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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:15 kaskal left 01:29 nine left 01:30 nine joined 01:39 kylese left, kylese joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 04:56 nine left, camelia left 05:04 jpn joined 05:30 Sgeo left 05:33 nine joined
librasteve m: my %foo := Stash.new; say %foo.^name 05:42
evalable6 Stash
Raku eval Stash
librasteve ^^ this is just a guess, but I think you are probably looking for the response Associative to match the % sigil - knowing raku there's probably a way to introspect the name %foo in the actual Stash or Lexpad or whatever 05:48
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fluca1978 what does the "Q" in "QAST" stands for? <github.com/Raku/nqp/blob/master/do...rkdown> 09:06
tellable6 2020-02-08T12:13:00Z #moarvm <rba> fluca1978: pl6anet.org feeds are configured in github.com/perl6/pl6anet.org/blob/...perlanetrc , so commit or PR
nahita3882 "Quisquous", says blogs.perl.org/users/damian_conway...ratch.html 09:11
then says "Okay, that’s a joke. The ‘Q’ doesn’t actually stand for anything. The previous representation was called “PAST” and we just incremented the first letter. Though we probably should define a proper backronym for that ‘Q’: “Quasi” or “Quotidien” or “Quesited” or “Quicquidlibet” or “Quaquaversal” or “Quantulum” or “Qonvenient”" 09:12
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tbrowder very cool. i forget about those Inline modules! 12:38
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antononcube @guifa Well, "Data::TypeSystem" recognizes Stash as an Assoc(iative), but it might give warning messages. 14:28
tbrowder [Coke]: dwarring uses LibraryMake in some of his PDF packages for Windows. also i 15:27
*disregard 15:30
*disregard “also i” 15:31
i see cautions about use of $*CWD in the docs. is there a problem with doing this: 15:36
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tbrowder m: my $d = $*CWD; chdir $d; # do some more stuff 15:38
camelia ( no output )
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patrickb [Coke]: There is also raku.land/zef:patrickb/BuildToolchainRepo 18:11
18:23 beanbrain left
[Coke] patrickb: I'm trying to see if anyone has any idea on github.com/krunen/term-termios/issues/22 18:37
(not sure termios is even using LibraryMake anymore, though) 18:38
tbrowder: I think you're fine, the concern in the docs is about *assigning* to it.
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tbrowder thnx, Coke; ref LibraryMake: ugexe can probabaly address betterm but I think adding the file name to /resources and META6.json might do the trick 19:57
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ugexe [Coke]: it is fixed, but Terminal::LineEditor is pinned to an older version 20:26
has it pinned^
additionally, I think it is pinned to that older version because the newer version breaks something for Terminal::LineEditor 20:27
it was fixed in github.com/krunen/term-termios/com...894849e07d 20:29
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guifa is there an adverb for hash slices that returns a new hash? 20:45
m: my %foo = <a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4>; say (%foo<a b>:p).WHAT 20:47
camelia (List)
guifa m: my %foo = <a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4>; say (%%foo<a b>:p).WHAT; # contextualizer is too tight here 20:48
camelia (List)
guifa m: my %foo = <a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4>; say (%(%foo<a b>:p)).WHAT; # feels too much
camelia (Hash)
librasteve m: my %foo = <a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4>; say %(%foo<a b>) 20:53
evalable6 {1 => 2}
Raku eval {1 => 2}
librasteve ^^ this feels too much too 20:56
my %foo = <a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4>; say %foo<a b>.hash 20:57
evalable6 {1 => 2}
librasteve oh - that's wrong - soz 20:58
guifa just add :p and the .hash works 20:59
I wonder if we should have a :h option instead. in perl
$foo{a} gives 1, @foo{a,b} gives a list of 1,2, and %foo{a,b} gives a hash of a=>1, b=>2 21:00
only just realized this now as I'm writing my talk
librasteve I thin you mean %foo{a,b}:h 21:01
I guess this degradation to List/Seq is a consequence of a language that is list-functional at its heart 21:02
guifa Well, there are times where getting the pairs as a list is useful 21:03
we can also do :k for keys as a list, :kv for keyvalues as a list, :p for pairs as a list
librasteve I guess slice is something like %hash<@list> => @list (of values) and @array<@list> => @list (of elements) - kinda makes sense 21:05
guifa Yeah 21:06
But then you get 21:07
ArraySlice --> Array
HashSlice --> NotHash
it does make since because we normally want just the value, so it's an appropriate default
librasteve ++ on the :h adverb ... suggest a github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues 21:09
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