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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Xliff \o 02:55
Does anyone know how to run the Rakuast tests so I can see the current state?
lizmat RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 make (spec)test; 07:14
wayland If I do "sub this-function { return my-function() }", and my-function might use return or return-rw, how do I ensure that however my-function returns is the same way that this-function returns? 09:33
lizmat by using: return-rw my-function() 09:35
basically the "return-rw" name is misleading
it should really be "return-without-decontainerizing"
wayland Nice! Thanks! :) 09:36
[Coke] imgur.com/a/57i77PM - colors on that look OK? 17:38
(I can easily do a 4 color print, but a 6 color print would be too much)
"4 Color Camelia Keychain" 17:39
lizmat feels like the keyring attachment would be a weak spot? 17:44
[Coke] Any suggestion on where to move it? 17:47
tempting to maybe replace the legs entirely with it. :) 17:48
(can also do a print as just a token instead of a keychain) 17:49
lizmat the yellow bit inside the P on the left (for the viewers) wing 17:58
[Coke] not sure if I can do an interior one easily with this tool. 18:01
Will scope it out
_grenzo on either side where the upper and lower wing meet? 18:32
antononcube @Coke Without the red and green colors it seems too flat. Interesting idea for a keychain, though. 19:55
Maybe, there should be 3D printing file for it.
[Coke] I can make a 6 color file, I just only have a 4 color printer. 19:57