wouldn't need to make that choice: ParaSeq should be good enough for >>.foo 14:08
antononcube This is what I meant by “outsider modifier”. 14:09
lizmat ah, ok :-) 14:10
antononcube This might become an important question soon, since I need “Graph” on fairly large graphs. (Like country / continent route network graph.)
lizmat antononcube ParaSeq.hyperize(x, $degree) will *not* hyperize at all for $degree == 1 14:55
so it could be as simple as providing a "degree" argument, defaulting to 1 14:56
antononcube Yeah, sounds good. 15:12
librasteve tbrowder: sorry, I just don't like POD6 - that doesn't mean that its bad, or not useful, or not popular - it just means that it's not for me ... it's akin to my dislike of Java ... in the case of POD6 the feeling comes from the idea that with MD you can do 80% if what POD can do - but I can do that in GitHub, in Bear, in PYNBs ... and MD is already my word processor of choice, for example I write business plans, 17:14
action trackers and so on in it all the time
so maybe I'm a one off, or maybe there's a set of raku newbies who like the idea of embedding docs in code in literate programming style but who would like to use MD rather than learn POD ... if so, then a POD directive such as =begin md / =end md (that maybe turns on MD to POD conversion) would be appreciated 17:18
gist.github.com/librasteve/fb00312...efd5d5bd59 17:22
^^ for now, I wrote a utility "ramd" that #| takes markdown file and evals all code lines delimited by '```perl6 xxx ```' 17:26
tbrowder librasteve: good idea. you should ensure pod6.2 has something like that, and antononcube’s Markdown::Grammar could probably deal with it. i have never liked markdown, nor did i like perl pod particularly. but i do love github’s markdown rendering. 19:53
librasteve tbrowder: thanks for the feedback .... I will take a look at pod6.2 and maybe aim for a PR 20:53
[Coke] folks, I will not be stopping in at the raku con - flight got canceled for the thing I was flying out for, I'll miss that, so not going at all. 22:23
antononcube @Coke That is good way to manage gambling addictions — not going to Vegas at all! 23:45