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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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coleman Built a container w/ librasteve's fix. Deploying now. Maybe a little downtime on cro.raku.org incoming 01:05
should be back cro.raku.org/docs/intro/spa-with-cro 01:23
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librasteve coleman: thanks! 10:15
El_Che antononcube: mmm 11:41
coleman: isn't a container easier to build just using packages (OS or rakudo-pkg), eg alpine? 11:46
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El_Che coleman: in the 1ste place smaller 11:48
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coleman probably. I haven't tried to optimize the build yet. 13:41
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antononcube I still do not see "2024.07" at rakudo.org. Is that expected? 18:26
El_Che antononcube: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2024.07 (dunno if useful to you) 18:28
antononcube El_Che Yeah, I saw that when it was announced two days ago. 18:29
patrickb antoncube: I'm responsible for the builds on rakudo.org (and subsequently those in rakubrew). They are not there yet, as I've been away from home for a week (ending tomorrow) and my solution to start my home computer remotely failed (again, argh!) 18:31
antononcube @patrickb Ok, thank you for the update! (And sorry for being pushy...) 18:34
patrickb No worries! 18:45
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ab5tract Today I had the opportunity to write a Raku script at $work that filled a crucial gap (initiating batches of Athena queries for a dataset that’s too large to query more than one day at a time) 21:52
Looking forward to comparing the costs of doing it this way versus the “right” way of using a Python notebook and Spark 21:53
And generally feeling really grateful for all the work that’s been put into this little big language of ours :) 21:54
lizmat :-) 22:03
coleman ab5tract++ 23:11
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