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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder .tell librasteve i submitted a PR to your PDF::Extract module 01:42
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to librasteve
tbrowder i need to use it some non-published code we talked about some time ago about extracting text from PDF utility bills and such. 01:44
Geth ecosystem/main: 291b6caa8c | (Haytham Elganiny)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Update META.list

Moved Grid and Retry distributions to fez ecosystem.
tbrowder librasteve: i'm still pushing stuff... 11:27
.tell librasteve i'm finished with PR, if you incorporate it, alll you have to do is have App::Mi6 installed, cd into the repo, and execute: mi6 release 12:15
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to librasteve
tbrowder and follow the prompts
Geth ecosystem/main: 0f7d7a1dba | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Redis

It is about to be released in the zef ecosystem
Geth ecosystem/main: 6692b65dcf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove modules that have been moved to zef ecosystem
.oO( 90 modules less in p6c in 3 days, not bad :-)
tadzik rip ecosystem /o\ 14:55
lizmat tadzik o/ 15:13
you also got a message, no? :-)
tadzik I don't think I did, or maybe I missed it :) 15:22
lizmat github.com/tadzik/App-redpanda/iss...2451060415 ? 15:23
tbrowder lizmat: 👍🏻 15:43
very nice! 15:44
[Coke] m: my $a = "this\n\n\nthat\n\n\nother"; $a ~~ s:g/ ^^$$ //; say $a # what am I missing? 17:22
camelia this


[Coke] m: my $a = "this\n\n\nthat\n\n\nother"; $a ~~ s:g/ ^^$$ /a/; say $a # what am I missing? 17:23
camelia this
[Coke] m: my $a = "this\n\n\nthat\n\n\nother"; $a ~~ s:g/ ^^$$ . //; say $a # ah, remove the *newline* :P
camelia this
[Coke] thanks, rubber ducks. 17:24
antononcube @Coke I will collect a list of "cokisms." 17:39
[Coke] that's from "rubber duck debugging" 17:47
(the part of my brain that tries to figure things out internally is not the same part as the one that has to explain it to other people) 17:48
lizmat en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging 18:00
tbrowder anyone know default encoding on Raku on Windows? i suspect utf8 but… 18:02
[Coke] it's utf8 everywhere. 18:38
you might have to change your shell's codepage for it to work as expected.
[Coke] "chcp 65001" in console for that session. There's probably a way to make that the default for all instances of the cmd prompt or powershell, not sure. 18:40
tbrowder thnx 19:16
in the win test output on github workflows i'm getting no text at all where mac and linux are good. i'm getting a warning that os mswin32 is not supported. it looks like it's probably coming from Zef::Service:🐚:Test 19:21
that icon is 'Shell', i didn't do that intentionally 19:22
so in an 'enc' option what do you suggest i enter? just the number or the string 'chcp 65001'? 19:25
the shell is executing "pdftotext" which has an -enc option 19:27
tadzik lizmat: I missed a notification for some reason, but I'll sit down and do the work :) 19:49
lizmat tadzik: thanks, and if you feel that a distro isn't worth saving: archive it 19:50
the last version will remain available through the REA 19:51
tadzik yeah, I can thing of a few ;)
lizmat just remove the ones you archive from ecosystem/META.list
librasteve tbrowder: all should be done - thanks for the PR! 21:09
tellable6 2024-08-09T01:42:10Z #raku <tbrowder> librasteve i submitted a PR to your PDF::Extract module
2024-08-09T12:15:10Z #raku <tbrowder> librasteve i'm finished with PR, if you incorporate it, alll you have to do is have App::Mi6 installed, cd into the repo, and execute: mi6 release
vendethiel I should get it done too… 22:22
wayland Hi! I've got a class that's descended from Hash::Agnostic. The AT-KEY method in the class does some funky stuff, but I want the TWEAK method on the class to be able to call AT-KEY on the immediate ancestor, not the one on the current class. How do I do that? 22:54
vendethiel You can specify where to start the lookup if you know the class name 23:03
wayland vendethiel: Great! What do I look up to read about that? 23:04
vendethiel docs.raku.org/language/objects#Inheritance 23:06
End of that paragraph
wayland Thanks! 23:08
[Coke] tbrowder: chcp 65001 is a command you run, not an encoding 23:13
if you need an encoding, I assume you'd want "utf8" or however you spell it (caps, dashes, etc.)
Xliff \o 23:39
wayland o/
Xliff Who is writing zef?
Er... fez, rather
wayland How do I get a reference to a method? Like, the method has been defined, but I want a reference to it instead of calling it. 23:40
[Coke] github.com/tony-o/raku-fez
Xliff [Coke]++
wayland: Class.^can('<method-name>').head 23:41
gfldex wayland: You have to go through the MOP. There are quite a few methods to choose from. .^can or .^find_method might help. If it's a multi, things become interesting. 23:42
Xliff wayland: That will give you the first method object associated with the method named <method-name>
[Coke] m: my $a = Str.^lookup("words"); dd $a # one way
camelia $a = proto method words (Cool $:: |) {*}
wayland Yeah, I've been looking at the multi-dispatch doco, but couldn't figure out how to get the method to call "candidates" on :) . 23:43
antononcube @Xliff "Who is writing zef? Er... fez, rather" -- people who envy zef. 23:44