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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
patrickb ugexe, [Coke]: This is the straw that breaks the camels back. I'll push the refactor of termios to not use a C component to the top of my to-do list. 08:13
lizmat drops a pin 13:30
El_Che on a day most of us walk barefoot... 13:32
lizmat yeah, 25.8 in the office here :-) 13:33
xinming releasable6: status 16:34
releasable6 xinming, Next release in ≈2 hours. There are no known blockers. 39 out of 42 commits logged
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/918e30e6baefa62f39...2dda873928
tbrowder lizmat: i think the 3-os PR is ready for you to look at. can't see the final README on my side, but it should look correct on yours. 16:38
librasteve o/ - I made this PR github.com/Raku/doc/pull/4494 to implement Add Detecting Omitted Arguments #4494 github.com/Raku/doc/issues/4493 , since I was an active debater and new to Pod6, please can someone else review and merge 19:21
roguerakudev So I have a grammar acting more or less like a tokenizer, and the TOP rule is something like <command-name> <.ws> <token>* % <.ws> 20:47
now, one possible token is a quoted string, to allow the user to enter strings containing space
which looks like \' ~ [<!after \\> \'] $<contents>=.*? 20:49
I've tried making both regex rather than token, but no dice
I also tried making $<contents> greedier by getting rid of the ?, but also to no avail
maybe there's some special optimization going on with % that prevents this? 20:50
antononcube @roguerakudev Does your grammar work if you change the separator from white space to something else, like. comma? 21:01
roguerakudev Good call - with that the reported error is that parse wanted 2 positional but got 0... 21:04
I ran into the same issue before where input that wasn't grammatical had that reported error, which is odd
I updated to the latest rakudo after that, but I guess that didn't fix anything haha 21:05
I think that error at least is a bug, because parse doesn't even want 2 positionals, it wants one and maybe a named actions argument 21:12
Well, I suppose it's a method so maybe the invocant counts as the first 21:13
but even so, there is definitely input being passed in 21:14
antononcube @Rog It is hard for me to reason about that grammar with seeing all of it...
roguerakudev let me get a minimal reproduction togethere
in doing so I might solve my own problem
okay, so without an actions class, I can't seem to reproduce the weird error message 21:23
it's just returning (Any) now, which is still not what I'd expect, even using comma as a delimiter 21:24
hastebin.com/share/daxajucojo.xml 21:26
consider the input "string,'str ing'" 21:27
librasteve @Rog - looks like you are reinventing this wheel - docs.raku.org/language/regexes#Mod...ier:_%,_%% 21:32
antononcube I see : > We're sorry, but the contents of the bin could not be found, or it has been deleted. 21:37
roguerakudev Well shoot 21:42
antononcube I see it now... 🙂 21:43
SmokeMachine guifa: usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/.../image.png
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to guifa
SmokeMachine Hi! We were discussing about value classes here on TPRC, and I started playing with it... I'd like to know opinion about other people about it... this is just a PoC and has no tests... could some one take a look? github.com/FCO/ValueClass 23:55
^^ guifa
guifa Also can I mention how awesome it's been to meet up with the Raku folk ILR? Hopefully next conference more people can pop in 23:56
tellable6 2024-06-27T21:43:39Z #raku <SmokeMachine> guifa: usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/.../image.png
SmokeMachine :)