🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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gfldex lizmat: where can I find RakuAST::Deparse::Highlight ? 08:26
lizmat in Rakudo HEAD: lib/RakuAST/Deparse/Highlight.rakumod 08:28
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Xliff m: "lang.raku".IO.slurp.AST.DEPARSE("FR").say 13:19
camelia Failed to open file /home/camelia/lang.raku: No such file or directory
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tellable6 hey Xliff, you have a message: gist.github.com/1db4e72d819e6daa7c...f6e5c38112
Xliff m: "say True; say False".AST.DEPARSE("FR").say 13:20
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_1
Could not find RakuAST::Deparse::L10N::FR in:
Xliff Did the L10N thing fall through the cracks? I thought FR was included... or am I missing a module? 13:21
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ugexe presumably you need to `use RakuAST::Deparse::L10N` 13:59
(just based on the error message) 14:00
m: use RakuAST::Deparse::L10N; "say True; say False".AST.DEPARSE("FR").say
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find RakuAST::Deparse::L10N in:
ugexe m: use RakuAST::Deparse::L10N; 14:01
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find RakuAST::Deparse::L10N in:
ugexe m: say $*RAKU.compiler.version
camelia v2024.06.14.g.604.d.6617.c
[Coke] m: use L10N;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find L10N in:
[Coke] m: use L10N::FR 14:02
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find L10N::FR in:
ugexe yeah i'm not sure the way the RakuAST::Deparse is setup exactly right 14:04
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ugexe github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/604d...ku#L18-L22 14:04
seems like that should be listing everything else under that namespace 14:05
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tbrowder hi, anybody build and publish any casks for homebrew? 14:28
lizmat Xliff: L10N was taken out of core 14:30
tbrowder duh, i guess the infra team does…
lizmat Xliff: zef install L10N
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tbrowder lizmat: what do you think about having two more raku irc channels: raku-windows and raku-macos? the channels would be for discussing howto and porting issues for those os’s. i want to build necessary raku apps so my modules can at least run on linux AND mac. 15:03
lizmat at this point in time, I'd say that was overkill: we don't have a lot of traffic... and for those issues, I think #raku-dev would suffice for the moment? 15:05
tbrowder ok 15:46
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[Coke] happy to test stuff on mac. 16:17
(and probably able to test on windows)
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Xliff lizmat: Thanks. 16:46
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[Coke] vim question - what's the magic to search for the literal ~= - just backslashing the characters in insufficient. 19:23
I feel like I should have solved this in the THIRTY FIVE years i've been using vi. 19:24
lucs I believe you need to backslash the tilde only, but there are settings that may affect how regexes are interpreted. 19:26
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lucs Er, when you say 'magic', do you mean what Vim means if you lookup ":help magic"? 19:27
[Coke] I didn't mean literally magic. 19:28
thank you, escaping ONLY the ~ was key.
\~\= seems to just find the next character.
lucs Yeah, tilde alone in a regex is special, as is \= :-) 19:36
scullucs For people reading this in Discord, some backslashes are not being shown, eh, too bad. 19:38
[Coke] feels like ~ is only special when substituting, not searching, and it's getting the substitute treatment in vim.
lucs Hmm... I seem to need to escape it even when just searching for it. 19:39
[Coke] ok, I have to remember \V~= 19:42
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antononcube "vim question" 😱 21:28
Xliff OK. I'm trying to write some reusable code in Raku, but for reasons... they need to be macros. 21:32
scullucs What's your preferred editor? Maybe you use different ones depending on what you're working on?
Xliff gist.github.com/Xliff/aa252e991b97...3cf3e9e6f1 21:34
antononcube @lucs For a long time I prefered Emacs for almost everything. I think that stopped ≈ 2012. Right now -- more Raku-wise -- I using Commaide to for wrting Raku packages and Jupyter notebooks in VS Code ("chatboos", actually) to do research or visualizations with Raku. I tried Emacs and Raku and did not like it; nevertheless I use it time-to-time, mostly, for debugging. 21:49
I do use Emacs with org-mode a lot, BTW.
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