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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder guifa: look at CompUnit::Util. i think it is supposed to access nativecall stuff 00:02
guifa CompUnit::Util explicitly uses internall-y stuff that's not guaranteed to be forward compatible 00:53
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toddr____ Hey all, is someone here trying to fix Trinity? 01:03
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antononcube Huh! "raku Trinity" returns pottery results only in Google. 01:23
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coleman toddr: I got your email to the infra list. Thanks for the update. 01:43
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tbrowder m: (1,2,) (>) (1,2,3) 12:19
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "(>)" in expression "(1,2,) (>) (1,2,3)" in sink context (line 1)
tbrowder m: ((1,2) (<) (1,2)).so 12:20
camelia ( no output )
tbrowder how, with the ascii symbol (<), do i test one set (1,2) is a member of set (1,2) 12:23
m: cmp-ok set(1,2), '(<)', set(1,2) 12:36
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
cmp-ok used at line 1
tbrowder m: cmp-ok (1,2), '(<)', (1,) 12:41
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
cmp-ok used at line 1
tbrowder m: use Test; cmp-ok (1,2), '(<)', (1,2) 12:43
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: (1, 2)
# matcher: 'infix:«(<)»'
# got: (1, 2)
tbrowder m: use Test; cmp-ok((1,2), '(<)', (1,2)) 12:45
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: (1, 2)
# matcher: 'infix:«(<)»'
# got: (1, 2)
tbrowder m: say '(<)'.WHAT 12:47
camelia (Str)
tbrowder m: cmp-ok(set(1), '(<)', set(1)) 12:57
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
cmp-ok used at line 1
tbrowder m: use Test; cmp-ok(set(1), '(<)', set(1)) 12:58
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: Set.new(1)
# matcher: 'infix:«(<)»'
# got: Set.new(1)
tbrowder m: use Test; is (set(1,2) (<) set(1,2)).so, True 13:04
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: 'True'
# got: 'False'
lizmat m: set(1,2) (<=) set(1,2) 13:05
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "(<=)" in expression "set(1,2) (<=) set(1,2)" in sink context (line 1)
lizmat m: say set(1,2) (<=) set(1,2)
camelia True
lizmat m: say set(1,2) (<) set(1,2)
camelia False
lizmat with (<) the left *must* have fewer elems than the right
tbrowder ok, proper subset, thnx!
so how do i do a test with that? i've been getting errors on syntax as you can see above 13:14
CompUnit::Utils has a bad test and I'm trying to fix it with the ascii proper subset operator 13:16
lizmat m: use Test; cmp-ok set(1,2), &[(<=)], set(1,2) 13:18
camelia ok 1 -
lizmat m: use Test; cmp-ok set(1,2), &[(<)], set(1,2)
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: Set.new(1,2)
# matcher: 'infix:«(<)»'
# got: Set.new(1,2)
lizmat &[foo] being short for &infix:<foo> 13:19
tbrowder ok, many thanks!!
lizmat: are you going to put CompUnit::Utils in fez? 13:39
i will have a PR for it wherever it winds up. if the curr author doesn't respond, i may release another ver as author 13:41
lizmat I did not get a reaction to github.com/LLFourn/p6-AttrX-InitArg/issues/5
which feels odd, since they are still active on Github, even today 13:42
perhaps make an issue in CompUnit::Util, reference the above issue 13:43
see if they react to that
tbrowder btw, just rewriting the bad test and substituting plain ascii (<=) instead of the incorrect unicode symbol worked 13:44
i have done so
lizmat ah, ok..... :-)
tbrowder and i will tidy it up now that you have provided 13:45
the solution!
all his tests work fine
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tbrowder ok, i mentioned yr contact attempt and his options 15:00
lizmat thanks! 15:01
tbrowder yw 15:05
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tbrowder can someone looking for a challenge look at CompUnit::Util’s code and see if it’s very susceptible to obsolescence due to nqp or Raku changes? thnx 15:17
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patrickb ugexe: Do you know whether tony-o is aware that his grant was accepted? I haven't heard from him in a while. 19:31
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lizmat patrickb: he's aware 19:32
patrickb 👍
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Xliff Does anyone know if Python can compile to a .so? 21:02
Trying to shoehorn something into NativeCall...
lizmat Inline::Python ? 21:03
Xliff That's not an .so 21:04
I do not want to Inline it, I want to NativeCall it. 21:05
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librasteve chatgpt.com/share/79b9b5de-8dad-47...3a8d70bf82 21:22
^^ this looks plausible
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Xliff librasteve++! 23:10
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