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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:04 teatime left, ilogger2 left, eof left, gabiruh left, oodani left, SmokeMachine left, ingy left, ugexe left, kybr left, thaewrapt left, kylese left, sftp left, notable6 left, tjr left, leah2 left, Opus left, xelxebar left, benchable6 left, quotable6 left, shareable6 left, evalable6 left, tellable6 left, bloatable6 left, releasable6 left, committable6 left, coverable6 left, Voldenet left, guifa left, greppable6 left, mst left, xinming left, ky left, drakonis left, pierrot left, El_Che left, PotatoGim left, andinus left, dg left, broquaint left, dano left, corwin left, swaggboi left, gugod left, dfarnsworth left, Ekho left, silug left, coleman left, camelia left, mtj left, phogg left, snonux left, gordonfish left, Sevalecan left 00:07 swaggboi joined, guifa joined, teatime joined, gugod joined, greppable6 joined, ilogger2 joined, mst joined, xinming joined, ky joined, drakonis joined, pierrot joined, eof joined, dfarnsworth joined, Ekho joined, gabiruh joined, oodani joined, silug joined, coleman joined, El_Che joined, camelia joined, PotatoGim joined, SmokeMachine joined, andinus joined, mtj joined, ingy joined, dg joined, broquaint joined, dano joined, ugexe joined, phogg joined, snonux joined, kybr joined, corwin joined, gordonfish joined, Sevalecan joined, discord-raku-bot left, discord-raku-bot joined, Ekho left 00:08 bloatable6 joined, notable6 joined 00:09 thaewrapt joined, kylese joined, sftp joined, tjr joined, leah2 joined, Opus joined, xelxebar joined, benchable6 joined, quotable6 joined, Voldenet joined 00:10 releasable6 joined, evalable6 joined, tellable6 joined, shareable6 joined, committable6 joined, coverable6 joined, quotable6 left, benchable6 left, quotable6 joined, benchable6 joined 00:13 coverable6 left, committable6 left, shareable6 left, coverable6__ joined, shareable6__ joined, committable6__ joined 00:14 Ekho joined 00:54 rypervenche joined 01:24 hulk joined 01:25 kylese left 01:34 MasterDuke joined 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:37 Aedil left, Aedil joined 02:50 teatime left 04:43 dmvrtx left, dmvrtx joined 05:08 MasterDuke left 05:30 Sgeo left 05:44 jpn joined 06:22 teatime joined 06:56 jpn left 07:38 jpn joined 07:43 jpn left 08:45 sena_kun joined 09:12 sena_kun left 09:16 sena_kun joined, sena_kun left
melezhik. For those who use ci.sparrowhub.io , I am going to deprecate current yaml dsl in favor of pure Raku and migrate the whole system to sparky , eventually I am going to migrate all active projects to it, nothing will change for end users besides pipelines will be managed from centralized repositories via MRs . The reason is yamlish approach does not give any benefits and there is no need to use one more layer of 09:25
abstraction, pure Raku should be just, also I would like to give sparky more exposure instead of hiding it under current ci system , any thoughts, objections, suggestions , feel free to post here or on ci.sparrowhub.io gh repo
Some typos: pure Raku should be just fine. Will be managed from centralized repository ( singular form ) 09:26
antononcube Less YAML, more Raku -- got it. 09:53
melezhik. Yup 09:57
My original intent was to expand the system for none Raku users however after few years of it’s existence I don’t see any potential for that, so let it be just Raku , 😊 09:59
Also sparky has grown a lot since then and gained a lot of interesting features to be available and tried out in public 10:01
Like running builds manually with customized parameters and string job results via artifacts 10:02
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patrickb melezhik: one difficult to get right, but really nice feature of CI / job systemx is sshing into the box. 10:21
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vendethiel I'm getting a VMNull error with a somewhat convoluted sub x { for @a { for @b { return $_ with f($_) } } } but I can't golf it down :( 12:20
lizmat vendethiel is that on HEAD ? or on 2024.06 ? 12:25
vendethiel I'm rebuilding a new one from HEAD
still getting the same error 12:30
The module is public, so I can just commit the broken version if someone wants to take a look 12:31
return $_ with f("$_...") gives me the error, but my $dir = "$_..."; return $_ with f($dir); doesn't 12:32
m: for <a b c> { say "{.succ}"; } 12:33
Raku eval b c d
evalable6 b
vendethiel m: for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }
Raku eval Exit code: 1 No such method 'succ' for invocant of type 'VMNull' in block at main.raku line 1 in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'succ' for invocant of type 'VMNull'
in block at /tmp/SGg9jiYX5n line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/SGg9jiYX5n line 1
vendethiel here ^
the {} are apparently a no-go, I know it's a new block but the VMNull is still surprising. 12:34
lizmat m: Q| for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }|.AST 12:35
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: Q| for <a b c> { .say with "{.succ}"; }|.AST.EVAL
camelia b
lizmat looks like it is fixed in RakuAST
vendethiel nice :-) 12:36
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feels funny to close a decade-old issue 13:04
lizmat vendethiel how did you determine it was a decade old issue ? 13:11
vendethiel ah no, sorry, I meant the issue I was working on when I encountered the bug 13:12
FWIW the bug was here: github.com/vendethiel/Sprockets.pl...kumod#L37. Changing $dir.IO to "{.&rm-trail}$(rm-trail $prefix)/".IO (note {}, not $().) errors with No such method 'dispatch:<var>' for invocant of type 'VMNull' 13:15
lizmat ah, ok :-) 13:19
vendethiel I'm very happy the RakuAST grant got approved
lizmat as well :-) 13:21
looking forward to nine finding the time to pick it up again
[Coke] is there a blog post? 13:37
jdv there was a post by tprf about approved grants a few weeks ago iirc 13:40
[Coke] I only saw the ask, not the approval. weird. 13:45
oh, it's a month old: news.perlfoundation.org/post/jun24...te-results 13:46
lizmat notices [Coke] doesn't read the weekly every week :-) 13:55
jdv that's how i found out 13:56
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[Coke] It was a month ago. I probably read it and forgot at this poitn 14:14
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cioran o/ 17:52
hey just heard about this
Raku have a preferred GUI toolkit you folks use to build out a GUI? 17:54
lizmat something like raku.land/zef:japhb/Terminal::Widgets ? 17:59
[Coke] I am guessing that's more TUI than GUI 18:00
cioran TUI? 18:04
lizmat on #raku-beginner the question was about a front-end for a CLI, so that's why I suggested Terminal::Widgets 18:05
[Coke] text user interface 18:07
I've used japhb's stuff to make a command line app that draws in a shell for some lo res gaming stuff which was nice.
patrickb there is GTk::simple and at least two large scale wip GTK projects (Xliff and martimm are the authors). 18:10
[Coke] several folks in #mugs for the text-based stuff. 18:11
patrickb Oh, there is Gnome::GTK3 (that's martimm, I guess it's not WIP anymore) 18:13
cioran Cool I will go there, apologies if this is the wrong place to discuss
Oh, no it's not gaming 18:14
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patrickb This is the right place! 18:21
Just if it's specific to Terminal::Widgets, then mugs is right-er ;-)
[Coke] yup, no worries. 18:29
cioran IS raku backwards compatible with perl?
lizmat no 18:33
cioran Oh :( 18:34
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cioran Nevermind I think I got it sorted, doing tk w/perl thx guys 18:36
antononcube @cioran There is "Inline::Perl5", that might work for you.
cioran Nah I gotta use perl and I think tk, but oddly an acquaintance of mine might be really into this MUGs which is his sorts of thing 18:39
I appreciate all the help folks :)
antononcube Good luck! 18:40
[Coke] ~~ 18:57
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